
Well-Known Member
Ok,what`s the deal?I thought that oils are NOT Moisturizing and that they will coat the hairshaft and will only prevent moisture from penetrating the hair if they are not used to seal moisturizing products in.So why are so many people using oil to moisturize the scalp or pre-poo with it or add it to their co-washes??Another question.i fauthfully moisturize my hair daily and use EVOO as seal.But wouldn`t that mean if I add another coat of moisturizer the next day after I already oiled my hair that the moisturizer isn`t able to penetrate the hair because of the oil coating?So many questions please bear with me,lol.*waiting anxiously for Sistaslick to illuminate me*
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Oils wreak havoc on my hair. They make it dry and crunchy either immediately or eventually depending on which oil I use and how much/what way. I stay away from them. I always hear about people using them and getting this soft wonderful hair or sealing in moisture. I get jealous because my hair just does not respond that way to oils.

I think everyone's hair responds differently and we just have to experiment to see how oils work for each of us. I'm curious to see what people have to say, though.
Cichelle said:
Oils wreak havoc on my hair. They make it dry and crunchy either immediately or eventually depending on which oil I use and how much/what way.
That happened to me when I tried to do pre-poos with EVOO.It also sometimes happen when I oil my ends before I put them in bantu knots with EVOO or with Keracare Moisturizer with Jojoba OIL and Lanolin.I think it`s the Lanolin,it makes my hair shine like diamonds but if I touch my hair I can hear it pop and crackle.
This question comes up A LOT around here. My advice is to use the search function typing in "oils" and search under topic names.
I dont use oils as a pre-poo because i think its a waste but thats just my opinion. I dont use hot-oil treatments either because i think that if its not the right type of oil (molecules arent small enough to penetrate the shaft), it will just clog the shaft and no moisture can get in as you have described. I actually question the whole notion of pre-poo-ing itself because it seems like the shampoo would just wash out whatever you just put in. I try to use common sense but some rave about the results they get so maybe it does work.