Wow this is so beautiful! Popping definition and I love love the color!! How are you finding coloring? Does it at all affect hair negatively? Because I keep thinking that definition shows better on colored hair than black hair. I think that the black hides the curls somehow (don't ask me how lol) and I'd really love to get my hair colored one day.
So are you saying that NYC conditioner under UFDCM is even better than KCKT under UFDCM? Wow you must be kidding me! Because the latter is absolutely my favorourite combo at the moment!
I shingle though rather than rake. Maybe I should try raking? And using lots of water?
This below is from one of my better 2nd day hair days though there is a lot more to be desired. Sorry I don't have a close-up. Also I'm on my phone so I hope that the photo won't be huge.
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If there is a chance that NYC might play even better with my UFDCM then I'm definitely going to try it, soon. But I'm also hoping to improve my technique. I have only big chopped very recently after a setback (was planning to transition instead) and I'm just starting to recover mentally and be excited about my hair again.