Oils By Nature vs. From Nature With Love Products


New Member
I see that several people have ordered oils and butters from these two sites, so I wanted to know if any of you had noticed a difference in the quality of products that FNWL and Oils By Nature sell. The avocado butter, in particular, looks wonderful, so I wanted to know if I should get it from Oils By Nature that offers it at a better price (not sure about the quality difference).
I've only tried FNWL, and the quality of the product I ordered (Shealoe) is not disappointing at all, IMO. I will continue to order from FNWL in the future.
I have ordered from both and both have great quality butters! I have the shealoe from From nature with love & I have the avocado butter from oils by nature and it is very good. :)
So I guess I would go with whoever has the best deal.
Thank you for your replies. The Shealoe butter sounds nice, but I am going to try that later. (I'm trying to work on my pjism:cool: ). Anyway, I'll purchase the avocado butter from Oils By Nature, because my mind was set on this particular butter.
I ordered the sample set from FNWL and I didn't like it. The biggest annoyance was the lids don't screw off, they pop-off. Once they were open I couldn't close them again. :mad: The shea butter was very grainy and the cocoa butter had a lot of lumps. Long story short, I reordered from Oils By Nature and I will never stray again.

ETA: Oh, I forgot to mention there were no crazy shipping fees from OBN.
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I ordered form both and FNWL took a while longer. OBN is my heart and I will forever stay witht hem. I literally got my stuff in about 3 days.