Oh!!! the agony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I want longer hair!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!! Sorry ya'll, I just needed to vent. Now I know why my hair has been breaking off. (THOSE DAG ON NO-LYE RELAXERS!)
If I choose to relax my hair I will use a lye relaxer. The last time I used a no-lye relaxer was back in March 2004. If I want to get a lye relaxer for my new growth how long should I want to get it?
I would suggest waiting until you have a few inches of new growth, so it's easier to apply without overlapping (especially if you're doing it yourself).

Good luck
Poetess232 said:
I would suggest waiting until you have a few inches of new growth, so it's easier to apply without overlapping (especially if you're doing it yourself).

Good luck

[/ QUOTE ]

Agree! WAIT! Don't be so hard on yourself either. It will come in time and when you get a good routine down.
Sometimes I feel this way too. I want longer hair because I want to separate myself from the ladies around me. I want to be different, yet the same. There is a young lady sitting next to me right now with long beautiful hair, and I bet she does none of the things that are on this board.

Just wait a while Suga! we will all get there...
Re: Oh!!! the agony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw that article. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH FOR POSTING IT. I now realize what I was doing wrong and now it's just a matter of time before my hair grows past my shoulders. This is my situation, In Jan. 04 I decided no more relaxers. I was going all natural. I was gung ho about it too!
But, girl...when that new growth started kickin' in reality bit me quick!
I couldn't do anything with my hair. I had all this new growth and I couldn't even wear my hair up with it looking decent. So, Mar. 04 I decided to texturize the new growth with a no-lye relaxer. I was happy with the results. My new growth is wave and I like the texture but now I'm hearing all these good things about lye relaxers. I'm debating if I should try it out. But, know that I've texturized I can't tell where my new growth begins. I heard that if you underprocess a no-lye relaxer (texturize) You can't go over that with a lye relaxer. I also know that now is too soon to try the lye relaxer too. How long should I wait to try the lye relaxer?
Re: Oh!!! the agony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want to grow out your No-lye relaxer and keep length, use the braid extension to grow out the No-lye relaxer. Each time you take out the braids extensions (after two months) and have new growth, cut out the No-Lye relaxer a little at a time.
After you get rid of the No-lye relaxed hair, then you can use Lye relaxer. I think this would be the safest way to wait before using a lye relaxer even though it might take a long time.