Obsession 2----- The Misery Loves Company Sequel----Starring You!


New Member
Ok...So last night I realized I just went from Zero to Crazy....I spent 30 minutes that mind you, I won't get back until daylight savings time, getting an SSK out with a sewing needle ( I tell you I was surgical with that mutha..) anyway, I'm happy to report it is now back home in a nice braid on Celie Street. As, I was "operating", I kept saying to myself this is crazy just amputate and call it a day but my long hair obsession would not let me give in to what I like to call sanity

I tell you all this because I was thinking ,I can't be the only one that has done something others may deem just a bit "schizi "(and I mean that in the most positive way) because of their hair obsession.

Soooo...Do Tell, Puh-leeze.....It's hard being crazy by yourself :look:...ohh and I won't judge, well maybe just a little:yep:
I have been where you are many of times! It's ok, just relax....breathe......and go to town on those suckers! As you already know, being surgical, keeps more of that length! :) It's ok, you're in the company of others just like you! :D
I'm the same way with knots. . .I refuse to give up!

The other day when I was getting my hair braided w/ extensions my mom accidentally left out a small piece (about 10 strands). Since there was no way to add that small piece to another braid she suggested cutting it/just leaving it out. The thought made me :ill: so of course I unbraided the whole thing (my braids are APL/BSLish) and then re-braided it. I don't play! :lol:
Smile...Thanks Ajargon02....its good to know I'm not alone in my obsession

YaniraNaturally.... Girl, I feel ya...I would have done the same...I'm like every strand counts and if you don't believe me ask the sexy balding guys with thier scalps playing peek-a-boo under the comb-overs:lol:
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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Girl! I needed that laugh so bad. I've never operated on a ssk but, I can definitely understand it. We're all a bit strange when it comes to our hair around here. I can no longer wear mine down for any period of time without obsessing over what's going on with my ends. I wore my hair out for about 4 hours for a graduation once this year and couldn't even concentrate on the ceremony. I was trying to stay very still so that my ends wouldn't rub on my jacket. They haven't seen the light of day since. Now I'm concerned that growing my hair long will be a moot point since I"m going to be frazzled whenever I attempt to wear it out. :blush: Ah well, at least I can laugh about all the obsessive things we do around here and am sub'g for more responses. Great post!

I myself am a little OCD when it comes to hair leaving my head. I always inspect fallen strands for a bulb to determine whether it was shed or broken. Then I do a strand test to see if I need protein or moisture :look: