NONIE THE 4B EXPERT(and any other hairtype experts)...COME ON DOWN!


New Member
I've been a member for about three months now so I know your stance on 4b having curls. Back in Aug, when my hair was like the second pic in my siggy, you said you thought I was 4b and that once I got a little more hair :)lachen:) I would have to comb out those little curlies so they wouldn't get tangled and it would look like I didn't have any curls at all. I truly don't know my hairtype but even when I do comb my hair into a fro, you can see a curl/wave pattern (picture 3 in my siggy) SO my question is, maybe 4b is a little more rare than we think (if we're going by Andre's system). Maybe neither one of us are 4b and really just "highly textured" 4a's. I've always really wondered about this.
I'm no expert, but I have both 4a and 4b hair on my head and their is no curl patter in my 4b hair. My 4b can sometimes look kinky wavy, but the 4a hair is a obvious curl patter. The 4a curls can combed out, but once moisture hits them, they curl back up.
I'm texlaxed now but was natural for over 20 years. I'm pretty sure my texture is mostly 4b 'cuz I have no curl pattern at all, just kinks.
I thought 4B was really really tight coils just tighter than 4a. Some please correct me if I'm wrong on that.
I'm quite confused too. I have three textures and they're are distinct. I have 3c'ish around the hair line, 4a on the second level and the crown is 4b. My 4b section from a distance looks like cotton with no curl. When I look close it has a wave pattern close to the scalp and the ends have really tiny curls. But like I said, standing arms length away it just looks like afro hair.
im a 4a/b and i have small coils.. the best way to take of this hair.. is if you have a lot of time and patients as well as not being too heavy handed.. so i went texlaxed.. the natural thing is cool but hair is hair and its apart of our image and if your hair is ****ed up 4a/b hair..lmao.. then you need to figure out what works for you..

i used to hate washing my hair and drying it and combing it and sleeping on it.. so after 6 yrs i said forget this im texlaxing.. (i only left it on for 5mins) so it left my har the same but more loose and easy to manage
OP, do you have the actual pictures instead of thumbnails? It's hard to see the texture when the pics are so small.
^^You're right. I think Andre's system leaves a lot to be desired but based on HIS system, I don't think 4b is as common as we think. However, I do think claiming just 4 is a good idea!
It is extremely subjective, I definitely agree. What's the difference between coils and corkscrews? I mean, I can see it one way, and you another. I see some people say they're 4b and I don't see it and I see 4a's looking more 3c. Then most of us have more than one! LAWD!
OP please don't stress over this, hair typing is not an exact science. Most people have more than 1 texture and they don't always neatly fit into the hair typing systems that have been made up. This is why I just usually say my hair is type 4 something and I use more descriptive words like in my siggy. The tips here will be able to help you no matter if you're an 4a, b z or f-.
I was about to send a post out about this. I just BC'd. I was natural for about 8 or so years before I permed and I BC'd again. I remember trying the whole shake and go thing and it never worked on me. I use Kinky curly and a denman brush on my daugher and her hair has beautiful coils. I did the same on my hair today and my hair just stayed a bush so I have to do it in one strand twists and than untwist them to get curl definition which sucks because that is an added step. Does anyone with the same type of hair have any easy styling suggestions?
And the up close of my picked out fro. JEEZ, I don't know why that was so hard...


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OK, let me try again...

Your hair is pretty! :yep: That's the most important thing.

I tend to agree with Nonie and there was a thread we both posted in yesterday where we talked about 4B vs. 4A. I personally believe that we need to redefine what we mean by 4B hair. At first, I thought that there was really something to your notion of highly textured 4A hair. :yep: But I came to the conclusion that 4B truly is separate and here's why: it has to do with the capacity to detect a curl pattern from afar that differentiates 4B from 4A hair. What lashannasmall said is so true for me, too. The only possible way one can even see curls in my hair is when it's sopping wet. When it's dry, it's a bush through and through. Thus, I believe that there really is a 4B category, but I don't agree with how Andre characterized it. I also think that what he says is 4B could really be 4C, since he goes up to C for all the other numbers but somehow failed to do the same for 4. :rolleyes: All in all, Ms Lala put it best: his whole typing system is skewed. The only reason I type my hair at all is to find others with similar hair textures so that I can copy their regimens. Other than that, it's of no consequence!
Ok, now that does make a lot of sense. Thanks for the details. I'm gonna let that soak in real quick
Wait a second. Isn't really tight coils 4a?

i think it depends. i posted a thread the other day about my itty bitty 4a coils. i think the difference is in coil definition-- even though some of my coils are very tiny, they're very defined. i can air-dry my hair with no product, and my new growth coils will still pop. however, my coils range from 1/3 the size of a coffee stirrer, to pencil sized (at my crown), and s-shaped.