New Member
Well, I recently fell in love with Keracare. There's a problem, though: it's drying my hair out. I'm pretty sure it's all the mineral oil and cones. Mineral oil is the 2nd ingredient in the Oil Moisturizer!! My hair hated Mizani H2O, so I think it's the mineral oil. Man!! I washed and conditioned my hair again with the Keracare products, and got the same dryness. I've figured out which products it were, though. The Oil Moisturizer w/ Jojoba, and the bottle of Humecto has to go. I'll try to use the Humecto in the tub for deep conditioning. I'm not sure if that's causing dryness, too. I absolutely will NOT give up the 1st Lather, Hydrating Detangling Poo, and Essential Oils. These are my staples, I love them! I'll just use my Elucence MB conditioner with those Keracare products. I'm so mad! I guess I'll put those Keracare items up on the product exchange board.....