NY: Duane Reade stopped carrying AA products?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where to post this, but this concerns me:

I don't know if this is city-wide, but I've been to 4 DR's in the West Village and their Af/am hair care products sections are either tiny, or non-existent. What gives? I see 1 line geared towards Af/Am women and it's called "Twisted Sister." I haven't seen anything about it on here or heard of it (which is not the point of this post, just an aside) but it really looks as if they are not trying to sell ethnic hair products anymore. I haven't been to the new fancy one in Harlem since I made this realization--it can't possibly be the same there, can it? I've noticed a HUGE increase in salon products (Sebastien, Biosilk, etc...) I know every store has it's "ethnic hair product ghetto" as someone referred to it in an article once LOL, but is this the product version of "gentrification?" Coincidence? I think not!
Hmmm, I've only ever seen like 4 shelves in Duane Reade full of ethnic products. I'll check tonight and get back at ya.
It has been pretty bad lately. I can never find anything there and I am surrounded by them over In Morningside Heights. CVS has better selection IMO, I am always disappointed whenever i go to Duane Reade to search for a product and I swear it was not like this before even when I did not pay attention. I recall being overwhelmed when I went looking to purchase something for my hair, no so now.