NTM Saves The Day!!

Hey Ladies-
Just wanted to say the NTM is the biz!! I had knots and tangles saturday that just made me want to :eek: I co washed sunday and monday(didn't want to detangle and create more of a havoc til I softened up the mess first),then yesterday I prepooed with the NTM mask mixed with coconut and olive oil,then pooed and dc'ed with the poo and ddc and my hair is Soooooooooooooooo happy now:D Just wanted to share:) I don't know how I ever slept on NTM:p
:wave:....Welcome to the happy family of NTM users!:lol:

Glad you had a good experience!

NTM DDC is my ride or die saviour when it comes to tangles/knots...gets me through everytime...I will NEVER stop using this...it is a staple until that ish ain't manufactured no mo.

NTM fo life...*throws up NTM gang sign*;)
MonaLisa said:
:wave:....Welcome to the happy family of NTM users!:lol:

Glad you had a good experience!

NTM DDC is my ride or die saviour when it comes to tangles/knots...gets me through everytime...I will NEVER stop using this...it is a staple until that ish ain't manufactured no mo.

NTM fo life...*throws up NTM gang sign*;)

LOL, I just got their whole product line. Before I used their leave in every now in then, but when i Used the whole line the results were AMazing. Before I tried to resist buying it just because the tubes aren't that big and I was being cheap, but I got over that. :cool: I definitely recommend it.
Wow, this NTM must really be the ish!! When I run out of my current products, Im gonna give this line a try. Its been raved about for quite some time now, and I know that Sylver2 is a faithful user of the entire line. I hope I like it!:D
WoW! I wish NTM did that for me. I just didn't do much for me.

Anyways, glad you found a way to zap those tangles.
MonaLisa said:
:wave:....Welcome to the happy family of NTM users!:lol:

Glad you had a good experience!

NTM DDC is my ride or die saviour when it comes to tangles/knots...gets me through everytime...I will NEVER stop using this...it is a staple until that ish ain't manufactured no mo.

NTM fo life...*throws up NTM gang sign*;)

:lol: :lachen: Roflmao!!
Thanxs Mona Lisa:) My Paul Mitchell stopped working for me and I don't know why:( So I figured something had to give and tried the whole NTM line and it worked like a charm:D I think this may be my permanent line.I'll give it a go round for a whille and see what happens;) Thanx ladies:)