Oct 23, 24 and 25....What are your hair plans?

Saturday, October 24 - I'll be at my 2 year transitioning anniversary.



I'm going to shampoo and deep condition my hair. After that, I'm going to snip off the remaining relaxed ends. I've had my hair straight for almost 2 weeks now, so I'll probably wear it in a curly ponytail.

WOW-2 years already? Congrats! :)
I Love these threads!!!:grin:

I plan to:
Coconut oil pre shamp tx 1 -2 hours while cleaning or working out
aphogee damage hair poo
Elucence MB poo
Use neutral protein filler as a deep protein tx, spray on hair and apply a deep mositure condit right over it, dC w/ heat
Salerm leave in (or i may try miracle 7 leave in)
wondering If I should continue my stretch or not..I know I will...
At least till December.

On the real though, I plan on washing my hair , but first I will prepoo because the weather down here is no joke ...its time for extra pampering than after washing I will apply a fortifying DC and rollerset most probably.
This Weekend:grin::

1) Hot Oil Treatment under Heat Cap w/EVOO for 30-45 Minutes
2) Co-Wash with Nutrine Garlic Conditioner
3) DC Steam Lamur Bone Marrow Deep Conditioning Treatment
4) Porosity Control Final Rinse
5) Use Apoghee Green Tea & Keratin, and a little FHI Hot Sauce *Dry
6) Use FHI Runway and New Silk/Satin Rollers

BIG SHOUT OUT TO: SherylsTresses & Starronda, Glad you appreciated the Tips!:blush::grin: Thanks
I plan on pre-pooing with a Cayenne Vodka tonic, Joice Lite dc-ing, Coffee rinsing and perhaps, maybe...trying a twist-out on blown-out hair...(This will be my first time - eva! I'm so excited!!!)
I'll be self-texlaxing for the very FIRST time tomorrow. :nervous2:I'm SUPER nervous. But hopefully the hair fairy:fairy: will come and make me look like this!!!! :gorgeous: :grin:
I'll be self-texlaxing for the very FIRST time tomorrow. :nervous2:I'm SUPER nervous. But hopefully the hair fairy:fairy: will come and make me look like this!!!! :gorgeous: :grin:

You'll Be Fine! Stay Focused. Have All Your Supplies at Hand and Concentrate.:yep:

In the End....Your Hair will Thank You!:grin:
As soon as I get out of the gym in the morning I'm going to shampoo, DC with a shower cap and satin bonnet, then go to sleep lol.
Friday 23..
I will Co-wash -Yes to cucumbers conditioner
Komaza-Honey Treatment for hair & scalp 5min
Myhoneychild-Honey hair mask Dc 15min/heat cap

After-spritz scalp with-Njoi Creations-Herbal tea spray-Komaza-Hair milk-leave in-
Njoi creations-oil on ends (seal)
twists hair/rollers on end's...

Happy Hair Growing!
I'm going to do my PM shines demi color since it has been 4 wks. I will deep cond following the color and then rollerset. I will then blowout my roots only with my new nano babybliss blowdryer.
44 weeks post relaxer :yay:

My hair's in braids (no extensions) - like middle siggy pic. I'll DC on dry hair with ORS Replenishing Con mixed with oils for a few hours and cowash out with Aussie Moist. I've had the braids in for 2 weeks, one more week to go :yep: It's nice having a break from my hair but I miss it! Can't wait for next weekend :grin:
I'll be washing and rollersetting. I d/c last week and my hair is still really soft, so I'll cheat and not d/c this week:blush:
I'm going to do my PM shines demi color since it has been 4 wks. I will deep cond following the color and then rollerset. I will then blowout my roots only with my new nano babybliss blowdryer.

What are the dates for the pics in your siggy???

44 weeks post relaxer :yay:

My hair's in braids (no extensions) - like middle siggy pic. I'll DC on dry hair with ORS Replenishing Con mixed with oils for a few hours and cowash out with Aussie Moist. I've had the braids in for 2 weeks, one more week to go :yep: It's nice having a break from my hair but I miss it! Can't wait for next weekend :grin:

Your twistout and braidout are FYE!!! What do you use???

Okay, I just finished relaxing and DCing my hair. (and I did GREAT IDare. Thanks for the confidence boost!!) I wanna wear my hair down SOOO bad. So, I'm debating whether or not I'm going to put it in a bun, blow dry & flat iron, air dry & flat iron, or rollerset. I REALLY don't wanna sit under the dry with the rollerset. I REALLY don't wanna use direct heat either. And I REALLY wanna wear my hair down!! :wallbash: UGH!!! DECISIONS DECISIONS!!!!
Nothing but moisturizing this week end for me. I will be taking down my extensions perhaps next week, not sure yet though.
Today: I just finger-combed and put it into a puff for work
Tomorrow: Nothing
Sunday: I think I'm due another egg hair mask and bentonite clay treatment
Haven't washed in 2 weeks and I'm in super need of a protein treatment so I'll be doing that... then I'll probably rollerset and flat iron my roots...
I plan to relax, trim, and deep condition.

I might rollerset..I haven't done it in awhile :look:...more than likely I'll blow dry and flat iron :look:
Nothing...will be going two weeks following my relaxer last Friday. I feel good saying that after Kami :grin:

I will be moisturizing nightly.

Starting Sunday night, I'll start applying MT and JBCO to my scalp nightly.
Starting Monday, I'll start bunning again.
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well i braided my hair last night using afroveda hemp butter and pur whipped gelly.
it gave me so much hold but i love it.