Now my husband is ready for me to cut my hair!


New Member
Last year I was ready for something different. I was ready for a short hair cut right before I turned 40. I've always had long hair, then I had it layered, messed around with weaves, tried on short wigs to get a feel for how I'd look. (wigs didn't do it for me:nono:) After the itch of having short hair. After stumbling onto this site and joining I decided to grow my hair longer and thicker again.
Yesterday I was in the shower washing my hair, my husband says "I think I"m ready for you to cut it now.":yep: I was telling him, I'm not so sure I want to now. I'm really lazy when it comes to doing my hair, back in the my 20's I was in my hair all the time, burning it up with the curling irons.. LOL now, I like the choice of having my ponytail, or wrapping it and wearing it straight.
Anyone else thinking of the big chop when they get a certain age?
I'm nearing 40. I'm 37 and I have thought about one day just going short and natural like Camille Cosby (I always loved her short salt and white hair cut). Back when I was in college in my very early 20's..I thought I'd do it around 40 because of course 40 was so far away then...LOL. I had longer hair when I was younger and then when I hit high school I had an itch to just get that Anita Baker/Halle Berry cut. I had to beg my mom and she finally gave in. I had that short cut since that time. I'd hate the growing out phase and I'd end up getting it cut every time it would grow a keep it fresh and neat. I loved that style for a long time..all through college... beginning career... I met my husband with the short hair--he loved it.... So I never thought about growing it out.

To make a long story short I as I grew older I became tired of the same look. I got really sick of the short cut about a year and a half ago and decided to grow my hair out. Now my hair is a little below shoulder length and I want to get to BSL. So my change is the opposite of yours, probably because we have started at opposite lengths lol but yes, I definitely feel that need to make a change with my hair at this point. A lot of women feel that need around this time. My older sister just did the big chop and went natural when she turned 42. Now she has beautiful long dread locks--very neat and pretty on her. As for the short natural...I will have to push that back until I reach 60 or so lol. I don't think I will want to fool with hair at that time and I have no daughters to help me with it..:grin:.
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I too, wonder if at my age (42) long hair would be attractive on me. There was a thread a little while ago about what men consider long hair. I asked my DH and he said shoulder length was long. I was a little surprised, because some of the women in his family have longer than shoulder-length hair.

But, I guess my point is he thinks shorter hair with some kind of style looks better than long hair that's just hanging there.
I too, wonder if at my age (42) long hair would be attractive on me. There was a thread a little while ago about what men consider long hair. I asked my DH and he said shoulder length was long. I was a little surprised, because some of the women in his family have longer than shoulder-length hair.

But, I guess my point is he thinks shorter hair with some kind of style looks better than long hair that's just hanging there.

Sounds like my husband. Now that I am at shoulder length he says my hair is long. I've told him that I'm going to go to BSL (a little beyond) and he just says 'but your hair is already long' He also doesn't like that I wear my hair up most days now in my protective styles. I wear it down for him on the weekends but I usually keep it up during the week at least 3 days a week. He's supportive though. Whatever makes me happy he

My mother, sister and rest of the women in my family all have hair my length or much longer. So do the women in his family. So I think for him...much longer hair is 'boring' because it's what he is used to seeing I guess.

I've heard the rule is that women should cut their hair after 40 because it supposedly makes you look younger but I personally think it just goes by your face and what you prefer....
I think it may be that my DH was tired of seeing it in ponytail. Next week, he'll say nah just keep it the way it is.LOL..I think I may have to push it out to my 50's..that is if I could stand hot flashes. :grin: I still look younger than my age and I'm happy about that.