Oil Sheen??


Active Member
Does anyone use oil sheen on a regular basis? My stylist told me to make sure I get some to keep my hair from being dry but I feel like oil sheen just sits on my hair not really doing anything. If you do use it, which brand do you like?
I don't like the smell of all oil sheens. If you want it to not just sit on your hair try and spray it and then comb your hair out so that the product is well distributed.

Almond Eyes
Mizani's Shyne is the only one I have and use now. I only use it after a roller set.

I don't like silicone glosses, frizz things, Argan Oil glosses, etc. Those make my hair greasy, spacy and just sit on top.

After taking the rollers out I spray my head with Mizani then wrap it, satin scarf it and sit back under the dryer and my hair is smooth and silky. It gives the right sheen that looks Pantene natural, makes my hair look dark and it's not greasy. Gives me shine all week.

I rub my hair and get no shine on my hands. Love it.
Thanks ladies for the suggestions. I am going to make my way to the store tomorrow to pick some up.

Almond eyes that makes perfect since so I am going to try that and see how it comes out?

How often do you typically spray your hair? Daily? Every other day? Etc...