
New Member
Ok ladies, I don't know what I'm doing wrong with this stuff. I originally started on OCT some time in May. Started shedded a bunch and then I stopped. I also found out that I really low anemia. So I thought the anemia may be contributing to the hair shedding. My iron levels are decent now after taking my ferrous sulfate. I just got an ok from my doc about them. So I started my OCT regimen again. I put it on my scalp 2-3X week after using the shampoo. I also take somewhere between 6,000-7,000 mg of garlic supplements per day and use Nutrine's garlic shampoo as the first lather. Well today is a DC day (under the dryer right now) and washed and I mean a great deal of hair came out...it was like everywhere. When I use the shower comb; using there is nothing on it or very few hairs.

I know that shedding is normal when starting/restarting the OCT stuff. I don't add anything to my mixture; I just use the OCT in the applicator bottle and directly on the scalp. I mean I want this stuff to work for me so bad... so I don't want to give up. Especially after seeing all of the other ladies progress. But I don't want to be bald either!!!

I know this has been asked a million times but what should I do... did anyone have any MAJOR shedding even with garlic pills/shampoos... how did it stop... I just feel kind of defeated... I've never paid this much attention to my hair and now it seems like the more attention I pay to it... the less it wants to do right..

Any comments/suggestions are appreciated.
I don't have any real advice for you except that maybe you might try reducing the frequency of use. BTW, are you using the Creme Rinse? I had a problem with my hair feeling coated and breaking because I neglected to use the rinse afterwards. I just started using Ovation, so the jury's still out. I'm starting at once a week and then building up. Don't be discouraged, we've all been there!
Ok ladies, I don't know what I'm doing wrong with this stuff. I originally started on OCT some time in May. Started shedded a bunch and then I stopped. I also found out that I really low anemia. So I thought the anemia may be contributing to the hair shedding. My iron levels are decent now after taking my ferrous sulfate. I just got an ok from my doc about them. So I started my OCT regimen again. I put it on my scalp 2-3X week after using the shampoo. I also take somewhere between 6,000-7,000 mg of garlic supplements per day and use Nutrine's garlic shampoo as the first lather. Well today is a DC day (under the dryer right now) and washed and I mean a great deal of hair came out...it was like everywhere. When I use the shower comb; using there is nothing on it or very few hairs.

I know that shedding is normal when starting/restarting the OCT stuff. I don't add anything to my mixture; I just use the OCT in the applicator bottle and directly on the scalp. I mean I want this stuff to work for me so bad... so I don't want to give up. Especially after seeing all of the other ladies progress. But I don't want to be bald either!!!

I know this has been asked a million times but what should I do... did anyone have any MAJOR shedding even with garlic pills/shampoos... how did it stop... I just feel kind of defeated... I've never paid this much attention to my hair and now it seems like the more attention I pay to it... the less it wants to do right..

Any comments/suggestions are appreciated.

I'm sorry about what you're going through...You have the garlic supplements and garlic poo...BUT..I don't recall you mentioning that you are DC'ng. It is CRUCIAL to deep condition about 2-3 times a week using these products...
What's your regimen?
edit: Okay I re-read your post and you are DC'ing..What are you using? Make sure it doesn't have protein in it as well...

maybe some of the other OCT users will come in here and offer their advice...

always listen to your hair as well.....
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Very perplexing.....it sounds like you are doing everything right. Hmmmmm what to do?

How about reducing the # of shampoos a week, try the oct on the scalp only and cowash instead of pooing. Sometimes the sulfate in poos can cause shedding. Also those garlic poos can be harsh. I know some here are using an olive oil mix with garlic, that has also reduced their shedding. Have you ever heard of mahabringraj oil? That oil can reduce shedding for some,you could just add a few drops to your OCT and see if that helps.

ETA: So sorry to hear this is happening.
Thanks ladies. I'on know what to do. I think I'm going to give it about two more weeks and then after that... we'll see. I am DC'ing two times a week with Keracare Humecto or Kenra Moisturizing Masque. I try not to do anything else to it... besides DC/bunning. I go the salon weekly...but I usually don't do any OCT until after I've washed... We'll see... I took 7 garlic supplements today... I just don't know what to do... I guess I can take 10 tomorrow...
Thanks ladies. I'on know what to do. I think I'm going to give it about two more weeks and then after that... we'll see. I am DC'ing two times a week with Keracare Humecto or Kenra Moisturizing Masque. I try not to do anything else to it... besides DC/bunning. I go the salon weekly...but I usually don't do any OCT until after I've washed... We'll see... I took 7 garlic supplements today... I just don't know what to do... I guess I can take 10 tomorrow...
Did you know Garlic is a blood thinner? Be careful taking it in excess, its not worth it:nono:

Personally I keep saying anything that made me shed would have to go, I would definitely toss that faster than taking all those supps! pls be careful :yep:
Ok ladies, I don't know what I'm doing wrong with this stuff. I originally started on OCT some time in May. Started shedded a bunch and then I stopped. I also found out that I really low anemia. So I thought the anemia may be contributing to the hair shedding. My iron levels are decent now after taking my ferrous sulfate. I just got an ok from my doc about them. So I started my OCT regimen again. I put it on my scalp 2-3X week after using the shampoo. I also take somewhere between 6,000-7,000 mg of garlic supplements per day and use Nutrine's garlic shampoo as the first lather. Well today is a DC day (under the dryer right now) and washed and I mean a great deal of hair came out...it was like everywhere. When I use the shower comb; using there is nothing on it or very few hairs.

I know that shedding is normal when starting/restarting the OCT stuff. I don't add anything to my mixture; I just use the OCT in the applicator bottle and directly on the scalp. I mean I want this stuff to work for me so bad... so I don't want to give up. Especially after seeing all of the other ladies progress. But I don't want to be bald either!!!

I know this has been asked a million times but what should I do... did anyone have any MAJOR shedding even with garlic pills/shampoos... how did it stop... I just feel kind of defeated... I've never paid this much attention to my hair and now it seems like the more attention I pay to it... the less it wants to do right..

Any comments/suggestions are appreciated.


Make sure you continue taking the the ferrous sulphate. Even though your iron levels/HB may be within a normal range, your ferritin levels may be still low and your body may be compensating by taking extra HB from non-essential areas like your follicles to essenial areas like your circulating blood so it will show a normal range. Hence your Dr. need to check your Ferritin levels. I had this problem. However I could not be bothered to go back to my Dr as she does not have a clue so what I do is check my HB at work regularly and try to maintain at the upper threshold and that seems to do the trick but I am still recovering but the thinness is much less.
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I just saw another post about shedding... I didn't have that much shedding as was in the OP's picture... but my hair is a little past shoulder length (right now)...and not super fine.. I'm going to monitor it. I'm on the ferrous sulfate for the next 6 months... I try to get every piece of protein in sight in my diet. The ferritin levels come up on the CBC report (can't remember what they were...) but she didn't circle it.
Did you know Garlic is a blood thinner? Be careful taking it in excess, its not worth it:nono:

Personally I keep saying anything that made me shed would have to go, I would definitely toss that faster than taking all those supps! pls be careful :yep:

Uh oh...off to go read up on that... I am taking almost twice the daily dosage.
Are you counting the shed hairs, or just eyeballing them? I know counting sounds SO tedious - but just do it, once, and see how many hairs you have. The longer your hair gets, the more it seems to be shedding. Also, double check and be sure they are all sheds, and you aren't suffering from any protein related breakage.

I hope you can figure it out! :yep: