Obama Smells Himself For Sulfur, Confirms He's Not A Demon


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"

Story http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/12/politics/obama-sulfur-smell-alex-jones/

Obama was responding to the claim by Alex Jones, founder of the conspiracy website "InfoWars" and host of "The Alex Jones Show" on radio, who warned viewers on his program that both the President and the Democratic presidential nominee carried the scent of demons.

"Hillary, reportedly, I mean, I was told by people around her that they think she's demon-possessed, okay? I'm just going to go ahead and say it, okay," he began.

"Imagine how bad she smells, man," Jones continued. "I'm told her and Obama just stink, stink, stink, stink. You can't wash that evil off, man. I'm told there's a rotten smell around Hillary. I'm not kidding, people say -- folks, I've been told this by high up folks. They say listen, Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur. I never said this, because the media will go crazy with it, but I've talked to people that are in protective details -- they're scared of her. And they say listen, she's a frickin demon and she stinks and so does Obama. I go, like what? Sulfur. They smell like Hell."

For the record:

Demonic possession
is the belief that individuals can be possessed by malevolent preternatural beings, commonly referred to as demons or devils. Obsessions and possessions of the devil are placed in the rank of apparitions of the evil spirit among men. It is obsession when the demon acts externally against the person whom it besets, and possession when he acts internally, agitates them, excites their ill humor, makes them utter blasphemy, speak tongues they have never learned, discovers to them unknown secrets, and inspires them with the knowledge of the obscurest things in philosophy or theology.[A 1] Descriptions of demonic possessions often include erased memories or personalities, convulsions (i.e. epileptic seizures or “fits”) and fainting as if one were dying.[1] Other descriptions include access to hidden knowledge (gnosis) and foreign languages (xenoglossy), drastic changes in vocal intonation and facial structure, the sudden appearance of injuries (scratches, bite marks) or lesions, and superhuman strength. Unlike in channeling, the subject has no control over the possessing entity and so it will persist until forced to leave the victim, usually through a form of exorcism.
He may not BE a demon but he surely folows his doctrine. Both Obama and Hillary support full term pregnancy abortions. This is so sad, let alone beyond cruel...it's just plain evil. It doesn't take the smell of sulfur to expose whom he follows.

I have NO respect for him nor his works.

Jus' sayin' :nono:
I can't support many of Obama's policies but I think he has primarily been demonized due to his race. Many people believe he's the antichrist.

Gurl lol...who do they think Hilary or Trump are by those standards haha?! SMH. It's disgusting how they malign this intelligent man. His name means "blessed." "Barack" is "baruch"..."blessed."And Mike Pence is a liar...he promoted a genocidal maniac of Trump as a "christian."

I dunno if anyone saw Alex's recent teary meltdown over Obama and these elections but this man is highly unstable...emotionally unstable. People make all kinds of moral errors but that doesn't mean they are demons. Even, there is pushback in our own church over the moral right of a woman to abort if her life is endangered. Until a man or another woman has had a child and had their lives endangered, esp. when they had a spouse and other children in their care, and know what it's like to face such a choice, they need to shut up, imo. I'm not willingly going to endanger myself nor the lives of those I'm in charge of when G-d gave us medical miracles and procedures to live longer. I don't believe in any abortion except for that which our Church approves - in the event the life of the mother is endangered. My life matters, too. Saint Gianna Beretta ...she suffered. For catholics, it's important to run this by your pastor and medical professionals because the psychological implications can also damage your health.

Ahem, so, Alex Jones....what a nutcase. He's mentally unstable. If anyone "religious" were to look at his meltdowns, they might conclude he's actually possessed or oppressed by evil. Trying to find his most recent one:

Now, what do they think White people are???? With all the evil history of this planet and unprecedented destruction? Not just govt. policies and oppression but corporations ruining the heath of millions for profit? Ruining societies and ethnic groups with cunning and satanic skill? Even within the Church...turning a freaking blind eye to the miseries people have been enslaved in for centuries? SMH.
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^ Saint Gianna died from an infection...not the tumor since the tumor was benign and successfully removed while she was pregnant. She was treated for the tumor. She died from a surgical complication ( infection) not from the pregnancy per se.

Also I don't think the church technically approves of "abortion." They approve treatment for an illness (i.e. cancer or ectopic etc) when the mom's life is in danger. Having a surgery to remove a cancer or a tumor would not really be abortion. The loss of the pregnancy is a side effect of the treatment, but that is not the same as a willful termination.
^ Saint Gianna died from an infection...not the tumor since the tumor was benign and successfully removed while she was pregnant. She was treated for the tumor. She died from a surgical complication ( infection) not from the pregnancy per se.

Also I don't think the church technically approves of "abortion." They approve treatment for an illness (i.e. cancer or ectopic etc) when the mom's life is in danger. Having a surgery to remove a cancer or a tumor would not really be abortion. The loss of the pregnancy is a side effect of the treatment, but that is not the same as a willful termination.

To the bolded, yes, understood. It's still an abortion to save the life of the mother when she is endangered. I'm looking at the technical medical term. The church allows the procedure in this case and this case only. I think it's important for any woman in that situation to consult her pastor as well as medical personnel and not be swayed to endanger her life by reading junk on catholic fora. You can be exposed to all kinds of error. I've read something that basically condemned women in that type of situation to either "murder" or "sainthood" (meaning, accepting death). What if both the mother and baby die and the husband is left raising 5 kids alone? SMH. It's like everyone expects the most out of women but I highly doubt something comparative, if possible, would be expected of men.
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To the bolded, yes, understood. It's still an abortion to save the life of the mother when she is endangered. I'm looking at the technical medical term. The church allows the procedure in this case and this case only. I think it's important for any woman in that situation to consult her pastor as well as medical personnel and not be swayed to endanger her life by reading junk on catholic fora. You can be exposed to all kinds of error. I've read something that basically condemned women in that type of situation to either "murder" or "sainthood" (meaning, accepting death). What if both the mother and baby die and the husband is left raising 5 kids alone? SMH. It's like everyone expects the most out of women but I highly doubt something comparative, if possible, would be expected of men.

That is not really what the Church teaches...here it is from the source not the catholic forums.

"2271 Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law:
You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish.75

God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves. Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.76"

Maybe it just sounds like semantics but Mother Church would never endorse abortion. Treatment to save a mothers life that could also end a pregnancy is allowed but that is not an abortion. I believe that is the difference. Ultimately I agree that a woman in this situation must consult her priest.
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I understand and respect your position on Obama, but I doubt he's possessed. That's a strong claim against anyone... and reason why I added the demon posessession breakdown. Doing demonic things is different.. Like Creflo likes to say" they'se devilish" :lol:

He may not BE a demon but he surely folows his doctrine. Both Obama and Hillary support full term pregnancy abortions. This is so sad, let alone beyond cruel...it's just plain evil. It doesn't take the smell of sulfur to expose whom he follows.

I have NO respect for him nor his works.

Jus' sayin' :nono:
I am sorry but I get HIGHLY ANNOYED with the antics of "scary politics*". It's this mindset that has us involved in armed conflict even as I type. *not just Christian's

Please don't stone me, BUT FOR A LONG TIME, I have felt that Abortions will/should continue as long there is a Hardness of Men's [and Womens] Hearts. Much like the circumstances that led to Divorces being permitted back in the early [biblical] days per Matthew 9:8.

We routinely dehumanize categories of humans in order to mis-treat them; I believe whe,n we change the behaviors that lead to the "unwanted" pregnancies then we can change the #of abortions and perhaps the laws will no longer be a needed or relevant issue. But until then, ..........let these folks manage life the best way they can, and pray/fight to change the pre-abortion behaviors.

Back in the day they felt that Ronald Wilson Reagan, and the fact that he has 6 letters in each name =666 the mark of the Devil? Hmm, perhaps we Christian should focus on living a life like Christ; spend more time see(king) Love, Harmony, Peach and Understanding; and way less time stop see(king) the Devil and Demons.
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That is not really what the Church teaches...here it is from the source not the catholic forums.

"2271 Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law:
You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish.75

God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves. Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.76"

Maybe it just sounds like semantics but Mother Church would never endorse abortion. Treatment to save a mothers life that could also end a pregnancy is allowed but that is not an abortion. I believe that is the difference. Ultimately I agree that a woman in this situation must consult her priest.

noun: abortion; plural noun: abortions
the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Semantic meaning, yes. Just the medical term for the procedure, amoral. It's actually an "obstetrical abortion" or "termination." What you are mainly pointing to is the Church not ever allowing a "criminal abortion" of certain type of intent vs. the "obstetrical abortion" in which the fetus is not intended to die by will because of the mother's life...also, there being a "spontaneous abortion" as miscarriage. They both end up terminating the pregnancy and I'm just stressing the medical term for the end-result...terminated pregnancy, however it arrives. I do not know how an "obstetrical abortion" would be presented and how long it would take before the Tribunal. I do know they are rather rare.

...if medical treatment or surgical operation, necessary to save a mother's life, is applied to her organism (though the child's death would, or at least might, follow as a regretted but unavoidable consequence), it should not be maintained that the fetal life is thereby directly attacked. Moralists agree that we are not always prohibited from doing what is lawful in itself, though evil consequences may follow which we do not desire. The good effects of our acts are then directly intended, and the regretted evil consequences are reluctantly permitted to follow because we cannot avoid them. The evil thus permitted is said to be indirectly intended. It is not imputed to us provided four conditions are verified, namely:
  • That we do not wish the evil effects, but make all reasonable efforts to avoid them;
  • That the immediate effect be good in itself;
  • That the evil is not made a means to obtain the good effect; for this would be to do evil that good might come of it — a procedure never allowed;
  • That the good effect be as important at least as the evil effect.
All four conditions may be verified in treating or operating on a woman with child. The death of the child is not intended, and every reasonable precaution is taken to save its life; the immediate effect intended, the mother's life, is good — no harm is done to the child in order to save the mother — the saving of the mother's life is in itself as good as the saving of the child's life. Of course provision must be made for the child's spiritual as well as for its physical life, and if by the treatment or operation in question the child were to be deprived of Baptism, which it could receive if the operation were not performed, then the evil would be greater than the good consequences of the operation. In this case the operation could not lawfully be performed. Whenever it is possible to baptize an embryonic child before it expires, Christian charity requires that it be done, either before or after delivery; and it may be done by any one, even though he be not a Christian.
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...if medical treatment or surgical operation, necessary to save a mother's life, is applied to her organism (though the child's death would, or at least might, follow as a regretted but unavoidable consequence), it should not be maintained that the fetal life is thereby directly attacked. Moralists agree that we are not always prohibited from doing what is lawful in itself, though evil consequences may follow which we do not desire. The good effects of our acts are then directly intended, and the regretted evil consequences are reluctantly permitted to follow because we cannot avoid them. The evil thus permitted is said to be indirectly intended. It is not imputed to us provided four conditions are verified, namely:
  • That we do not wish the evil effects, but make all reasonable efforts to avoid them;
  • That the immediate effect be good in itself;
  • That the evil is not made a means to obtain the good effect; for this would be to do evil that good might come of it — a procedure never allowed;
  • That the good effect be as important at least as the evil effect.
All four conditions may be verified in treating or operating on a woman with child. The death of the child is not intended, and every reasonable precaution is taken to save its life; the immediate effect intended, the mother's life, is good — no harm is done to the child in order to save the mother — the saving of the mother's life is in itself as good as the saving of the child's life. Of course provision must be made for the child's spiritual as well as for its physical life, and if by the treatment or operation in question the child were to be deprived of Baptism, which it could receive if the operation were not performed, then the evil would be greater than the good consequences of the operation. In this case the operation could not lawfully be performed. Whenever it is possible to baptize an embryonic child before it expires, Christian charity requires that it be done, either before or after delivery; and it may be done by any one, even though he be not a Christian.

Since I am not familiar with New Advent I will stick with the catechism on this very sensitive subject.
I understand and respect your position on Obama, but I doubt he's possessed. That's a strong claim against anyone... and reason why I added the demon posessession breakdown. Doing demonic things is different.. Like Creflo likes to say" they'se devilish" :lol:
I'm calling Obama exactly what he is...demonic. He knows better but chooses otherwise that which is not of God.
I am sorry but I get HIGHLY ANNOYED with the antics of "scary politics*". It's this mindset that has us involved in armed conflict even as I type. *not just Christian's

Please don't stone me, BUT FOR A LONG TIME, I have felt that Abortions will/should continue as long there is a Hardness of Men's [and Womens] Hearts. Much like the circumstances that led to Divorces being permitted back in the early [biblical] days per Matthew 9:8.

We routinely dehumanize categories of humans in order to mis-treat them; I believe whe,n we change the behaviors that lead to the "unwanted" pregnancies then we can change the #of abortions and perhaps the laws will no longer be a needed or relevant issue. But until then, ..........let these folks manage life the best way they can, and pray/fight to change the pre-abortion behaviors.

Back in the day they felt that Ronald Wilson Reagan, and the fact that he has 6 letters in each name =666 the mark of the Devil? Hmm, perhaps we Christian should focus on living a life like Christ; spend more time see(king) Love, Harmony, Peach and Understanding; and way less time stop see(king) the Devil and Demons.
Im not stoning you. I simply have to post this.

Abortions have come from the limit of the 1st trimester, to 5 months and NOW full term! A full term life, a living breathing innocent baby, who has done harm to No One, is murdered in cold blood.

An act of deliberate murder that is not only approved of but being defended by and supported by and legislated by Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Do you also support this? Late term abortions? All of this talk about scarey politics has originated from the platforms and policies and acts of Obama and Hillary; they are the ones who put it out there.


Hillary is out to finish what Obama started. There's no cap / no limits on who elects a full term abortion. She has made this among gay marriage the top of her platform during each speech and debate. She is out to enforce gay rights and minimizing Christian rights.

Scarey politics, indeed. However, the curators are not those who oppose and call them out. Obama and Hillary's fruit speak loudly of evil and scary politics.

The blood of these aborted babies will not be upon my hands. The Bible is quite clear about this...the taking of innocent blood and those who play the accomplice to it will bring God"s judgment.
Thank you for the input and the information; and yes I do stand by my original post. I'm not comfortable with the procedures, but you won't find me protesting; though when giving private counsel I'd let my feelings be known.

There are many ways in-which innocent blood is shed on a daily basis.
  • I've witnessed "Collateral damage" as it pertains to WAR (2 wars). Personally I did not approve of the war nor the carnage.
  • Innocent ill people die needlessly because they can't afford medical care, or are denied insurance coverage. Just yesterday I spoke with a young man that's recently lost his dad to cancer due to this.
  • Other countries have what they consider Honor Killings; while in other other countries innocents starve to death daily. 3rd world problems? maybe but still
None of these losses makes sense to me; and to be honest I find it sickening. I hope in time abortions will end too..just like the Salem Witch Trials and the Christian Crusades

Speaking of Abortions: To my knowledge it none of the President's since 1970 have performed abortions; neither have the folks on the Supreme Court that approved, defend, and have allowed for expansion of the laws. It is the [Medical] Men & Women of this country that carry out these procedures and lobby $$ for expansion of the practices; UNTIL THEIR HEART$ are changed along with the folks whose behaviors drive them to necessitate these procedures not much will change.
Even the Beloved Republican Reagan as Governor of California, felt compelled to sign into law the "Therapeutic Abortion Act", in an effort to reduce the number of "back room abortions" performed in California.​

I too was outraged at the expansion of what a legal abortion is; but then I've never been faced with having to make that choice; .....I've had to make other choices and the only positive was that the law was on my side.

Regarding my Scary Politics statement; I meant it as a broad stroke statement to include fear mongering tactics incite irrational fear of things such as : school desegregation; selling liquor on Sunday's, letting gay's in the military; ] a President who has 3 names -each with 6 letters as being a DEMON; and those who prefer to DEMONIZE or DEHUMANIZE anyone who's political view they fear.; oh and do let me add my favorite: Those who fear that the written phrase Merry X-mas is taking the Christ out of Christmas or blasphemy . FEAR and SEX sells

AND let's not forget that there are Christian Gay's so their getting married might be and affront to your sensibilities but it does not infringe upon your rights as a Christ-Like being.

I'll stop there, but do understand that I realize my views as expressed here are not popular or mainstream; I'll not engage on this subject any more. Rest well
Thank you for the input and the information; and yes I do stand by my original post. I'm not comfortable with the procedures, but you won't find me protesting; though when giving private counsel I'd let my feelings be known.

There are many ways in-which innocent blood is shed on a daily basis.
  • I've witnessed "Collateral damage" as it pertains to WAR (2 wars). Personally I did not approve of the war nor the carnage.
  • Innocent ill people die needlessly because they can't afford medical care, or are denied insurance coverage. Just yesterday I spoke with a young man that's recently lost his dad to cancer due to this.
  • Other countries have what they consider Honor Killings; while in other other countries innocents starve to death daily. 3rd world problems? maybe but still
None of these losses makes sense to me; and to be honest I find it sickening. I hope in time abortions will end too..just like the Salem Witch Trials and the Christian Crusades

Speaking of Abortions: To my knowledge it none of the President's since 1970 have performed abortions; neither have the folks on the Supreme Court that approved, defend, and have allowed for expansion of the laws. It is the [Medical] Men & Women of this country that carry out these procedures and lobby $$ for expansion of the practices; UNTIL THEIR HEART$ are changed along with the folks whose behaviors drive them to necessitate these procedures not much will change.
Even the Beloved Republican Reagan as Governor of California, felt compelled to sign into law the "Therapeutic Abortion Act", in an effort to reduce the number of "back room abortions" performed in California.​

I too was outraged at the expansion of what a legal abortion is; but then I've never been faced with having to make that choice; .....I've had to make other choices and the only positive was that the law was on my side.

Regarding my Scary Politics statement; I meant it as a broad stroke statement to include fear mongering tactics incite irrational fear of things such as : school desegregation; selling liquor on Sunday's, letting gay's in the military; ] a President who has 3 names -each with 6 letters as being a DEMON; and those who prefer to DEMONIZE or DEHUMANIZE anyone who's political view they fear.; oh and do let me add my favorite: Those who fear that the written phrase Merry X-mas is taking the Christ out of Christmas or blasphemy . FEAR and SEX sells

AND let's not forget that there are Christian Gay's so their getting married might be and affront to your sensibilities but it does not infringe upon your rights as a Christ-Like being.

I'll stop there, but do understand that I realize my views as expressed here are not popular or mainstream; I'll not engage on this subject any more. Rest well

Okay, so you're confirming that you agree with full term babies being aborted?

Again, I'm not stoning you, I just wanted clarity on where your faith and commitment to God's Word lies.

Your faith is compromised...

No man (or woman) can serve two masters. He / She will love one and hate the other.

One cannot continue to live a gay lifestyle as a Christian. They have to repent of that lifestyle; give it up for it is not of God.

God has made it clear that marriage is between a man and woman, not two people of the same sex. Gay marriage is not validated by God.

God does not support abortion. The taking of innocent blood is not validated by God.

Jesus said: "Let the little children come unto me. If anyone harms s child, it is better for a millstone to be tied around his neck and be thrown into the sea.

You said that no president nor anyone on the Supreme Court ever "performed" an abortion. They did so by putting it into law which has since opened up flood gate after flood gates of innocent blood of innocent babies being shed. So, indeed they have performed these heinous crimes against babies.

Now, Hillary Clinton has made it her personal agenda, her personal platform to take the life, spill the blood of Full Term Living Babies...to lift the ban of abortion limitations, opening the doors for "whosoever will" to freely elect to kill a new born full term baby.

This is Murder in the First Degree...

For these reasons, I support separation of Church and State. Just look at the origin of this country in the first place. It had NOTHING to do with Jesus.
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^ Hilary has also said plainly that she is coming for the Church. I cannot support her and don't understand how professed Christians can support her.
Belle... I totally agree.

This is beyond grief. For anyone to take the life of a new born baby, it's evil. It is not God. Hillary Clinton is making these babies as a human blood sacrifice to become elected. God's judgment is upon her and it will not be merciful, for she has chosen her path.

When she speaks of marriage equility, she's after the Church to try and force the Church to comply with gay marriage.

This woman is the new isis, she is a terrorist against infants with full term baby abortions and a witch against the Holiness of God. Her evil shall not prevail.
Thecommunity debate, she pretty much said her Supreme Court will be geared toward accommodating the LGBT community... I was too through...
What more do gays need? What about the Black community being accommodated?

Hillary's mindset is not sound. She has not provided sound logical evidence of being capable as president of this country.

Her entire platform is based on death and destruction of life (aborting new borns), destroying family structure and marriage and not one plan of action to defend and protect and enrich this country nor to defend the rights of those of faith in God.

She is the new isis, a terrorist in this land.
Other than abortion and other items on her public platform, there's another insidious project underway. Look at the entire world. It deals with the international elite. They keep us fighting over the "little" stuff while they are running to the finish line to enslave us all. SMH.Talk about evil!
Other than abortion and other items on her public platform, there's another insidious project underway. Look at the entire world. It deals with the international elite. They keep us fighting over the "little" stuff while they are running to the finish line to enslave us all. SMH.Talk about evil!
This isn't little stuff, taking the life of a new born baby. This exceeds the international elite.

This country is supposed to be civilized. Yet there is a woman, Killary Clinton, running for office who cares more about ensuring a sin filled gay agenda, than the life of a new born baby. She is promoting the murders of infants, at full term to be killed and without mercy.

As adults, we can still fend for ourselves, fight for our rights...but a precious baby, full of life...cannot.

This is beyond the ills of this world. It's gone way too far. It's beyond insidious. Beyond evil.

Out of fairness... most abortions occur with in the first trimester. When a late-term abortion occurs, it was in all likelihood preceded with the statement "I have some very bad news for you." Most women who go through the trouble of carrying a child through the eighth month do so because that child is very much wanted. I am not willing to have myself or the government or anyone else intervene in what is likely the most painful decision a mother has to make!
No, Late-Term Abortions Don't 'Rip' Babies Out Of Wombs -- And They Exist For A Reason


If that sounds a bit flippant, that’s because, as Jen Gunter, an OBGYN who trained in late-term abortions, pointed out on Twitter, “There is no such thing as a ninth month abortion.” Those who seek late-term abortions are seeking them before a pregnancy reaches full term but often and unfortunately after they have discovered in the second or third trimester some problem with the fetus or danger to the mother.

But the inaccuracies started before Trump even responded: Wallace’s question was problematic right out of the gate because of the term he used. “Partial birth” is a political, not medical, term, and it does not refer to all late-term abortions. It refers to a very specific and rare procedure called dilation and evacuation, in which a fetus is partially pulled through the birth canal and then aborted, nearly always when the fetus cannot live outside the womb and typically when the mother’s health is in danger, the fetus has a serious abnormality, or both. Such a procedure is not conducted lightly: the fetus has a fatal defect and will not survive, or the mother is at risk of death herself.

Again, even among the 1.3% of abortions occurring after 20 weeks, most are also occurring well before the 38th to 40th weeks, when a baby may be considered full term. The most common procedure for these is a dilation and evacuation, which carries enough risks to the mother that they’re unlikely to be undergoing it unless it’s truly necessary.
Abortions are complicated. You can try and make it a simple matter of right or wrong, but it rarely is.

Abortion didn't become illegal until the late 1800s. I think abortions became illegal in the first place as a way to control the wombs of white women to ensure that they remained in a traditional child-bearing role and to ensure that white women kept producing white children. People kept having abortions anyway. It then became legal as a way to make sure that women who chose to undergo an abortion could do so in a safe and sanitary way. So that they didn't lose their lives in the process.

No one is making anyone get an abortion. The state has just made is so that women are no longer DYING from the procedure. It is always a decision made between the mother and her doctor. It is a deeply personal decision.

Once again, no one is making anyone get an abortion. If abortion ever actually becomes illegal again, people are still going to have abortions. You are never going to be able to stop women from seeking out abortions. So, I don't understand why anyone works them self up about it. Put all of that attention on the kids who are already here. Because we can actually do something about that.

Legal or not, you will never stop women from undergoing abortions, you will never stop women from undergoing abortions, you will never stop women from undergoing abortions.
Then why is Hillary lifting the ban for ALL abortion procedures?

This talk about medical "reasons" is a farce; it is a cover up to justify the procedure. Hillary is LYING and I'm not buying her murderous platform.

She is literally out to make it possible for ANYONE to have a full term abortion and that is murder, cold-blooded murder of an innocent baby full of life and health.

For years, there have been legal procedures and non-disputed for tragic situations regarding where the life of a mother and child were in jeopardy. This is a proven fact. Therefore, there is absolutely no validation for Hillary's heartless plan. None!

And there is s partial birth abortion procedure where the doctor partially delivers the baby, then uses a pronged instrument to stab into the base of the baby's neck, which deflates the baby's brain, killing the baby.

This was made legal for abortions after the 1st trimester up to 5 months of the baby's development.

And mind you, this was not medically necessary! These are women who chose to wait.

Hillary Clinton is a murderer, by making full term abortions available for anyone who chooses.

Who is wiping the floors of endless pools of blood of these babies? Hillary's not. I pray, Dear God I pray that God's judgment falls upon her. . . Least she admits the truth and repents of this heinous crime against innocent life...spilling innocent blood.

What folks do not realize is just how serious this is. Judgment has no other option than to come for Hillary Clinton, for the seed has been sown and it shall not return void of God's retribution. That's God's law which cannot be repealed.

I will not support nor defend nor validate her heartless cold-blooded murderous mind against innocent babies.

Her judgment is coming and it will not have mercy, just as she has not shown mercy.
Abortions are complicated. You can try and make it a simple matter of right or wrong, but it rarely is.

Abortion didn't become illegal until the late 1800s. I think abortions became illegal in the first place as a way to control the wombs of white women to ensure that they remained in a traditional child-bearing role and to ensure that white women kept producing white children. People kept having abortions anyway. It then became legal as a way to make sure that women who chose to undergo an abortion could do so in a safe and sanitary way. So that they didn't lose their lives in the process.

No one is making anyone get an abortion. The state has just made is so that women are no longer DYING from the procedure. It is always a decision made between the mother and her doctor. It is a deeply personal decision.

Once again, no one is making anyone get an abortion. If abortion ever actually becomes illegal again, people are still going to have abortions. You are never going to be able to stop women from seeking out abortions. So, I don't understand why anyone works them self up about it. Put all of that attention on the kids who are already here. Because we can actually do something about that.

Legal or not, you will never stop women from undergoing abortions, you will never stop women from undergoing abortions, you will never stop women from undergoing abortions.
So what you are saying is that killing an infant in cold blood is something not to care about?

This is a baby... a full term healthy baby being killed and for no lawful reason whatsoever, here on earth.

Don't run ... There is no way that you can hide from the truth. An innocent life taken for no lawful reason.