OCT and Aphogee 2 Min Reconstructor...same product different bottle!!

I already had the Aphogee shampoo and Green Tea Reconstructor. I purchased the Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor and also the leave-in conditioner. The 2 Minue Reonstructor DOES smell like the Mega TeK that I have. After I finish my Mega Tek bottle, I probably won't purchase it anymore. I'm going to stop jumping on every band wagon that rolls up.:yep:
Wow wouldnt it be great if there was more than choice to help us reach our hair goals. Some people have not been able to use the Mega-Tek because of shedding. Plus I really do refuse to pay Ovation prices unless someone grows waistlength from shoulder length in one year(or at least a guaranteed 4-5 inches on top of my normal growth). It makes sense that another protein product or a mix of products could yield the same results. Everyone keeps saying I'm sticking with Ovation or Mega-Tek. That's great but everyone should keep an open mind to what are the ingredients in the products that are responsible for the growth. If its protein, there would be lots of products that could be used in the same way and yield similar results with a more reasonable price. So let the recipes keep coming. If you dont want to try them right now at least the information will be available. Okay that's all.

ITA with everything that you said!!!! Thank you!

I did happen to drop the 60 bucks on Ovation, will I do it again? Probably not!:nono: I've been using it faithfully since I received it, and I hope that I do get some results from it, that way I won't feel like my money went down the drain (literally).:look: But I really want to explore Aphogee and like you said any other protein conditioners comprised of the same or like ingredients.

There's more than one way to skin a cat, and while mega tek and ovation are the growth aids of the moment, I want to keep an open mind:yep:...
Wow wouldnt it be great if there was more than choice to help us reach our hair goals. Some people have not been able to use the Mega-Tek because of shedding. Plus I really do refuse to pay Ovation prices unless someone grows waistlength from shoulder length in one year(or at least a guaranteed 4-5 inches on top of my normal growth). It makes sense that another protein product or a mix of products could yield the same results. Everyone keeps saying I'm sticking with Ovation or Mega-Tek. That's great but everyone should keep an open mind to what are the ingredients in the products that are responsible for the growth. If its protein, there would be lots of products that could be used in the same way and yield similar results with a more reasonable price. So let the recipes keep coming. If you dont want to try them right now at least the information will be available. Okay that's all.

ITA with everything you said. Thank you for posting this.
I already had the Aphogee shampoo and Green Tea Reconstructor. I purchased the Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor and also the leave-in conditioner. The 2 Minue Reonstructor DOES smell like the Mega TeK that I have. After I finish my Mega Tek bottle, I probably won't purchase it anymore. I'm going to stop jumping on every band wagon that rolls up.:yep:

I'm interested in the whole Aphogee line especially after seeing Ateya hair:grin:(Gorgeous hair girl) I'm going to compare the Aphogee products(the poo, green tea reconstructor, and leave in) to the eqyss products that people are using. Too bad Aphogee doesn't make a creme rinse:grin:
I said it before and I'll say it again , even if folks wanna go at my throat again

Keratin is Keratin! and once again I do agree with the thinking that Aphogee would produce the same results , but I still do not think using it daily or frequently is without possible risk for some.

But I would go with using Aphogee safely if I wanted to up my protein usage
Wow wouldnt it be great if there was more than choice to help us reach our hair goals. Some people have not been able to use the Mega-Tek because of shedding. Plus I really do refuse to pay Ovation prices unless someone grows waistlength from shoulder length in one year(or at least a guaranteed 4-5 inches on top of my normal growth). It makes sense that another protein product or a mix of products could yield the same results. Everyone keeps saying I'm sticking with Ovation or Mega-Tek. That's great but everyone should keep an open mind to what are the ingredients in the products that are responsible for the growth. If its protein, there would be lots of products that could be used in the same way and yield similar results with a more reasonable price. So let the recipes keep coming. If you dont want to try them right now at least the information will be available. Okay that's all.
Great post!
I'm interested in the whole Aphogee line especially after seeing Ateya hair:grin:(Gorgeous hair girl) I'm going to compare the Aphogee products(the poo, green tea reconstructor, and leave in) to the eqyss products that people are using. Too bad Aphogee doesn't make a creme rinse:grin:

her hair was amazing! did she say how often she used them?
I'm interested in the whole Aphogee line especially after seeing Ateya hair:grin:(Gorgeous hair girl) I'm going to compare the Aphogee products(the poo, green tea reconstructor, and leave in) to the eqyss products that people are using. Too bad Aphogee doesn't make a creme rinse:grin:

I've been toying with trying the whole line but my hair hates shampoo and I already have a leave-in that I LOVE! But if you do decide to try the whole line please keep us posted with your updates!
I said it before and I'll say it again , even if folks wanna go at my throat again

Keratin is Keratin! and once again I do agree with the thinking that Aphogee would produce the same results , but I still do not think using it daily or frequently is without possible risk for some.

But I would go with using Aphogee safely if I wanted to up my protein usage

Oh heavens no, I would never use a strong protein daily on my entire head. But then again I have used it daily for the past few days on my temples and a problem spot in the back. Ive been monitoring these areas closely and I only use a very light dab. other then that Ive been using it on wash days (twice a week) and following it up with a deep moisturizing treatment.

Again, my objective is to chart the changes and improvements of ovation, and then use Aphogee the same way to compare!
Oh heavens no, I would never use a strong protein daily on my entire head. But then again I have used it daily for the past few days on my temples and a problem spot in the back. Ive been monitoring these areas closely and I only use a very light dab. other then that Ive been using it on wash days (twice a week) and following it up with a deep moisturizing treatment.

Again, my objective is to chart the changes and improvements of ovation, and then use Aphogee the same way to compare!

I was only saying that because of how the other products are being used, I actually appreciate your thinking and think if you were going to use the other products this way, that it might be worth your effort to try the Aphogee like your saying-so actually I agree with your line of thinking-even though I got hung out to dry for saying it before :rolleyes:
This is from my May 5th post in the Naturals and Protein thread. I have had great results with my "bastardized" version.


Recently, I looked at all the ingredients in MT/OCT (hydrolyzed keratin, muccopolysacharides, amino acids, panthenol, marine proteins) and made up my own version of it -- mostly to try to use up some of the conditioner I have and just as a small experiment that I could stop if it disagreed with my hair. It did not. Not only is my hair thus far loving it, I am using up some of the myriad conditioners I have in my linen closet, cabinet and laundry room.

It is a creamy concoction of the horse conditioner (I use Cabellina del Caballos - hydrolyzed amino acids, horsetail, panthenol), Aphogee intensive keratin reconstructor (the creamy one, see below*), Freeman Sea Kelp/WR Ocean Mist (marine proteins) conditioners, which give me all the ingredients for far less money, plus the Cabellina has horsetail to boot. I made a gallon of the stuff -- half of it is the horse conditioner...

I also have a liquid concoction made up of Duo Tex (collagen), aloe vera (mucopolysaccharides), Aphogee keratin and green tea restructurizer and avocado mist (panthenol and more mucopolys...) that I spray on first on dry hair. My scalp immediately starts tingling, itching, crawling (in a good way, smile). I then layer on the creamy stuff on my hair, leave on for up to an hour and rinse. I have been doing nearly daily for two weeks now and my hair is thriving, thriving, thriving -- thicker, lusher, stronger, considerably less shrinkage and, I daresay, I have even had some new growth, which is phenomenal because I only get about one fourth inch of growth a month and I have already had that.

*(Hydrolyzed Hair Keratin, Hydrolzed Mucopolysaccharides, Collagen Amino Acids, Wheat Germ Fatty Acids, Linoleic Acid, Linolenic Acid, Arachidonic Acid, Squalane, Avocado Oil, Acetimide MEA, Panthenol, Wheat Germ Oil, Jojoba Oil, Tocopherol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sulfur -- in addition to the chemicals it contains, of course, smile)

very interesting indeed! :yep:
Well her hair is like Whoa! I dont know if a natural could/should/would use it this way, but she is relaxed and that stuff has her hair on point! She is like the Aphogee Role Model now :grin:

LOL...I agree!!!

I think it's the protein that makes relaxed heads grow like weeds if the protein is used correctly. Before LHCF I used Cathy Howes"s UBH Conditioner once and/or twice a week and my hair grew like crazy within 6 months. However, just as fast as it grew it all broke off because I wasn't using her conditioner correctly, I had protein overload. Now that I'm a little more knowledgeable about hair care I can see how OCT, MT, Aphogee, and other protein treatments can aide in growth and healthy hair if used correctly.

So OP you maybe on to something about using the Aphogee 2 min Recon the same way you use OCT.
LOL...I agree!!!

I think it's the protein that makes relaxed heads grow like weeds if the protein is used correctly. Before LHCF I used Cathy Howes"s UBH Conditioner once and/or twice a week and my hair grew like crazy within 6 months. However, just as fast as it grew it all broke off because I wasn't using her conditioner correctly, I had protein overload. Now that I'm a little more knowledgeable about hair care I can see how OCT, MT, Aphogee, and other protein treatments can aide in growth and healthy hair if used correctly.

So OP you maybe on to something about using the Aphogee 2 min Recon the same way you use OCT.

I think this is the step I've been missing for the last year or so. Because my hair was so dry when I first started caring for it I clung to moisture everything, now Im realizing as a relaxed head I need protein more regularly!
LOL...I agree!!!

I think it's the protein that makes relaxed heads grow like weeds if the protein is used correctly. Before LHCF I used Cathy Howes"s UBH Conditioner once and/or twice a week and my hair grew like crazy within 6 months. However, just as fast as it grew it all broke off because I wasn't using her conditioner correctly, I had protein overload. Now that I'm a little more knowledgeable about hair care I can see how OCT, MT, Aphogee, and other protein treatments can aide in growth and healthy hair if used correctly.

So OP you maybe on to something about using the Aphogee 2 min Recon the same way you use OCT.

Thats the only scarey thing is running into protein overload!
I think this is the step I've been missing for the last year or so. Because my hair was so dry when I first started caring for it I clung to moisture everything, now Im realizing as a relaxed head I need protein more regularly!

I feel you...B/c I was the opposite. Cathy Howse preached protein, protein, protein for relaxed heads that I clung to everything that had protein in it and neglected moisture. I learned about moisturizers here on this board and my hair is much better!

So maybe the secret is once you have the protein/moisture balance your hair will thrive! Maybe the OCT, MT, Aphogee and others are giving us that balance that we once lacked:scratchch. Due to the lack in our moisture/protein balance we assumed our growth rate is 1/4 or 1/2 a month when it's possible that it can be very close to an inch. Just spectulating....
Wow wouldnt it be great if there was more than choice to help us reach our hair goals. Some people have not been able to use the Mega-Tek because of shedding. Plus I really do refuse to pay Ovation prices unless someone grows waistlength from shoulder length in one year(or at least a guaranteed 4-5 inches on top of my normal growth). It makes sense that another protein product or a mix of products could yield the same results. Everyone keeps saying I'm sticking with Ovation or Mega-Tek. That's great but everyone should keep an open mind to what are the ingredients in the products that are responsible for the growth. If its protein, there would be lots of products that could be used in the same way and yield similar results with a more reasonable price. So let the recipes keep coming. If you dont want to try them right now at least the information will be available. Okay that's all.


I totally agree! And while I doubt that I would switch (unless the growth results are significantly better) I ain't knocking anyone who wants to try it out - shoot, that's how we learn, right????
Well her hair is like Whoa! I dont know if a natural could/should/would use it this way, but she is relaxed and that stuff has her hair on point! She is like the Aphogee Role Model now :grin:

Girl, yes she is. She also said that her hair wasn't like that before she started using the products. It makes me wonder what her hair looked liked before and what products she used.
I got a dominican wash, set and blowdry yesterday. I used the Aphogee shampoo for damaged hair(I have color in my hair and my hair is relaxed), I deep conditioned with the Ovation Cell Therapy for 15min, and used the Ovation rinse. I used the Salerm21 as my leave in. I let the stylist blowdry my hair using the chi silk infusion. My hair came out very very soft. I put a picture in my fotki. I will be doing this once a week(minus the blowdry). If I get a decent amount of growth by the time I use up my ovation I will continue with it. If not I will use the Aphogee shampoo, 2 min reconstructor and the aphogee leave in. My hair came out very soft using the 2min reconstructor but due to the postivie reviews about ovation I decided to jump on the bandwagon.
I got a dominican wash, set and blowdry yesterday. I used the Aphogee shampoo for damaged hair(I have color in my hair and my hair is relaxed), I deep conditioned with the Ovation Cell Therapy for 15min, and used the Ovation rinse. I used the Salerm21 as my leave in. I let the stylist blowdry my hair using the chi silk infusion. My hair came out very very soft. I put a picture in my fotki. I will be doing this once a week(minus the blowdry). If I get a decent amount of growth by the time I use up my ovation I will continue with it. If not I will use the Aphogee shampoo, 2 min reconstructor and the aphogee leave in. My hair came out very soft using the 2min reconstructor but due to the postivie reviews about ovation I decided to jump on the bandwagon.

This is kindof like what Im doing too as far as using ovation. Are you only using Ovation once a week?
I haven't finished my bottle of Ovation yet. I'll check my results when I finish. Ovation does leave my hair nice and soft until my next wash.
Yes I am. How often are you using Ovation?

Im only using it once a week as well. I do apply a very small about to my temples, which are very thin about twice a week. I have not noticed any noticeable changes in length yet. However, I have noticed that when I use it I have less shedding while detangling (but then again I have less shedding after using aphogee as well!)