(kinda long...sorry)
Okay so I'm coming up on a year of being natural. It has had it's ups and downs, but I am learning to love my hair more and more each day. Now I absolutely LOVE my mom. But she hasn't made this the easiest time. Sometimes she would say things that hurt my feelings or say things to make me doubt my hair decision...but she meant well. Even though she would constantly hint towards me getting a relaxer.
Well last night I'm on the phone with her and she was talking about everyday stuff. She starts telling me about design essentials an I was like "yea mom i know about de"...then out of no where she goes "I'm going natural...":shocked:


so I say..."wait wait wait...what? natural?"
and she like "yea natural, these relaxers arent good for my hair" i let her have it..."after all the drama and now you know why i put a relaxer in your're copying me? lmbo"
my dad was cracking up in background...
it was all in all that time she knew my hair was looking fly! lol just goes to show, you never know who you may influence.

Have any other ladies dealt with this?
God Bless
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aww, that's so cute! my mom did the same thing -- before i found LHCF, i had started transitioning with dominican blowouts, and my mom realized that she could do the same thing and transitioned right along with me. now she is like the queen of puffs -- she rarely wears her hair straight because she loves just adding conditioner and going about her business. it's SO funny to hear her tell people (even complete strangers, like my clients when i am braiding hair) "oh, we don't do the relaxer thing anymore -insert frown-" :lachen:

it's such a great feeling, right?
:lol: Your story made me happy lol. My sister gave me the side eye when I told her that I was going natural. Now she's decided to transition. :yep:
YEA Naturals RULE! I have been seeing so many naturals now that the weather is kinda nice....some days! It's like we were hiding and protecting our hair this winter and we are starting to come out for real now.
Now that there is a real testimony bc its often the older generation who are militant with their relaxer usage and any hint of going natural is frowned upon.

My mom only went natural when she started losing hair in the crown.

Good for you OP.
That is so cute me and my mum are the only natural women in the house she stopped texturizing a long time ago she says she is too old.:rolleyes: So me and my mum do each others hair now.

My two sisters are relaxed my mum even suggested that my lil sis go natural and stop relaxing twice a month and gluing in weave but she made stank face to that.
Thank you for sharing your story. I love that your mom just blurted that out so randomly:)
Now you'll be able to help her ease into her transition how awesome is that. Much success to the both of you going forward.
That's great! My mom has always been natural, but she does not embrace it at all. If only I could get her to step back from the hot comb & blue magic grease :yawn:
(kinda long...sorry)
Okay so I'm coming up on a year of being natural. It has had it's ups and downs, but I am learning to love my hair more and more each day. Now I absolutely LOVE my mom. But she hasn't made this the easiest time. Sometimes she would say things that hurt my feelings or say things to make me doubt my hair decision...but she meant well. Even though she would constantly hint towards me getting a relaxer.
Well last night I'm on the phone with her and she was talking about everyday stuff. She starts telling me about design essentials an I was like "yea mom i know about de"...then out of no where she goes "I'm going natural...":shocked:


so I say..."wait wait wait...what? natural?"
and she like "yea natural, these relaxers arent good for my hair" i let her have it..."after all the drama and now you know why i put a relaxer in your're copying me? lmbo"
my dad was cracking up in background...
it was all in all that time she knew my hair was looking fly! lol just goes to show, you never know who you may influence.

Have any other ladies dealt with this?
God Bless

Awwwww, that's a sweet story!
Thank you ladies. My mom is a sweetheart and I have to say that you all helped me so much from my transition to my big chop. I think that each of you are serving as a catalyst for natural hair to become apart of the norm (thank goodness) but keep up the wonderful work ladies!
I came in here expecting to read a story involving a crazy lady in the street/at work who said/did something slick and needed a beatdown.

This was a really cute and nice change of pace. :lachen:
Good luck to you and your mom on your hair journeys!