I have to wet my hair every day, too. Combing it while it's dry is not an option for me! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
My favorite sprays are Grandma's Secret Recipe Will-Gro Scalp Spray, Ion Leave-In Conditioner and ilora l'original for Kids Detangling Leave-In Conditioner. These make my hair easy to comb and they don't get hard as they dry. (Infusium 23 and Fantasia w/Aloe made hair feel hard...)
I don't like putting oil in my hair every day, but that seems like the only thing that makes my hair feel soft. I tried the Elasta QP Mango Butter, but it's too light for my hair...
I'm wearing braids (not that often anymore) and a fake afro puff while my hair is growing out, so greasy hair isn't much of an isue. But next summer I'll have enough hair to wear down. Or 'out' in my case /images/graemlins/tongue.gif and I don't want greasy hair. I want people (ok--A MAN! /images/graemlins/grin.gif ) to be able to touch my hair without ending up with hands all shiny and slippery with grease.
I don't use clarifying shampoo. I use gentle shampoos and I still dilute them with distilled water. I'm worried I'm not getting all of this crud out of my hair...
This is not the hair I had as a child...
I want soft, touchable, fluffy, non-greasy hair.
I'm beginning to wonder if I have hard water...