nothing on the scalp


Well-Known Member
where are all my ladies that dont put anything on their scalp?
i used to grease my scalp with a natural grease and then i started using oils. but now that i co wash everyday i dont use anything on my scalp. i've gotten to the point that when i fat iron my hair i still dont put anything on my scalp. its been well over 2 months and i have not put anything on my scalp. i see no ill effects and my hair is growing nicely.
are there any other ladies that dont put anything on the scalp?
Usually I don't put anything on my scalp. I hate most things on my scalp!

Right now I am experimenting with making a growth aide. It's a water based gel, so at least it just dries up like I put nothing on it.

but I really do hate putting oils and such on my scalp...
The only thing I put on my scalp is MT, and I do my best to rub it in so that I can't feel anything. I don't like feeling 'stuff' on my scalp - never did. Heck I don't like using lotion because it feels like it leaves a 'film' on my skin. :nono:
I have not intentionally put ANYTHING on my scalp in at least 16 years (excluding vaseline when I had relaxers). That was around the time I stopped "oiling" my scalp with grease. I keep my scalp free and as clean as possible.
i never put anything on my scalp and ive been just fine. my scalp cant take all that crap cuz then i start to get buildup flakes. Altho i have been successful with shea butter oil on my scalp during tough 10 week post ng. For some it helps loosen up those naps a lil bit so i can comb thru.
Any type of oil or grease on my scalp just makes it feel dirty. I don't even like putting anything on my hair because I don't like the feeling of products, no matter how little I use. Products on the hair also attract dirt so that's the main reason why I don't like products that much.
I put nothing on the scalp. I haven't in years. I feel that by applying product I am clogging my scalp--and just contributing to product build up.
I put nothing on my scalp. It would be too time consuming and my scalp doesn't really need it anyway. Between my weekly steaming and dc'ing sessions and daily co-washing I feel that my scalp is moisturized.
I don't put anything on my scalp, either. Sometimes it ends up on there, I don't know how. I start applying leave ins generally at least 1/2" from the scalp but sometimes they still go up there? Also run off from conditioners ends up there sometimes, too. But no, I don't apply anything to my scalp. Putting anything on it generally makes it itchy.
I don't put anything on my scalp. No oils. No cremes. No growth aids and funny concoctions, etc...

Everything I use goes on my hair. If I massage anything into my head it's during my cowash/dc sessions. Then I rinse everything out. Even my oils...and when my Shea and mango butter get it I'll still put it on my hair too.

Right here. I can't remember the last time I put something all over my scalp. I use a touch of oil on my hair line to keep it growing and healthy but other than that, I like a clean scalp. My hair grows just fine. :yep:
I don't.:grin: I don't do oily. Me+oiling of my entire scalp daily= stinky scalp and it's too time consuming.

I do oil my hairline and my part, but I don't need to. I just do it because. *shrug* :lol:
PS: I'm BSL with my longest length being MBL. I must be doing something right. :yep: No growth aides, no special dances and rituals either. The only thing I take is a multi-vitamin (when I feel like it).
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thanks for the responses.
just wanted to make sure im not the only one. its not that i dont like products on my scalp, its just that i dont think its necessary.
I don't put anything on my scalp. I stopped putting anything on my scalp way back in the 80's. I only ever applied anything (natural oils and EOs) when I was treating my scalp after hair loss in 2003. Once my hair grew back, I went back to not using anything at all. And because when in braids (like now) I don't even use anything on my hair, nothing ever gets on my scalp.
When I cowash daily to every other day I dont put anything on my scalp unless I'm using a growth aid. When I go longer between washes I use an oil blend of mostly castor olive and coconut oils. Keeps my scalp from drying and flaking.:yep:
Only my leave-in of the moment. I don't oil my scalp intentionally or use butters of any kind. My hair grows best when my scalp is clean and lightly moisturized.
The only thing I put on my scalp is MT, and I do my best to rub it in so that I can't feel anything. I don't like feeling 'stuff' on my scalp - never did. Heck I don't like using lotion because it feels like it leaves a 'film' on my skin. :nono:

Wow I thought I was the only one w/that problem *shudders* I hate the feeling of lotion on my hands especially, weird I know:sad:
I never grease/oil my scalp. Thankfully I don't have problems with dry, itchy scalp. I personally believe that for most people the naturally produced sebum is enough. Plus I have fine hair, and I try to limit the products that I use on a daily basis.
Another naked scalp over here :grin:!

When I tell people this this, they look at me like grease, no oil...nothing?? Nope...nothing!
I love giving my scalp moisture and nutrients from natural oils/butters :yep:

Likewise. :yep:

I use to never put anything on my scalp and I had flakes like crazy, dry scalp, and itches. I don't put grease on my scalp, but I massage my scalp with natural oils. My hair is a about 3 inches below BSL and I have never had a problem from oiling.
I stopped putting stuff on my scalp back in.. hmm... march? I cw every other day, for me it'd seem like a waste of time to apply something on my scalp I'm going to was off... oh.. well I do use vatika, but even that I put on my hair then massage my scalp... with my oily hands, but I'm not parting my hair and applying it.
I never put anything on my scalp for my whole life (I am now 28) until I joined LHCF and now I use a tea tree oil mix, and oil mix from essential balms, or aphoghee pro-vitamin mixed with aloe vera and a capsule of VO5 Ho oil treatment (for the biotin = homeade surge). I only started doing it for growth, and I only do it inconsistently.

I have never had a problem growing my hair fast. I just want it to be faster :grin:
i dont put anything on my scalp, excepting my current mt undertaking. other than that, i dont put anything on my scalp.

however, i made a post awhile ago thats been recently bumped up called "do you put oils on your scalp" and the majority of poll votes are "yes".
I use Design Essentials Hair and scalp treatment on itchy spots only and I base my scalp before a relaxer but other than that I don't use anything else all over my whole scalp anymore.

I stopped using growth aides since I'm not allowed to buy any more products until I use up what I already have. I like how my hair is growing without the use of growth aides so I might just stop using them.