Not enjoying the length? Question for BSL & beyond ladies


Well-Known Member
I need someone to perhaps knock some sense into me. :look:

I'm approaching BSL, with an end goal of MBL. The problem is, I'm finding that my hair was a lot more "fun" when it was maybe a little shorter than APL. I enjoyed it a lot more. It was easier to work with, less knots, less hassle, and more compliments!

Maybe the fact that I'm 5 11" has a lot to do with it. Perhaps it's because when my hair was shorter it seemed thicker and had more life. At any rate, I'm calling on you long-haired ladies to let me know which length you enjoyed most and why.

The answers from this thread are going to help me determine if I'm gonna let my stylist do a big trim on Monday when I relax.
OOh, I like this idea. :yep: I wanna know too!

I do want to say however since you're 5'11, with your long torso APL is probably a bit long compared to APL on a a woman that's 5'3.
Sorry, I can't help you there. The only reason I'm not enjoying my length is because it's not longer (and because of that I'm ALWAYS "hiding" it (protective styles).
But hey, you should keep it at whatever length you like it. You can always try to grow it longer later if the desire strikes you.
Your hair is beautiful and healthy which is most important anyway. HHG!
Sorry, I can't help you there. The only reason I'm not enjoying my length is because it's not longer (and because of that I'm ALWAYS "hiding" it (protective styles).
But hey, you should keep it at whatever length you like it. You can always try to grow it longer later if the desire strikes you.
Your hair is beautiful and healthy which is most important anyway. HHG!

Ditto. Today I washed and I said right. I'm wearing my hair out this week because is always in a protective style nowadays. I'll see what actually happens this week as I set out.
Thank you for the responses ladies. I'm also getting so tired of protective-styling just so I can gain more length - length which I'm not even sure is going to make me "love" my hair anymore than I did when it was slightly shorter.
WOW, that's really odd. I was about to post a thread about the same thing!!! :yep:

Lately, I've been taking longer showers, taking more time to condition and detangle, etc. etc. I am now between MBL and WL and it's starting to become a hassle. I told my SO that once I reach my goal length, I am cutting it to APL. My neck and back are starting to ache since I tend to flip my hair over and bend my upper body forward when I'm detangling in the shower. I think I read somewhere that this helps to promote circulation to the head while I massage and condition my hair. The weight of my hair, plus the water, plus the products, plus the slight tugging at my hair gives me a neckache! My arms start to hurt too after a while...whether I'm blow-drying or detangling. :perplexed Am I doing something wrong here?

I dunno, it's just starting to be too much maintenance. When I was at BSB, it wasn't too bad...but, definitely planning on cutting my hair once I reach WL. Maybe not soon after, but eventually...:ohwell:
Maybe I should just stop at BSL. I remember how I felt after my relaxer that took me to APL. But then the subsequent relaxers......meh. My hair just looked.....I'm not even sure I can describe it. I just did not look or feel as great.
Maybe I should just stop at BSL. I remember how I felt after my relaxer that took me to APL. But then the subsequent relaxers......meh. My hair just looked.....I'm not even sure I can describe it. I just did not look or feel as great.

I agree! When my hair was SL to APL, it looked its best! And I was able to keep it straight for days. Now that it's gotten longer, it curls no matter what. :perplexed Something about those medium lengths that just seems to look better. Maybe it's because longer hair is achieved by keeping older hair that looks more dull and worn out than the rest. But when it's a bit shorter, the hair isn't as old and still look healthy and sleek? I dunno if I'm explaining this right...:rolleyes:
I understand exactly what you're saying. I just asked my SO when my hair looked best - last year, earlier this year or now. And he said earlier this year - he saw it the same week of my March comparison pic.

I think I'm gonna take it back up to APL when I relax. Maybe it's time for me to go into maintenance mode - a bit early by LHCF standards lol.
I'm glad you are posting this. I've always said my goal was BSL, then I would decide if I wanted it any longer. You can always grow it out again if you decide you want MBL hair again.
Your question makes perfect sense :yep:. I personally don't think I will enjoy nor have the time needed to maintain hair longer than BSL. That is my final goal. I might change my mind but for now that is what I am thinking. The longest I have ever allowed my hair to get was MBL.
I experienced this when I got to MBL, although I think it was compounded by the fact that I was wearing my hair in its natural state and had to deal with the crazy knots. I had originally planned to grow to WSL -- I didn't last that long :lol:

I'm enjoying my hair much more lately. I like feeling the wind blow through it :yep: And I've also gotten WAY more compliments since I cut it and started wearing it out more (I think people had just gotten so used to my buns and puffs before).

I trim/dust at least once a month now and I think having fresh ends all the time is a big part of enjoying my hair more. I used to trim once or twice a year whenever I straightened, and my ends were always a raggedy mess.

I have BSL as my goal for 2010. I don't think I'll want to grow any longer than that, even with straightened hair.
I TOTALLY understand. When I first went natural, I had waist length hair, but it had no character. It just hung and my texture was so much looser. This time being natural I am not allowing my hair to get no longer than shoulder blade length, stretched.
I need someone to perhaps knock some sense into me. :look:

I'm approaching BSL, with an end goal of MBL. The problem is, I'm finding that my hair was a lot more "fun" when it was maybe a little shorter than APL. I enjoyed it a lot more. It was easier to work with, less knots, less hassle, and more compliments!

Maybe the fact that I'm 5 11" has a lot to do with it. Perhaps it's because when my hair was shorter it seemed thicker and had more life. At any rate, I'm calling on you long-haired ladies to let me know which length you enjoyed most and why.

The answers from this thread are going to help me determine if I'm gonna let my stylist do a big trim on Monday when I relax.

Well... shorter hair is usually fuller with more it gets longer it might get kind of boring thats what i i do a lot of pin curls to give my self the wavy look.
I understand exactly what you're saying. I just asked my SO when my hair looked best - last year, earlier this year or now. And he said earlier this year - he saw it the same week of my March comparison pic.

I think I'm gonna take it back up to APL when I relax. Maybe it's time for me to go into maintenance mode - a bit early by LHCF standards lol.

Now, I don't have long hair so you may want to disregard this.

But I wouldn't cut just yet. I would get the relaxer and then stop protective styling and start wearing my hair out. If all you've been doing is protective styling, make a change and see if you will enjoy your hair at the length you are now. If you still don't like it...then cut.
I have bra strap length natural hair. Just last night I was comtemplating -dare I say it- a hair cut! Not because of the work involved but because many of the styles I'd like to try don't look the same on long hair. You should enjoy your hair and wear it how you feel it looks best. No one needs to talk any sense into you. Do what you want with your hair. It's just hair and it will grow back if you decide you want it longer!
This really has me thinking. I thought I was going to love being at MBL/WL (when i get there) because I wear my weaves this long. :lachen: But now that I think about it..i treat my weaves like crap. I feel like detangling at APL is hard work. :look:
Thanks for the different perspective you guys.

Sometimes I do forget that hair can grow back if I don't like the length lol. I really do need to start enjoying my hair more.

I've put in all this work - I might as well give the protective styling a break - maybe incorporate pin-curls to change it up a bit.
I like having long hair and wear my hair out most of the time.

I totally enjoy the versatility it offers and I try to keep my regimen simple.

If hair that long is not your thing then cut it... just remember how long it takes to grow it back.
Can't relate. The longer my hair gets the happier I am. The looks of envy and happiness to see me are priceless. I hated my hair at shoulder length it was too short and too common. I like standing out and being the eye candy of the moment with my thick healthy long hair. I think you should see the positive before you do something drastic like cut it. I think it's time you spiced things up. Go get a long trench coat and wear something really short underneath, with some high heels. Wear your hair down and go for a nice long walk into a busy area and watch the stares. You being tall will give you the advantage. Happy Hair Growing.
Can't relate. The longer my hair gets the happier I am. The looks of envy and happiness to see me are priceless. I hated my hair at shoulder length it was too short and too common. I like standing out and being the eye candy of the moment with my thick healthy long hair. I think you should see the positive before you do something drastic like cut it. I think it's time you spiced things up. Go get a long trench coat and wear something really short underneath, with some high heels. Wear your hair down and go for a nice long walk into a busy area and watch the stares. You being tall will give you the advantage. Happy Hair Growing.

^^Girl, I like the way you think! :yep:

OP, I am closing in on WL and I am sooo enjoying my hair. I wear it up, or down, as the mood strikes me and actually spend LESS time on it now, than when it was SL and shorter. FOR ME, thick, long, healthy hair is just so feminine and sexy.

I plan to maintain blunt ends at full WL, but I may grow to HBL...I'll see...
^^^ Girl you are a trip :lachen:

Yeah, enjoy yourself. Maybe add some temporary color. I also spice things up with buying different types of oils. I have some pure Amla oil (no mineral oil) coming and I can't wait to caress that oil up and down each strand of hair. Making it stronger and healthier. So make that a short 3/4 trench coat. Get those heels with the straps on them that wrap around the calf. :lachen:
Can't relate. The longer my hair gets the happier I am. The looks of envy and happiness to see me are priceless. I hated my hair at shoulder length it was too short and too common. I like standing out and being the eye candy of the moment with my thick healthy long hair. I think you should see the positive before you do something drastic like cut it. I think it's time you spiced things up. Go get a long trench coat and wear something really short underneath, with some high heels. Wear your hair down and go for a nice long walk into a busy area and watch the stares. You being tall will give you the advantage. Happy Hair Growing.

Very well stated mama and I'm in agreement!!!! I love the weave checks and the acts of jealousy and envy, but at the same time I'm willing to extend myself to help anyone who's interested in obtaining healthy hair whether it's long or short. I have to admit that I do get frustrated with the tangles, but overall it's worth it.
Nayeli, you worked SO HARD for all of that pretty hair. Just give it a while before you cut it. Wear it out more...enjoy it....I keep saying this to all you lovely haired gals: I WISH I HAD YOUR PROBLEM!!! :)
My hair is short now but when I was BSL I didn't enjoy it either. I liked the attention and the weave checks buts that was it. However, I'm not enjoying my hair now either. I enjoyed my hair the most when it was CBL and relaxed. *Sighs*
Again, thanks to everyone for giving so much valuable input. I promise I'll think long and hard before I chop it up lol.

The quest towards enjoyment starts tonight - I'm wearing a braid-out, and so help me, I am going to LOVE IT!
I definitely will update you guys. I'm relaxing on Monday, so I'll likely post pics. Thanks for the support.