
New Member
Okay so I went to my stylist today (whose great), but my hair is shall I say...thick/coarse, that I NEED regular Affirm, for 40 minutes. She had mild affirm for like 50.

My hair is now texturized instead of relaxed. EVEN when it's relaxed it's texturized looking but now it's REALLY texturized and it'll probably be in need of a touch up in 6 weeks but I'm still stretching until the 2nd week of April.

How did this happen? She ran out of regular Affirm and thought Mild would work on my hair. Big no no. She gave me the option of putting it on for half of the time next week to make it sleek...but I'm not doing two chemical services in a month. That's nuts.

Granted, she's a GREAT stylist - I love her, but when I come in I need to make sure there's enough relaxer for two inches of new growth for 4b/4a (middle) coarse kinky hair.

Just wanted to vent.
30 - 40, yup. Is that abnormal? Otherwise it's underprocessed and breaks off easily. I get a touch up 4 - 5 times a year, if I'm lucky
togethernessinchrist said:
30 - 40, yup. Is that abnormal? Otherwise it's underprocessed and breaks off easily. I get a touch up 4 - 5 times a year, if I'm lucky
Well if it works for you then go head girl!:lol: But for real though, I leave mine on for about 15-20 min and after 20 min I start freaking out because Im afraid of overprocessing. Have you ever self-relaxed. I think I might try it for my next touch-up.:look:
No, I'm not patient enough to go through that. I go to the salon once to twice a month if funds permit. Although this year I'm going to learn how to do my own roller set. I don't think I'll ever self relax because I'm too scared I'll burn something =/
These stylists need to get their supplies together. Missing blow dryer attachments, no conditioner, no regular strength relaxer, c'mon. Are you a business woman or a kitchen-tician? I'm sorry she promised you that mild would work on your hair when you require regular strength. Good luck with your stretch and you are right to not double up on your chemicals.
CAPlush said:
These stylists need to get their supplies together. Missing blow dryer attachments, no conditioner, no regular strength relaxer, c'mon. Are you a business woman or a kitchen-tician? I'm sorry she promised you that mild would work on your hair when you require regular strength. Good luck with your stretch and you are right to not double up on your chemicals.

LMBO. Okay lol this is the FIRST time this has happened, it was a mistake I'm not as upset as I seem, I think it's actually funny. Um if my stylist didn't have conditioner I DON'T think I'd be there....LOL =)