Oh my god...d'uh! Moments


New Member
Hey Ladies, so I recently figured out how to keep my hair soft 24/7, which always used to be hard for me. Some days my hair would feel dry and other times soft, but it is seriously like a baby's bottom right now. What I didn't notice until now is what I've been doing in my routine to make this happen AND WHY DIDN'T I TRY IT BEFORE? I mean, I knew about it but never applied it. It's very simplistic so it's kind of crazy I am just now getting around to doing it. So I wanted to ask you ladies if you've ever had an omg, duh moment in which you discovered something your hair just loved and thrived on, and you never knew until later, whether it be a commercial product, homemade product, styling process, setting process, etc. My omg duh moment mentioned above had to deal with balancing the ph of my hair. What does your hair love?
Well my OMG duh moment isn't really about my hair. It was about this board. Specifically, when I realized this board had been around since 2002? Why hadn't I discovered it before?!?!?!? Probably because it never dawned on me to do research about hair care. I could kick myself when I think about how long my hair might be. *le sigh*
Well I had always heard about rinsing with cold water to close the cuticle. But for some stupid reason I would rinse the DC out with warm.

Then I read, I think on this forum somewhere, that DCing is a total waste if you rinse with warm water because the cuticle is still open and that all of the conditioner that has just gone inside your hair is just washed out of a wide open cuticle again. So I tried it. I DC'ed with my steamer, then I rinsed with almost ice-cold water. My hair? Butter isn't the word. Smooth and soft all day with no need for more moisture or oil. Duhhhhhhhhhhhh.
My latest one is the same as yours, pH balancing. I started using Kimmaytube's leave-in and my hair hasn't been this happy in a long time. It actually stays moisturized long throughout the day and well into the next, something I never thought I could do.

When I first started leaving some of the conditioner in after cowashing, that was the first time I ever had a duh moment. I have switched it up to using the aforementioned leave-in, but I can still remember the first day I left that VO5 Strawberries and Creme on my freshly BC'd hair. It was like magic.
My latest one is the same as yours, pH balancing. I started using Kimmaytube's leave-in and my hair hasn't been this happy in a long time. It actually stays moisturized long throughout the day and well into the next, something I never thought I could do.

When I first started leaving some of the conditioner in after cowashing, that was the first time I ever had a duh moment. I have switched it up to using the aforementioned leave-in, but I can still remember the first day I left that VO5 Strawberries and Creme on my freshly BC'd hair. It was like magic.
Do you apply kim's leave-on on wet hair or damp hair? I've applied it on damp hair but think she suggests applying it on wet hair. I was wondering what are the differences in results? I think I will attempt applying it to wet hair next time.

How do you leave conditioner in when co-washing --- Do you just not rinse the hair out completely OR do you rinse completely and then apply a little more conditioner? What are the benefits to leaving some conditioner in the hair?
Kim's leave in can be applied on wet or damp hair, as long as it is freshly washed. Some benefits to leaving some conditioner in the hair is the same as leaving a leave-in or moisturizer in your hair. It just keeps it moisturized. Tightlycurly's Terri recommended leaving regular cheap condishes in the hair but I can't do that lol. It always leaves a white film on my hair no matter how clean my head is. I don't use kimmay's leave in because i dont have all the ingredients, but I put water, glycerin and a tiny bit of acv in a spray bottle and it has a ph of 5.0. I spray my hair with this every night and wake up to awesome hair that lasts days.