
New Member
Okay, I decided to BC because I am extremely impatient and I am ready to start working with my natural hair. So I washed with conditioner and detangled. Then I put shampoo in my hair and combed through it. I grabbed a small section of my hair, stretched it out to see the demarcation line, then I cut. Well apparently there was still more relaxed ends so I stretched my hair and cut again. Well, this time, it was WAAAAY too short. Now I don't know what to do. HEEELLLLPPPP!!! I definitely do not want to wear it as short as it is. I guess I was thinking that it was longer than it actually is. I intended to BC then wear micros or sew-ins until I could wear a nice afro puff.

How do I resize the pictures that I upload, so you can see???
I'm sorry to hear this happened to you.:ohwell: I'm sure it's not that bad. How much shorter is it than the rest of your hair? Is your hair naturally curly? If it is maybe you can cover it up wearing curly styles...or a bun. HTH.
It's maybe an inch stretched. And I thought I had more new growth than that. I'm almost 3 months post relaxer. Oh my God. What am I going to do??? At least it's at a point where I can still pull it bac into a bun or ponytail. I didn't cut it at the very front or anything.
Dear Ms. Twana.....

One day you will look back on this day and laugh and you'll be able to help someone else get through as well.... I fondly call this moment: Big Chop Shock! This happened to me about a month ago, and I wasn't brave enough as you to cut three-months post relaxer....

Sounds like you're open to wearing braids, weave, etc. to hide your hair until it gets some more length, WHICH IT WILL! :) If you're very concerned, maybe tomorrow you can stop by a BSS and get an instant weave or fall until you can get your micros or sew-in....

I promise that you will be ok and you will get through this....

when i first BCed I though I had all of the relaxed end so my hair looked longer, but after I cowashed the next day I realised I still had lots of relaxed ends left and snipped away until I was sure all were gone. Shrinkage is a BIG factor to consider. though you may have more hair than you realise stretched, once it shrinks, adios length :lachen: :lachen:

I have kinky twists in right now, so if you're willing, finish getting rid of the relaxer and get your sew in or micros and call it a day. Good luck in your decision.
Ms_Twana said:
It's maybe an inch stretched. And I thought I had more new growth than that. I'm almost 3 months post relaxer. Oh my God. What am I going to do??? At least it's at a point where I can still pull it bac into a bun or ponytail. I didn't cut it at the very front or anything.
I'm confused...you said your hair is an inch in length but you can pull it back in a ponytail? Did you only cut off part of your hair? If so, you should go ahead and cut the rest of your relaxed ends off. Once you have done that, I do not think it would be a good idea to get micros or sew in weaves on one inch of hair...talk about stress and thinning and dryness....and the weave or micros may not even stay on. Save your money and sport your twa. If you are still uncomfortable with the length, wear a wig...not braids or weaves. I wore a wig for like a week or so when I had done the BC but it was when I had heat damage on 3-4 inches of natural hair and didn't have the time to go get the damage cut off by a stylist. Once that happened, I started sporting my less than a 1/2 inch of hair.

Anyway, Congratulations on your BC! I was surprised/shocked after I did my BC but in a good way. I just learned to love it and I'm sure you will too with time. And remember, your hair will not be a twa forever. Just hang in there and take proper care of your hair as it grows.

Hope that helps! :)
RelaxerRehab said:
...and I wasn't brave enough as you to cut three-months post relaxer....

I don't think it was bravery. It was impatience and IGNORANCE. I did't know it would be sooo short.

RelaxerRehab said:
Sounds like you're open to wearing braids, weave, etc. to hide your hair until it gets some more length, WHICH IT WILL! :) If you're very concerned, maybe tomorrow you can stop by a BSS and get an instant weave or fall until you can get your micros or sew-in....

I've already got a couple of falls and a wig. But I can't do the falls because I won't have the hair to cover it if I continue to cut it. And will I be able to get micros with a inch of hair???

RelaxerRehab said:
I promise that you will be ok and you will get through this....

Lord, I hope so!!

Thanks so much for the support. :kiss:
I can tell my husband wants to say, "I told you not to cut it in the first place."
Poohbear said:
I'm confused...you said your hair is an inch in length but you can pull it back in a ponytail? Did you only cut off part of your hair? If so, you should go ahead and cut the rest of your relaxed ends off. Once you have done that, I do not think it would be a good idea to get micros or sew in weaves on one inch of hair...talk about stress and thinning and dryness....and the weave or micros may not even stay on. Save your money and sport your twa. If you are still uncomfortable with the length, wear a wig...not braids or weaves. I wore a wig for like a week or so when I had done the BC but it was when I had heat damage on 3-4 inches of natural hair and didn't have the time to go get the damage cut off by a stylist. Once that happened, I started sporting my less than a 1/2 inch of hair.

Anyway, Congratulations on your BC! I was surprised/shocked after I did my BC but in a good way. I just learned to love it and I'm sure you will too with time. And remember, your hair will not be a twa forever. Just hang in there and take proper care of your hair as it grows.

Hope that helps! :)

Hey Pooh. Yeah, I cut just one little section. And I can pull the front back to cover the part that I cut. And I am tooo afraid to cut the rest of it. I'm almost positive that I have more than an inch of new growth, so I think I just cut tooo much in this section. However, the rest of my hair would have to be even with this part. So, part of me wants to just wait until this section of my hair reaches a length that I can get micros in. What length do you suggest???
Ms_Twana said:
Hey Pooh. Yeah, I cut just one little section. And I can pull the front back to cover the part that I cut. And I am tooo afraid to cut the rest of it. I'm almost positive that I have more than an inch of new growth, so I think I just cut tooo much in this section. However, the rest of my hair would have to be even with this part. So, part of me wants to just wait until this section of my hair reaches a length that I can get micros in. What length do you suggest???
Ohhh okay, so you only cut off a small section of your hair. Hmmm, if you don't want to do the full blown BC, you can keep on transitioning. Wearing a bun or ponytail would be your best bet as far as styles. Make sure to keep your hair well moisturized. Yes, it will get boring to wear a bun or ponytail consistently, but hang in there. I just can't think of any other style that would hide that shorter area of your hair. Check out Peachtree's old album and kitchen_tician's album for transitioning styles. I know there are other members who transitioned for a year and more, just can't think of them right now.
If you really want micros, I'm not really sure what length would be best only because I've never had micros. They just seem scary to me for some reason but I know there have been ladies who have had success with micros. I would wait for maybe 5-6 inches which will take approximately 10-12 months, but that's just me. Hopefully, someone who has had success with micros could answer that question. ;)
Thanks ladies for all your support and advice. I have decided to just cover the part that I cut with the rest of my hair. I can still rock buns and fall/wigs with the baggie method. I guess I need to be patient and wait until I can rock a cute afro puff with headband. Being impatient has gotten me in trouble several times before. Thanks again!!!