October 2021: Hits & Misses

Hits: Olaplex #0/3, love how my hair feels after I use this combo, before I shampoo. You feel the magic.

Meh: Olaplex #4/5, must use a moisturizing shampoo/conditioner with these products, to keep from getting protein overload. The products definitely do their job so I have to be careful. Maybe, meh, isn't the right category for these products. They do their job too well.

I would only use #0/3/4/5 together if you have severely damaged hair or you don't mind a long wash day.
Hits: Olaplex #0/3, love how my hair feels after I use this combo, before I shampoo. You feel the magic.

Meh: Olaplex #4/5, must use a moisturizing shampoo/conditioner with these products, to keep from getting protein overload. The products definitely do their job so I have to be careful. Maybe, meh, isn't the right category for these products. They do their job too well.

I would only use #0/3/4/5 together if you have severely damaged hair or you don't mind a long wash day.
ITA on #0 and #3. I wish they’d sell the deluxe size #3 again. That’s my fave of the whole line.
Adwoa Beauty Blue Tansy clarifying shampoo and restorative conditioner

I think this brand doesn't get talked about much because of the price but they really have some good products. Clarifying shampoo isn't stripping at all. Didn't need to follow up with another shampoo afterwards. Restorative conditioner is on the thicker side but makes detangling easy. Had a good amount of definition afterwards. I can see how some people can just use the leave in styler from this line and be done. Glad they added a rinse out to the their product line.

I love their baomint shampoo, deep conditioner and curl cream.

Tagging @HealthyHair2020 for my review :)
Adwoa Beauty Blue Tansy clarifying shampoo and restorative conditioner

I think this brand doesn't get talked about much because of the price but they really have some good products. Clarifying shampoo isn't stripping at all. Didn't need to follow up with another shampoo afterwards. Restorative conditioner is on the thicker side but makes detangling easy. Had a good amount of definition afterwards. I can see how some people can just use the leave in styler from this line and be done. Glad they added a rinse out to the their product line.

I love their baomint shampoo, deep conditioner and curl cream.

Tagging @HealthyHair2020 for my review :)
Yay glad you liked it! I heard the same thing about the shampoo and conditioner from youtubers so glad to see you had the same experience. Now I'm even more excited to purchase them later this or next month.