Nowhere near 2.5" in 5 months


Well-Known Member
Nowhere near 2.5\" in 5 months

I haven't relaxed since October 4th of 2003 so tomorrow (3/04/04) will make it 5 months since I've had my last relaxer and I don't have 2.5" much lesss 5" of new growth. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I started a serious medication in November but I really don't think that's the culprit. The medication is supposed to make my scalp dry and possibly cause shedding but I haven't experienced anything out of norm. Also, I had to stop taking my multivatmins to avoid vitamin A and I'm not sure if that's the culprit.

I'm trying to figure out why my hair seems to have grown so little. I know the weather is cold and I'm not excercising as much as I normally do but this is ridiculous

I should also mention that I'm in braids( been this way since late Nov) and in the process of taking them out. Maybe I won't be able to determine the actual growth until I get all of them out and style my hair. **crossing fingers** Luckily my hair goal doesn't have a deadline attached at the hip. I want to get to an even collarbone length sometime in my life time... I just need to
this growth rate into shape.
Re: Nowhere near 2.5\" in 5 months

How much does your hair normally grow in two months? Is this abnormal for you?
Re: Nowhere near 2.5\" in 5 months

Digital this is pretty abnormal. After 3 or 4 months of new growth my roots usually feel incredibly dense. Right now I've taken out almost all of the back section and it's like I'm searching to find my new growth. I haven't attained much growth
at all. I will post pictures when I'm done taking the braids out.
Re: Nowhere near 2.5\" in 5 months

Try looking at your new growth after washing your hair when the braids are removed. I find that I can more easily judge how much new growth I really have after I've freshly washed my hair. My new growth coils up when its wet and its easier to see.
Re: Nowhere near 2.5\" in 5 months

Here are pics showing my new growth.
My texture is 4a/4b.

take a look in my LHCF album.
Re: Nowhere near 2.5\" in 5 months

lsubabiedee said:
i think thats a pretty decent rate for cold months

[/ QUOTE ]

I suppose so, I just wish it would come along faster.

Re: Nowhere near 2.5\" in 5 months

That looks like a fair amount of new growth to me Nic!
Re: Nowhere near 2.5\" in 5 months

Thanks Britt...I'm guess I'm inching along at a not-so-bad pace.

I may do a touchup sometime this week and post results.
Re: Nowhere near 2.5\" in 5 months

Your new growth looks just like mine...I think you have a nice amount, but since it's so dense, it looks like you have less than you really have. BTW, your album is very nice...did you do your own braids?
Re: Nowhere near 2.5\" in 5 months

you're right my hair is really dense. Right now I have about 1inch (unstreched) of natural hair. It reaches just about 2+ inches when stretched so I guess the growth isn't as bad after all.

Thanks for the compliments on my album. I did the braids that are in my LHCF album but those aren't my most recent. I went to a Guinea braiding salon to get my last set and saved myself some time.