Obsessive about my hair?


New Member
Hey ladies, this will actually be my first post as I am just now coming out of lurkville. So getting right into it, sometimes I feel like I may be way to obsessed with my hair. let me explain why, as I am still what would most would consider a newly natural ( originally big chopped 6 months ago) I am very prone to setbacks as i am still learning my hair and:lachen: how to take care of it. Well the problem is , everytime I feel like I have one of these setbacks, even if its made up in my head it not,it makes me want to cut all my hair off completely and start over a fresh. And I don't mean a few inches ladies, I mean bald..shaved, clean cut, Mr.clean, whatever you want to call it. I feel like when I have any kind of setback, my hair becomes damaged. Like literally damaged goods that needs to ne thrown out. I don't like having hair that I feel like has been " damaged" if it it wasn't really a major setback. For instance I am prone to psoroasis on my scalp. It itched very bad and I have very long Sharp nails. So I scratch my head raw and it literally pulls the hairs off my scalp. I see broken hairs all over and then I start feeling as if I somehow gave myself splinter ends by scratching my head so rough. i feel like my hair won't be perfect .there is now way I could ever make any progress if I keep cutting my hair whenever something happens. I want my hair to grow long and healthy but I won't be able to achieve this because I can't get out of the twa stage due to this obsession with perfect hair. Has anyone else felt this way before? Is there anyone else going though my situation? If so and u overcame it. How did u do it? This is really hindering my progress.
Welcome and congrats on your BC! Sorry about your frustrations with your hair, I understand wanting your perfect image and perception of your hair but in order to reach your goals you will have to be patient and resist the urge to cut it off because its what you consider damaged. Take the time to really evaluate and assess your hair and determine if cutting it will benefit your journey or hinder the progress. Since you say you are still learning about your hair, you should learn how to nurse your hair back to health if possible then do protective styles so you can develope an "out of sight, out of mind" type deal with your hair, ( low manipulation ) just make sure you care for your hair and scalp underneath any protective style. Lady P's deep moisture method is good for retention. Since you have psoriasis, that may be something you need to see your dermatologist/doctor about. Anyway, browse around the site, there is an unlimited amount of information on here on just about anything. I wish you well in your HHJ...! :yep:

ETA: Have you considered filing your nails down a bit so when you do need to scratch your scalp, not as much damage occurs? Also, Nioxin has a scalp dermabrasion scrub that will clean your scalp, that may help your scalp. You may want to talk to your dermatologist about what will be the best way to keep your psoriasis at bay, tell him your goals and that the psoriasis flare up causes severe setbacks ( keep in mind that some natural or Ayurvedic remedies have been known to work wonders ) If you can tolerate it, try vitamins, up your water intake and exercise. You may be one who needs a clean scalp, unable to keep heavy oils or creams on it but then again, the opposite may be true and the creams and oils may help... Its the beginning of your HHJ and now is the time to find out .... I suggest searching psoriasis in the search engine on here first to see if there has been a thread about it, then if you cant find the info you need there, start a new thread. I guarantee that you are not the only one on here with psoriasis and I'm sure many has conquered the condition or at least managed to keep it at bay while reaching their hair goals and I'm sure they will be more than willing to share what has worked for them... I have a feeling once you get that under control, your hair will take off...:yep: HTH
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Welcome and congrats on your BC! Sorry about your frustrations with your hair, I understand wanting your perfect image and perception of your hair but in order to reach your goals you will have to be patient and resist the urge to cut it off because its what you consider damaged. Take the time to really evaluate and assess your hair and determine if cutting it will benefit your journey or hinder the progress. Since you say you are still learning about your hair, you should learn how to nurse your hair back to health if possible then do protective styles so you can develope an "out of sight, out of mind" type deal with your hair, ( low manipulation ) just make sure you care for your hair and scalp underneath any protective style. Lady P's deep moisture method is good for retention. Since you have psoriasis, that may be something you need to see your dermatologist/doctor about. Anyway, browse around the site, there is an unlimited amount of information on here on just about anything. I wish you well in your HHJ...! :yep:

welcome to the board!!! :flowers:

HE_Blesses_MY_Tresses makes a great point! protective styling might be the best way to keep from cutting healthy hair off along with damaged portions.

i must say though, i admire your determination to keep damage at bay. health is just as important as length :yep: