Oh crap I think I effed up...

I dont think its bkt though. i dont know of any bkt strong enough that adding it to a conditioner would still make it as effective as if used straight. same thing if she used a relaxer. Am I not reading this correctly?

IDK what she added. I'll wait for her response but I think you wont get one. In that case, DRAG HER!
Based on all that I have read, I have 4 things to say:

1. If she has added anything to what she is putting on your head, you have a right to know what exactly that is she is adding.

2. Confront her to her face, be calm but stern. When you do it via text or over the phone, she can avoid you easily by just ignoring you.

3. It's very suspicious she is not replying to you, which leads me to believe she added something to the conditioner to possibly make the hair straighter. Whatever that is, I don't know. Following up on what @DoDo said, if it were a simple case of a higher temperature being used from the flat-iron, I feel she would be more forthcoming.

4. From experience I find stylists are very passive aggressive, they figure that once they have you in the chair they're completely in charge and can do what they want. If the whole salon experience isn't smooth sailing, they easily blame the client – all while they are still getting paid for their services. All stylists aren't like this but it's very hard to find a good, knowledgeable, caring stylist that will fit your needs. If I were you, I would become a DIYer and just close the book on going to stylists regularly if not period. Too much of a risk.