NO shine in Hair


Well-Known Member
ANyone know what to do to bring shine back to hair? I wash cond, press with parnevue hair oil and Dax light oil use soft water and filter and still have lost my shine. My hair goes dull the first day of the press. I even rinse with vinegar(which is an excellant detangler, by the way)??? Ironically it continues to grow from the B-COmplex liquid I take.:(
I found that coconut oil works very well for brining the shine back. I put it all over my hair before I wash, letting it sit for about 45 min or even overnight, wash, condition and then add about a nickel size amount to my Giovanni leave-in.
I don't know if you like braiding your hair at night but I find that if I use a creme moisturizer at night....a really good one (not like PINK) and braid my hair into four sections my hair "glimmers" the next day. I use natural oasis creme moisterizer. It's cremed shea butter with other base and essential oils mixed in. It's oil based so it won't ruin your press.You could also wrap your hair too.

You could also do the same thing with a little bit of heavy oil. I love Black Earth Healing oil by Taliah Waajid. It does things to my hair that no other product has.

I find that moisterizing your hair at night works better because it gives your hair the chance to "soak it all in". Kind of like doing a mini dry deep conditioning.
my natural hair color is a dull dirty brown. I dye my hair blackto make it shiny. I know that's not what you want though. Final rinses with cold water and covering my hair at night helps also.