This might have been posted before.
This girl is flat ironing her hair with grease.
The hair is super long and it must be skrooong as i don't know what for her to keep her length.
I was amazed and jealous of her length but then I started to cringe when I saw her technique.
She uses Cholesterol (deep) conditioner on her hair before blowdrying, then before flat ironing she use Softee grease. It's amazing how some hair stays long and relatively healthy after a regimen like hers.
Here she is doing her thang with her kuntry self.
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Well like you stated she DC prior to doing it. So that might be the reason she is able to keep up that regimen. I didn't see the video. Just going off what you stated.
I'm not surprised at all. Different things work for different heads. I straighten my natural hair on a regular basis using a hot comb and the direct heat didn't stop me from reaching my goal of WL.
She also has color in her hair and her hair looks to be strong and healthy, along with her BS-MB length. She obviously has very strong hair strands.
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It does look pretty healthy. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Mine would be dry from using grease and not a moisturizer, it'd be stiff as heck, and greasy.
I've seen her before on youtube ( I love some hair video's). i like her videos and she does have nice hair. I've used grease many moons ago, it held with reversion but my heavy handed self couldn't quite get the technique down. hey if it aint broke!
I guess her reggie works for her hair. There was no smoke coming from the flatiron. Did you guys see her cha cha video? She looks really cute doing her dance.
I used to do that in high school. Her hair is very pretty! My only problem with it is it did look a little greasy.
Also I have a biracial child so I understand what she is trying to say or do. Everyone hair is different and in turn accepts different techniques. Because maybe her hair will curl back up because that's the problem I have with my dd.
She has lovely hair, but I'm not a fan of a greasy press. My hair looks way too stringy when that method is used.
Her hair is nice before adding the grease, it makes her hair too greasy looking and flat, but her hair is beautiful and crazy long minus the grease. when i flat iron i try to use light stuff, because the flat iron will make your hair kind of flat anyway. flat iron with heat protectant nice sleek hair. flat iron with grease - greasy mess.
just my opinion
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I flatiron my natural hair with grease! Everything else I've tried doesn't work. Grease is the best thing ever happened for my hair. I'm retaining length and my hair is still healthy.
Her hair looks pretty healthy. I don't think anything is wrong with her regimen if it works for her. The technique doesn't look too bad either, because I still can't chase my hair with a comb and flatiron at the same time.
I used to do that in high school. Her hair is very pretty! My only problem with it is it did look a little greasy.
Yeah, I noticed that also; although her hair is long and pretty, I can not have my heat-straightened hair greasy and stringy-looking.:nono:
My mom still uses grease on her hair before she presses it. && this was the technique she used on me as a child.

:yep::yep:Same here. In fact, my mom used "Vaseline" on my hair when she pressed it (up until I was 18) and she still uses some form of grease (I don't think Vaseline though) on her hair when she uses her pressing comb to this day.

Even with color, this girls hair looks pretty healthy.
Yeah, I noticed that also; although her hair is long and pretty, I can not have my heat-straightened hair greasy and stringy-looking.:nono:

Yall' get outta my head! I was just about to edit my post and add that!

I am still amazed that when my mom does her hair though, she has it down to a science on just the right amount of grease to use. If you didn't know any better, you would think she is relaxed because her hair has a lot of body and bounce!
It sounds like she has been doing this for a long time and its working for her!:yep:I used to get my hair pressed with baby vaseline,I didn't like the heavy greasy effect though.
It works for her and her hair is very lovely

I wouldn't dare do that on my hair though. I hate the smell grease and I'd hate to walk around with stiff, greasy hair. That's how it would end up on ME, not saying anybody should not use vaseline.
It works for her and her hair is very lovely

I wouldn't dare do that on my hair though. I hate the smell grease and I'd hate to walk around with stiff, greasy hair. That's how it would end up on ME, not saying anybody should not use vaseline.

That was funny

all the disclaimers you gotta use around this joint:lachen:
her hair is so pretty! oh the softee, i remember the softee! i used that back in high school. way too heavy for me now though.
I use grease to flat iron my hair and I love it, and my hair is not greasy. and it has swing and body, which is strange because I didn't think it would and it doesn't revert, I don't use a lot of grease on each section though and I also use the steam on my flat iron, so maybe that helps I don't know, but grease is my staple
My mom has APL (when straightened) natural hair and this is what her beautician does. She never combs her hair between salon visits so i am thinking this is how she's retaining. She transitioned a couple of years ago around the time i did my last bc and her hair is longer than mine. I went back to relaxed and she stuck with natural. Her hair is sooo greasy when she leaves the salon though
wow she has beautiful hair. she uses the denman brush.. hmm she must belong to a hair forum ( just a observation)
My hair was that long when I was young and my mother used a hot comb and hair grease to keep my hair straight for about 3 weeks before she washed it again. So I know for a fact what she is doing is not a bad thing. Here hair is healthy and long so it works for her. If I ever worked up the nerve to flat iron my hair I will use hair grease to keep it straight.