Now I know why you don't comb dry hair!


New Member
I have been wearing my hair out, as oppose to in braids or some form of extentions since monday and each time I would detangle/comb my hair I would get so much breakage off the ends, like in little pieces. I worry at first because I just thought my hair needs to get used to not being 'caged' so to speak but inside I was getting worried and wondered what the reason could be.

I washed my hair on wednesday and put it into big braids to dry and when dry I proceeded to comb it again only to see the same little pieces falling off like snowflakes. I thought that maybe it is because of the hard water, which may be part of the reason but today it clicked.

When going through posts and some of your regimes I noticed how you would say that you don't detangle without a form of moisture so I thought "Oh let me try adding a leave in conditioning spray" (motions nourish leave in conditioner) and when I did I noticed very little breakage. Voila, so now I know

My only challenge now is dealing with the shrinkage caused by the water based sprays! Hmmmm...:confused:

If anyone notices something wrong with what I have said, please feel free to comment... I am trying to learn as much as possible about how to look after my hair because I have never had my hair out before without thinking it's going to be braided soon.
I learned that I need to comb only when wet recently as well. What I do is comb my hair into a ponytail or bun after I have moisturized it up. Once it's in bun formation I let it dry & then in the morning I spritz my hair while still in a bun.

Whenever I wear my hair out while stretching I don't use the wet moisture, I use shea or mango butter with essential oils. I finger comb very gently & leave the wide tooth comb for wet hair oilny. This helps to limit snapping or pulling of the hair.

Amina, I'm not sure as to the answer of your question just yet. I'm still learning. But what Ashee said is good, although Ashee, doesn't your hair shrink from moisturising? How do you get it to go in a bun if its all shrunk?
I usually soak my hair in that leave in and put it into big braids to dry and comb it out when its dry to out up into a bun...ah but there I go again, combing it when its dry! Hmmm...
It's funny how I come across this thread-I was combing my hair last night, and I had so much breakage...lil hairs lined the floor :( I was horrified, but at the last minute, I put s-curl mixed w/ Infusium 23, and sprayed the ends....I'll remember tonight after I conditon my hair!!!
My hair stretches when wet so the shrinkage doesn't come into play until it begins to dry. If I pull up my hair into a bun, the roots dry a bit straight. I try to saturate my roots in my creamy leave-in & smooth out my roots as best as possible w/o over manipulating my hair.