Nutrich Oil & B50


Well-Known Member
Hey, ladies!

Anyone heard of or tried this? I was doing my Saturday stroll through the Indian grocery stores to see what was new, :rolleyes: and found this:


The reason I bought it ($6.99 for 100ml) was because it has an ingredient called Indian spikenard (Jatamansi) that is in the essential oil blend on listed on (I would enter the exact link, but I can't find it; I have the recipe, so pm me if you want it). In addition, the other ingredients are Til oil (sesame), coconut, castor and almond oil (big favorites on this forum). :grin: As you can see, they also have capsules you can take, but I didn't see those in the store.

A breakdown of all the ingredients can be found here:

I can't wait to add it to my essential oil mix.

Holler if you have heard of it or want to bump, or whatever!

ALSO, I put a B50 capsule in my DC (as per the Chicken Grease and more thread); my hair has never been so thick, soft and shiny; here's a pic cuz I know you don't believe me! :lachen: Just kidding!

B50 in conditioner.jpg
Hey, ladies!

Anyone heard of or tried this? I was doing my Saturday stroll through the Indian grocery stores to see what was new, :rolleyes: and found this:

View attachment 10019

The reason I bought it ($6.99 for 100ml) was because it has an ingredient called Indian spikenard (Jatamansi) that is in the essential oil blend on listed on (I would enter the exact link, but I can't find it; I have the recipe, so pm me if you want it). In addition, the other ingredients are Til oil (sesame), coconut, castor and almond oil (big favorites on this forum). :grin: As you can see, they also have capsules you can take, but I didn't see those in the store.

A breakdown of all the ingredients can be found here:

I can't wait to add it to my essential oil mix.

Holler if you have heard of it or want to bump, or whatever!

ALSO, I put a B50 capsule in my DC (as per the Chicken Grease and more thread); my hair has never been so thick, soft and shiny; here's a pic cuz I know you don't believe me! :lachen: Just kidding!

View attachment 10021

hi there,

thanks for sharing this. I have never head of the nutrich oil but would love to try it. Do you know of any place online where it can be purchased? Also, what brand of B50 are you using?

I've heard of Trichup oil & capsules. here's the link

Can hair absorb the vitamins added to the deep conditioners?
Some folks have brought up the inability of egg proteins to be fully absorbed into the hair shaft which was sad news to hear. Now I'm questioning all products/ingredients to determine whether they can penetrate or simply sit on the hair strands.
Hey, Fine4s

I am really not sure; I hope one of our scientific experts, like gymfreak, can chime in! :yep:

Tishee, I put one B50 capsule in my DC.

Is anyone having success with these products?

I just got the Trichup Oil today from a local Indian store. 100ml for 4.99. I asked the young woman working there if she could point me to the product(s) that woud be best for falling hair or hair fall and she walked straight to this and handed to me. The site lists it at 10.95 plus I'm sure you'd have to pay for shipping. I'm just saying, it doesn't hurt maybe to try to find it local. I'm really hoping this works. My falling hair is driving me nuts.

I did find it interesting that, under the "Tips for Better Hair Care" on the instructions it says : Avoid beating your hair with a stick to remove water from hair. :lachen: I think they're serious.

She also said this oil could help with growth so wish me luck. Is anyone having success with these products?
Can hair absorb the vitamins added to the deep conditioners?
Some folks have brought up the inability of egg proteins to be fully absorbed into the hair shaft which was sad news to hear. Now I'm questioning all products/ingredients to determine whether they can penetrate or simply sit on the hair strands.

Anyone have updates on this?