OCT & Megatek mixed together



I was thinking about using Megatek and OCT mixed together when applying to my scalp. Has anyone experienced results from this? So far, I've tried Megatek and it has thickened my hair.


I use the mt/oct together. I started about 2 weeks ago so no I haven't noticed any length but I most definitely am experiencing thickness. I also use the mixture on my 6 yr old son's spots. He has a mild case of alopecia. We've been battling this thing for about three years. Seems to happen in seasons. It falls out in some small spots then grows back and falls out in another place. Very frustrating and sad. I keep him at the barbershop I say"Cut it low as you can without balding him." then you can't tell. I use the mixture on his scalp every morning. I rub it in really well and it's working! Very fine baby hairs are popping up but I see them. It seemed to start working rather quickly too. I honestly don't know if it's the mt or the oct. Or perhaps the two together.
I think there are a few people doing this. Search the OCT/Mega-Tek challenge threads. There are some who started off with one or the other then started mixing them or they use them on alternated days.
I mix mine----i bought mt first and then CT and decided to mix them.

I don't know if I will buy MT again when it runs out---not sure yet. But I luv CT :yep: