O' Heavenly Father, Open Our Eyes that We May See!

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
"'Don't be afraid,' the prophet answered. 'Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.' And Elisha prayed, 'O Lord, open his eyes so he may see.'" II Kings 6:16-17a (NIV)

Have you ever asked God to help you see what He's up to in the spiritual realm?

In II Kings 6:15-17, the prophet Elisha prays for his servant to be able to see beyond his circumstances. They are surrounded by a great army and the odds look to be overwhelmingly against them. He asks God to show the servant what is taking place beyond what the eye can see. The servant's eyes are opened to a supernatural realm and he is able to see the Lord's armies gathered to fight on their behalf. Elisha knew his servant was feeling hopeless and simply needed a different perspective.

We need eyes to see just like that servant did. Make no mistake, we are fighting a war. As Christians, we must suit up every day and face another battle. We have an enemy who wants to defeat us. And some days it seems like he gets the victory.

We look around at the failing economy, the fractured families, and the fast pace of our lives and feel that the odds are overwhelmingly against us. We grow weary and feel like giving up.

In those moments we need to stop worrying and pray for a new vision. We need to ask God to change our perspective so that we can look past what we can see to what He is taking care of in the unseen. We need to remember to trust Him and to ask Him to help us see His activity--no matter how overwhelmed and unworthy we may feel. God sees us and He will send help when we need it.

The odds are never stacked against us because God is waging a battle we can't see. I love that He is always fighting on our behalf, even when we don't see it--and especially when we need it the most.
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"'Don't be afraid,' the prophet answered. 'Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.' And Elisha prayed, 'O Lord, open his eyes so he may see.'" II Kings 6:16-17a (NIV)

Have you ever asked God to help you see what He's up to in the spiritual realm?

In II Kings 6:15-17, the prophet Elisha prays for his servant to be able to see beyond his circumstances. They are surrounded by a great army and the odds look to be overwhelmingly against them. He asks God to show the servant what is taking place beyond what the eye can see. The servant's eyes are opened to a supernatural realm and he is able to see the Lord's armies gathered to fight on their behalf. Elisha knew his servant was feeling hopeless and simply needed a different perspective.

We need eyes to see just like that servant did. Make no mistake, we are fighting a war. As Christians, we must suit up every day and face another battle. We have an enemy who wants to defeat us. And some days it seems like he gets the victory.

We look around at the failing economy, the fractured families, and the fast pace of our lives and feel that the odds are overwhelmingly against us. We grow weary and feel like giving up.

In those moments we need to stop worrying and pray for a new vision. We need to ask God to change our perspective so that we can look past what we can see to what He is taking care of in the unseen. We need to remember to trust Him and to ask Him to help us see His activity--no matter how overwhelmed and unworthy we may feel. God sees us and He will send help when we need it.

The odds are never stacked against us because God is waging a battle we can't see. I love that He is always fighting on our behalf, even when we don't see it--and especially when we need it the most.

How many times has God ever failed to meet us exactly where we are in a situation?

The Answer: "Always" and forever...

How many times have you, Precious Wavy, never failed to be used of God at the very right time to 'open my eyes' unto Him and just 'see...'

I cannot count them....but I'm so very thankful for 'Our Father God' and His love for us and how thankful I am for you..."

Sis you always 'seem' to know... :kiss:

Mahalo ke Akua -- "Thanks be to God' :giveheart:
How many times has God ever failed to meet us exactly where we are in a situation?

The Answer: "Always" and forever...

How many times have you, Precious Wavy, never failed to be used of God at the very right time to 'open my eyes' unto Him and just 'see...'

I cannot count them....but I'm so very thankful for 'Our Father God' and His love for us and how thankful I am for you..."

Sis you always 'seem' to know... :kiss:

Mahalo ke Akua -- "Thanks be to God' :giveheart:
Amen, sis....and the same with you. You are a special woman...I thank God for you!

I'm learning alot on this forum about people....it's making me a stronger christian:yep:

The Lord is wonderful....I'm grateful that He chose me to preach His Word!

Amen, sis....and the same with you. You are a special woman...I thank God for you!

I'm learning alot on this forum about people....it's making me a stronger christian:yep:

The Lord is wonderful....I'm grateful that He chose me to preach His Word!

Sis, regarding the 'situation' that I was sharing with you and Pebs? God gave me 'HIS' way to handle it. Not my way.

I just wanted to post this publicly, because this post of yours prepared my heart to hear and see the answers from the Lord. Something that I knew to do, yet needed reminding.

There are so many solutions that 'we' as humans deem in our minds as right, yet, God has His way of making it turn out the way that it should whether we choose to 'follow' His paths of righteousness or not.

Precious Wavy, by 'seeing', I've realized that there was no further waste of time; no waste of faith, no waste of prayer (because many of our prayers can be worry, as opposed to faith). Checking God's calendar to see if He got our message (request). :yep:

I still have other issues to resolve in this matter, but I have opened my 'eyes' and I have 'seen' what God wants me to do and how to handle it His way which is 'The Way' and the only way that gives Him glory.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen....
Sis, regarding the 'situation' that I was sharing with you and Pebs? God gave me 'HIS' way to handle it. Not my way.

I just wanted to post this publicly, because this post of yours prepared my heart to hear and see the answers from the Lord. Something that I knew to do, yet needed reminding.

There are so many solutions that 'we' as humans deem in our minds as right, yet, God has His way of making it turn out the way that it should whether we choose to 'follow' His paths of righteousness or not.

Precious Wavy, by 'seeing', I've realized that there was no further waste of time; no waste of faith, no waste of prayer (because many of our prayers can be worry, as opposed to faith). Checking God's calendar to see if He got our message (request). :yep:

I still have other issues to resolve in this matter, but I have opened my 'eyes' and I have 'seen' what God wants me to do and how to handle it His way which is 'The Way' and the only way that gives Him glory.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen....
Praise the Lord, sis! This post blessed me because I had been praying about it and asking the Lord to give you what you needed and as always, He is faithful!

Amen, and amen!
Nice and Wavy and Shimmie, both of you always inspire and help me on my quest to become a stronger Christian through your posts. :hug3: I thank God for you both and for using you to breathe life into his word! God Bless you!! :love3::giveheart:

Sorry about all the smilies but I think they're cute!!
Nice and Wavy and Shimmie, both of you always inspire and help me on my quest to become a stronger Christian through your posts. :hug3: I thank God for you both and for using you to breathe life into his word! God Bless you!! :love3::giveheart:

Sorry about all the smilies but I think they're cute!!
:rosebud::kiss: Thank you very much for your kind words. I know that Shimmie will thank you as well when she reads this!
Nice and Wavy and Shimmie, both of you always inspire and help me on my quest to become a stronger Christian through your posts. :hug3: I thank God for you both and for using you to breathe life into his word! God Bless you!! :love3::giveheart:

Sorry about all the smilies but I think they're cute!!

What a deliteful sweetheart you are... Thank you for your kind words. I will not only cherish them but I will also do my best to live up to them. I am far from perfect, so any good you see in me is definitely 'Jesus'.

For you, more cute smilies, I like using them too. :yep:

:grouphug2: :huggle: :love2: :huggle: :love2: :grouphug2: