Oh no, the dreaded knot!


Active Member
Hi ladies. I am in torment. I rinsed my hair last night and a braid came out. That would have caused me no alarm except there was one of those horrible knots. I was able to detangle it, but now I am paranoid that there will be others. I have been washing/rinsing my hair 3-4 days a week and I have lost other braids, but this was the first one with a knot. How do I remove them safely? I am not trying to break any hair.
soak all knots with conditioner and oil.

I read about that method in Kink Phobia (written by an actress). In that book, the author details how the use of oil and conditioner ( and lots of patience) can remove stubborn knots.
Thank you so much! I sprayed detangler on it and it didn't seem to help much. What causes it? I have lost at least 5 braids in back and none of them had it. This one was on the left side of my head.