Not a fan of headbands


Well-Known Member
Every time I watch a video or read an article about "fiercifying" your twa, the first suggestion almost always seem to be headbands. I have a confession to make, I am a natural who does not like headbands:nono:. Especially the ones with the big bows on them....eeek. Honestly, I think they are somewhat juvenile looking. I don't think they are sophisticated at all. I do have one exception, the chic trendy feather headbands that are "in" right now.
While I would wear a headband to the gym or on a very casual day, I'm just not fan.

do you like headbands?
I've tried different types of headbands and they just don't look right on me. I think it's because of my headshape. The top of my head isn't flat; it has a slight hump on top, like an oval shape.
I don't like the TWA head band look either and I absolutely love :love: Head bands. I have a trillion of them from forever 21. I just prefer them on my straight hair or a bantu knot out. Also dislike the big old hair flowers too... I use to wear them when my hair was longer but now they are just overwhelming. People can pull it off but just not me.
Love headbands!:love:
I have a collection on non-bowed headbands. I don't like bows on them though. For dd it's cute but me....:nono: I'm just too old. My 2 favorite headbands are a soft plastic black one with circle designs cut into it and a brown headband made up of wooden beads and stretch thread.
Do you like scarves or flowers? A young lady at church with a tiny fro wears the most beautiful flowers in her hair. It looks so nice on her.
Love headbands!:love:
I have a collection on non-bowed headbands. I don't like bows on them though. For dd it's cute but me....:nono: I'm just too old. My 2 favorite headbands are a soft plastic black one with circle designs cut into it and a brown headband made up of wooden beads and stretch thread.
Do you like scarves or flowers? A young lady at church with a tiny fro wears the most beautiful flowers in her hair. It looks so nice on her.

I do like flowers especially in the spring and summer as long as they are not big and gaudy looking.
I like headbands but not on a TWA. Sometimes it looks cute but most times it does look very juvenile.

If you're in high school or maybe college I guess it's ok.
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My boyfriend hates when I wear headbands, but he does like when I make flat twists to simulate a headband. I agree the look is a bit classier on me, since I have a young face, and though it does require some length it can be done on a twa. For me personally, I love headbands. They make the worst hair days, at the minimum, presentable.
Types of Headbands I Like:





(Cute for a wedding.)

Types of Headbands I Don't Like:





(Cute for a costume, but not every day life.)

I kept finding more headbands that I liked than didn't like... so sorry, I may not be much help to you. :perplexed
See I wouldn't wear the majority of those (I can see them looking cute on someone younger, but at my age I am not aiming for "cute" lol) and the one I like, I probably wouldn't wear it until my hair is longer
I love headbands. As long as they aren't uncomfortable or give me a headache. It's true some look more sophisticated than others but it just depends on someone's personal sense of style. If it doesn't float your boat, don't wear it.
my head is too big for most hard headbands so thats out LOL. i like thin elastic one to make a puff and thats about it.