Off to the Caribbean - Should I relax or wait until I am back-

Stella 972

New Member
Off to the Caribbean - Should I relax or wait until I am back-Will I see more growth


I need your advice, I am off to the Caribbean in Mid-August. I am 16 weeks post relaxer and I am tempted to relax my hair in August before going on holiday or should I wait until I am back in September; (What do you think, I know that the hot weather will be good for my hair and growth) I really want and trying to do a 6 month stretch. What should I do. Does anyone have a comments or an experience.

Thanks in advance for your answers
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16 weeks is quite a long stretch. How is your hair now? Are you seeing any breakage at all?

About 17-18 weeks is the most I can go to before starting to see breakage but everyone's hair is different. Also, will it be easier to care for on holiday with 4 months new growth or with newly relaxed hair and if you decide you can't wait any longer, will you be able to get it relaxed out there?
Thanks for your quick reply KP.
I can't see major breakage, only normal shedding. Will see how my hair goes by the end of July.
Thanks again.
I personally would wait until I got back (but I know how it is when you're stretching for a long time). If you're planning on getting in the water, your hair may be more fragile with a fresh relaxer (that's how my hair is anyway).

If you want cute styles, you can do bantu knots while you're down there or wear your hair back. I would hate for you not to truly enjoy your vacation because you're worried about your hair most of the time (or maybe that's just me). LOL. :lachen:
Girlfriend Relax..relax..relax..You are gonna be swimming and caught in brief carribbean showers, pool etc..if you are wearing twist or braids then no problem but if you want your hair to blow in the wind, then relax, condition and moisturize.
I would relax.
I remember when I used to relax and I went to New Orleans without getting my touch up because I wanted to wait until I got back. Girl, when I tell you that it was a mistake, my hair was puffy at the roots and I was self conscious about my styling. This was all before LHCF, so now I know how to manage it better. If you plan to go swimming or wear your hair straight then relax and don't worry about your hair.
JMO, enjoy your vacation.
If I was you, I`d wait. Get some nice braids- something that will protect your hair, but still be cute at the sametime. Your hair is clearly very vulnerable right now so I`d be careful! congrats on such a long stretch!!:drunk:
When I was relaxed, I used to always get a touch-up before going to the Carribean. There is something about that climate that always made my hair fall just right and have uber-body, bounce and swing, no swang...
I personally would wait. Idk how you feel about braids or plaits but that would be my option especially if you plan to get in the ocean....Have fun for me!
I would relax or box braid. Your roots will puff with the humidity if you dont do one or the other. If you go swimming with puffy roots you may end up with a lots of tangles at the demarcation line. You dont want that to happen to you, do you? Matted hair is no joke :(
Well, I'm not heading to Brazil until next summer BUT I can say that I went on family holiday a a short while back WITHOUT relaxing and that DC heat kept me confined to the coolness of my air conditioned room.

I mostly twisted and bunned, but HATED that I couldn't let my glory FLOW:(
I'd get a relaxer. I just came back from a vacation In the south and the weather was abozut the same. I wore a wrap for a couple of days then I did wash and go's. It makes it so much easier to style on vacation. You can do. Braid out or twist out. Or just let it airdry in. Cute ponytail during the day and wear it out and "natural" at night. I would relax it, but make sure you bri g plenty of condish for your cowashes!
Girl, get some cute braids in your hair (perhaps some cornrows with some cute shells or beads at the bottom) and relax when you get back! Enjoy some fun in the sun! The last thing I'd want to deal with on vacation is worrying about a fresh relaxer :nono:.