Nyc Ladies - Stylist Help Please!


Well-Known Member
I have the interview of my life scheduled for early next week. I need to get my haired laid (silk press) in time for the interview. I note the salons I trust to get my haired laid (H2 Salon, Hair Rules, Leona Wilson, etc.) are closed on Mondays! :( My normal stylist is also not available on Monday.

Are there any salons that are open on Monday that do fabulous silk presses in the city?! I am also open to NJ. Please help a sister out!
the only place I let touch my natural hair [now] is Tear Drops of Elegance in Harlem. I've gone to there for years off and on. Ms. Sophia is wonderful and amazing, she'll hook you up. Perhaps @Honey Bee, @Britt or @SweetNic_JA can recommend somewhere else.
I wish I could help, but I haven't been to a salon since I went natural. I wouldn't have the first idea of where to start. :ohwell:

But good luck on your interview, @Rastafarai! What will you do if you can't find somebody? Do you have any tried and true hairstyles you could make work?
@Rastafarai why don't you do it Sunday then just wrap it?

There's this guy in Jersey my friend has gone to before. He does really good work and has videos on Facebook. You can look him up and contact him on fb. I've been meaning to go myself.

Kondor Rodnok

He's in South Jersey
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