Oh! So THAT'S why my hair is thicker, haha!


New Member
Lately on the weekends when I wear my hair down, my peeps have been saying, "Gosh your hair is getting thicker!" and I'm all like, "Yeppers, I DC like a fiend!" So this a.m. I'm online looking at GNC to see how much my vits are so I can re-stock (and did some searching on here for average Biotin use cuz I'm almost out and want to take more), and then it HIT me! :lol:

Biotin is making my hair thicker! :lachen: I can be so slow on the uptake sometimes. I guess I didn't even think cuz I thought I hadn't been taking it long enough, then I realized, it's been like 3+ mos!!!!

I even complained to Gymfreak a while back, saying how my NG was getting on my nerves. "I don't know what's going on, but all of a sudden it's here and it's thick, Grrr!"

I guess vitamins really do work :look:
Me=silly goose :p

I'm taking GNC Ultra Women's Mega, GNC Ultra Nourishair, Spring Valley Biotin (1000 mcg) and Flaxeed Oil (2000 mg).
artemis_e. said:
Lately on the weekends when I wear my hair down, my peeps have been saying, "Gosh your hair is getting thicker!" and I'm all like, "Yeppers, I DC like a fiend!" So this a.m. I'm online looking at GNC to see how much my vits are so I can re-stock (and did some searching on here for average Biotin use cuz I'm almost out and want to take more), and then it HIT me! :lol:

Biotin is making my hair thicker! :lachen: I can be so slow on the uptake sometimes. I guess I didn't even think cuz I thought I hadn't been taking it long enough, then I realized, it's been like 3+ mos!!!!

I even complained to Gymfreak a while back, saying how my NG was getting on my nerves. "I don't know what's going on, but all of a sudden it's here and it's thick, Grrr!"

I guess vitamins really do work :look:
Me=silly goose :p

I'm taking GNC Ultra Women's Mega, GNC Ultra Nourishair, Spring Valley Biotin (1000 mcg) and Flaxeed Oil (2000 mg).
Yep..those Biotion (also B-complex) work like a charm..My hair was always thick and now it's even thicker
Yah, I am very excited that I figured it out, since my hair is so fine and thin, I need all the help I can get. :yep:

It even had me wondering if I should classify my hair as fine/medium instead of fine/thin. :D
I've been thinking about taking Biotin. Maybe, I will try it for three months and see if I notice any results.

Does anyone know if the pills come in different sizes? I hate swallowing large pills.
Ineedhair said:
I've been thinking about taking Biotin. Maybe, I will try it for three months and see if I notice any results.

Does anyone know if the pills come in different sizes? I hate swallowing large pills.

Ive only tried the Purtian Pride ones in the 1000mg and 5000mg...
The 1000mcg tabs are tiny around the size of a regular claritin ..and the 5000mcg caps are small
like a tylenol capsul maybe....they both arent big to me
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I think today when I go to GNC I am gonna get the 2500 bottle and work that in. I'm taking 1500 mcg daily when you total it all up.
The ones I take are tiny too. But I need a balance cuz the GNC pills are ginormous :eek:

ETA: I have some MSM, too, but I don't want to take them. They are too big and I already take too much ish. What I listed is just for my hair. I also have medications...:ohwell:
MissMadaam said:
Ive only tried the Purtian Pride ones in the 1000mg and 5000mg...
The 1000mcg tabs are tiny around the size of a regular claritin ..and the 5000mcg caps are small
like a tylenol capsul maybe....they both arent big to me

Okay that's good to know. The Bioton in Duane Reade are horsey pills. I will try GNC and Rite Aid for smaller pills.
Jas123 said:
Yep..those Biotion (also B-complex) work like a charm..My hair was always thick and now it's even thicker

I also just found out that the b-complex most likely contributed to reverting my gray hair to it's natural color :)

B-complex is a wonderful thing :)
Biotin works but you just have to stay consistent.

B-complex does help repigment hair strand but to make it even better watch your copper intake. I wouldn't go buy a separate copper supplement (when you start playing with the levels of microminerals, it is hard to stay balanced) but make sure your multi or multi-mineral supplement has some in it. If not, eat lots of peanuts.
Biotin works but you just have to stay consistent.

B-complex does help repigment hair strand but to make it even better watch your copper intake. I wouldn't go buy a separate copper supplement (when you start playing with the levels of microminerals, it is hard to stay balanced) but make sure your multi or multi-mineral supplement has some in it. If not, eat lots of peanuts.

I'm glad u popped in here, Gym, I need to ask: I'm taking a multi and the Ultra Nourish hair along w/my biotin (5mg now!)...Do I need a separate b-complex or is what's in my GNC ultra mega multi good enough?? I take the vegetarian formula (once daily).
what about these products?? has anyone tried them??

Avalon Organics
Shampoo, Thickening, Biotin B-Complex - 14 fl oz

in stock
Avalon Organics
Conditioner, Thickening, Biotin B-Complex - 14 fl oz

in stock
Does anyone know if these are ok to take if breastfeeding?? Id like to try Biotin to thicken my hair up, but dont wanna give baby boy a cocktail in the process!!! :nono:
I'm glad u popped in here, Gym, I need to ask: I'm taking a multi and the Ultra Nourish hair along w/my biotin (5mg now!)...Do I need a separate b-complex or is what's in my GNC ultra mega multi good enough?? I take the vegetarian formula (once daily).

If you are taking a multi and a hair supplement then you shouldn't need an additional b-complex. The hair supplement fills this void for you. Now lets say you were just taking the multi and biotin then yes, you could add another b-complex. If you were to add anything to what you are taking now I would say add a omega fatty acid supplement (if you are not already) or grapeseed extract or coq10 for circulation.
If you are taking a multi and a hair supplement then you shouldn't need an additional b-complex. The hair supplement fills this void for you. Now lets say you were just taking the multi and biotin then yes, you could add another b-complex. If you were to add anything to what you are taking now I would say add a omega fatty acid supplement (if you are not already) or grapeseed extract or coq10 for circulation.

Sweeeet! I'm also taking 2000mg of flaxeed oil daily. Is this sufficient? The bottle says to take 3 per day, but I take too much stuff as it is, and I eat a lot of pbj sandwiches, so I hope that's good enough :)
Sweeeet! I'm also taking 2000mg of flaxeed oil daily. Is this sufficient? The bottle says to take 3 per day, but I take too much stuff as it is, and I eat a lot of pbj sandwiches, so I hope that's good enough :)

Your fine with 2000mg. The peanut butter actually does help. In fat they have omega 6 fortified kinds now. If you eat walnuts, eat a couple handfulls every week and that will add even more to your diet.

I am thinking of taking beet juice pills. Beet juice helps add sulfur into your diet and I am getting tired of the bitter taste of MSM, plus beet juice tablets are cheap.
Does anyone know if these are ok to take if breastfeeding?? Id like to try Biotin to thicken my hair up, but dont wanna give baby boy a cocktail in the process!!! :nono:
Congrats on your little :babyb: Please consult your OB before adding any supplements. Just to errrr on the safe side and to get recommended dosage cause what's normal for us may be too much for him ya no. :yep:
Wow:lachen:I have fine hair and the same thing happened to me with Henna--i didnt know what was going on, i just knew i liked it. I had just did a henna gloss and airdryed, I was shaking my hair like i was on a commericial and stuff. I was like wow, im really doing a good job with my hair--i was all "hard work pays off" ( gloating to myself), then i realized that it was the henna after someone mentioned the redish tints in my hair

But anyway, do you notice your whole strand somehow getting thicker, or just the newgrowth, which makes all of your hair look thicker?
biotin is good for that!! years ago i had to stop because i thought it was making it too thick(if thats possible) but thats when i was in to bone straight relaxed hair:spinning:
Good information here. Thanks Gymfreak!! I was sitting here wondering if I need to look into B-Complex and now I know I don't. Cooly Beanies!!:grin:
Hey Gym, sorry to jump in here but i recently started taking biotin & b-12 vitamins along with my calcium and vitamin c tablets as well (sometimes i take iron pills). Should i be taking a multi-vitamin as well. I used to get Women's one a day. Just want to make sure i'm not doing more damage than good.
I too have been taking vitamins alot lately. Hopefully it will grow out my left nape area which is slowing trying to catch up. I take Biotin 5000mg from Puritan Pride, MSM 1000mg and Hair Skin and Nails...So I hope to be seeing thickness as well.
Hey Gym, sorry to jump in here but i recently started taking biotin & b-12 vitamins along with my calcium and vitamin c tablets as well (sometimes i take iron pills). Should i be taking a multi-vitamin as well. I used to get Women's one a day. Just want to make sure i'm not doing more damage than good.

Well, the problem that can come when taking many different indivual supplements is an imbalance. This is what I would do.....

Finish what you have now then go back to taking a multivitamin. Make sure your multi has lots of b-vitamins and calcium. Also look for one that has beta carotene as the major source of vitamin A, not retinal palmate. Then keep taking the biotin. As far as the iron goes, if you are anemic then take the pills and drink orange juice with them (or another drink high in vitamin C). If your diet needs calcium (which many women lack) try low fat dairy and leafy greens. I personally take a separate multi-mineral to make sure I get enough. Many foods now have calcium enriched versions like many wheat breads so that can help.

Lets assume you are taking a multi and biotin. If you want to add anything else let it be a b-complex vitamin or flaxseed oil. If you add the b-complex, look for a 50mg formula that has less than 400mcg of folic acid. Too much folate is not a good thing. Many formulas now have less then that. I know natures made, twinlab and country life all have one like that as well as Freeda. If you take the b-complex instead of the flaxseed oil, eat more nuts (walnuts are very high in omega fatty acids) and fatty fish. You can also find dressings that contain higher amounts of omega fatty acids now. Omega fatty acids help your overall health, protecting your nerves and heart and they also help improve the quality of your hair. If you opt to take the flaxseed oil, eat foods like oatmeal which is has some B-vitamins. If you also lack iron, try taking a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses everyday.
Wow thanks Gym for such a detailed response. I appreciate it because I want to be healthy but am not sure what is the best way to go about that. Thanks again!
I've been thinking about taking Biotin. Maybe, I will try it for three months and see if I notice any results.

Does anyone know if the pills come in different sizes? I hate swallowing large pills.

I think you'll be surprised at the results for skin, hair, and nails - just remember to drink lots of water.

I take my biotin as sublingual pills - thay have no taste really, a little chalky, but they dissolve under my tongue in seconds and tada - vitamin taken.
Thickness? I have gotten length, but not thickness from biotin. Some people have all the luck...lol :rolleyes: