O Gee O My My Bun Is Falling Off


New Member
:grin: So I decided I wanted to give my hair a break and for a couple of weeks co wash and bun daily. I get to much breakage from a donut bun and I dont like the little bun I end up with using my bun maker so I run off to the bss to buy a fake apple bun. Well I get home and realize there is nothing but one puny comb in the phony bun and no clips ......also I am not sure how to get all my hair in the lil space on the back of the bun. Does anyone know how to attach this thing. My worst fear is that I will be at work in the middle of a trial and my bun fall off the back of my head and the judge and everyone just staring at me like :lachen:her hair dun fell off!!!!
this is the type of bun I have
The one chick that wears this at work uses the straight pin bobby pins to attach it.

Maybe someone will have a better solution though. :perplexed

It's cute!