October 2020: Hits & Misses

Anita Grant Monoi Anti-Breakage Shampoo (This is officially my favorite shampoo in the world. I’ve hated shampoos over the last 4 years since switching to shampoo bars)
Brina Organics African Chebe Herb & Fenugreek Hair Spray (My new favorite moisturizing hair spray)
Amazon 100 pc Plastic Shower Caps (this jawn jawn did not fly up my head when sitting under a hooded dryer, it fit around my hair clips, it covered my entire head)

Mika English Power Shampoo (This cleanser removes build up, detoxes, ayurvedic, encourages hair growth, and repairs damages. I use this prior to a straightening session. This gives a slip & smoothing effect)
Nature’s Testimony Red Onion Scalp Detox (Between this and the fenugreek spray. My temples are filling in after damn near 6 years. Not sure if it’s one or the other or both but I’m happy to see hair)

Nature’s Testimony Marshmallow Root Daily Leave In Conditioner HATED IT!!!!!!!!
Fenugreek Powder* gonna give this one more try in a month or so. It doesn’t wash out my hair.