Oddest thing... I woke up humming a song praising god. Never heard the song before.


Well-Known Member
This morning, my alarm didnt go off. I woke up from my sleep humming..humming a song I never heard before. I could hear a choir. No I dont sing in a choir...I mean I heard it loud and clear... I dont remember the melody so much anymore but the lyrics sor of remember what the lyrics said. But I dont remember the exact word.... In summary the message was:

I found God , he loves me. Jesus Loves me, Every night and day he loves me. I feel brave, I feel strong because I have god with me.

The Choir I heard was crystal clear. I woke up ten minutes late...took me 10 minutes to get ready...a record!!! I made it to work almost on time 10 mins late...which is a miracle. I should have been at least 20 mins late.

i looked high and low for a song that sounds like what I have heard...Found a song called Jesus loves me and it does not sound the same at all!!! the lyrics and melody are not it...

Anyone experienced something like this? This got me a bit :spinning:
This is lovely. I have not woke up humming but I have woke up praying the most amazing words I would have never known to pray with my mind. Although your physical body was asleep, your spirit man was not and it's quite obvious your spirit man was worshipping the Lord :-)