Not Without Him...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
There is nothing in this world that I want without Him being in and of it.

What's the point of having riches and my fulfilled desires if God is not the one who gave it to me; or the one to be with me through it all.

I do not want my life without His direction...His input...His approval. For there is nothing gained that has substance without God to sustain it, allowing me to retain it.

Yes, I have many talents and gifts, but they came from Him. How dare I not acknowledge this and give honor to whom...from whom all blessings flow.

Yes, we have powers, but they are His powers we use, are they not? We did not infuse ourselves with any of this...He did.

How dare we say, 'I got this'...I attracted this blessing...I made this or this is mine. How dare we take His glory and call it our own.

As humans, we are limited by our own glories which cannot ever match that of All Mighty God's.

Whatever good I have acquired in this life it was "Not Without Him"...

For every good and precious gift comes from our Father...

If it's bad, take the credit of man; for bad did not come until man sinned in the earth.

God is about to show Himself strong in our lives. He is raining upon us answered prayers, and pure blessings beyond our expectations. But to whom will we honor and give thanks?

For all that is good and sustaining to life, we give thanks, for it came "Not Without Him."

Dearest Father in Heaven...

"Through you we push back our enemies; through your name we trample our foes. I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame. "

Psalm 44:5-7 NIV

For this we thank you with all of our hearts. In Jesus' name...Amen & Amen.

If it's not from God, I don't want it. I don't want the devil answering my prayers. I want God blessings and nothing less; coming from Him is Eternal Best.

((( Hugs Everyone ))) ;)
Thank you precious angels. :kiss: Yet we thank God even more. ;)

God is about do something and when He does, I don't want any glory going to anyone but Him.

He's actually blessing what we have in our hands and making it much, much more. He's creating substance where for seasons of dryness there was none to be seen.

Remember how the little boy's lunch became a banquet meal for 5000?

The grain and cruse of oil which lasted throughout a drought?

The load of fish in the nets of the diciples when Jesus said, go out again?

The oil of the widow which did not fail until she ran out of pots to put it in.

Yes, we are being blessed with the best...God is increasing what we thought was less.

Again..."Not Without Him".

Let no man say that he did it without God. For even if he did, it was STILL God's resources which were richly provided for all of man's gain.
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