Observe World AIDS Day by supporting Ubuntu Education Fund


Well-Known Member
HIV does not discriminate. Its effects transcend geographic, racial, and demographic borders. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the US HIV prevalence is a little over 1.1 million people. The estimated South African HIV prevalence rate is 5.7 million people.

Just knowing statistics is not enough. December 1st is World AIDS Day, a day dedicated to education about AIDS and the impact the virus has on communities all over the world. This is the perfect time for our community to support Ubuntu and the work they are doing to combat the 40% prevalence rate in the townships of Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

We can change lives with a single (but hopefully more than one) text message! Join us on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 12:00pm as we text for change.

Millions of text messages are sent all over the world everyday. What if those text messages could actually raise money for the fight against HIV? It has never been easier to help. Sending a text can now change lives!

How does it work?

Simply text UBUNTU to 20222. You will receive a text confirming your $5.00 donation. Reply with YES and a one-time donation of $5.00 will be added to your mobile phone bill. Want to give more? Great! You can make donations via text up to five times per month so text away.

Here is the organization website: http://ubuntufund.org/

If you do not want to send a text message but still want to donate, PM me for more details.

Mods- I posted here for high traffic

Thank in Advance for the support!!
FYI: Ubuntu Provides:

Scholarship for children in the townships of Port Elizabeth
mobile clinics with free HIV testing
HIV counseling and clinical care
support for orphaned children
sexual health classes for teenagers and young adults
counseling for families with members dying of AIDS
after school, holiday, and summer camps for orphaned and vulnerable children
school garden programs to feed school children
meals for all those receiving ARV drugs
a few more programs which I am probably leaving out!...