OhNO!!! hair thinning!???


New Member
my hair is natural and I recently pressed it awhile ago. Well I have been losing a quite bit of hair when combing it after I washed the press out. My hair is knotting up a quite bit, and I im losing long strands. I also see a lot of straight ends now after the press. Do u think the press caused all this damage??? Im trying to grow my hair out, but it looks like im goin to have to cut a good bit of it :( . Are there any good deep conditioners that could help with the thinning or help stop me from losing more hair than im suppose to? or....should i just cut two inches or so and start over.....ughhh..so fustrated..dont know what to do. (frown)
You might want to try doing some good protein and deep conditioning treatments. After I flat-iron I always do these and I actually use clarifying shampoo to wash it out because I tend to put a lot of heat protectant on. It does sound like you have some heat damage so try the protein and deep conditioning for a couple of weeks and see if it gets better. HTH :)
nurseN98 said:
You might want to try doing some good protein and deep conditioning treatments. After I flat-iron I always do these and I actually use clarifying shampoo to wash it out because I tend to put a lot of heat protectant on. It does sound like you have some heat damage so try the protein and deep conditioning for a couple of weeks and see if it gets better. HTH :)

okay...i think im going to try and find one. Do you recommend any?