No Shampoo Washes


New Member
I was condering how many people here are using the no poo routine for washing their hair? I have found that it really promotes moisture and less breakage. It's as cleansing as the harsh shampoo with the Amino Laurel Sulfates.

I do a modified version of it. I am a daily washer b/c of how I wear my hair so I wash with shampoo about 1-2 times a week and then the other days I just rinse with conditioner.

I find that I have to wash w/ shampoo in order to get all the product buildup out of my hair. Conditioner alone didn't cut it for me.

This method works very well for a lot of ladies hopefully they can post it here.
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JazzAngel said:
I was condering how many people here are using the no poo routine for washing their hair? I have found that it really promotes moisture and less breakage. It's as cleansing as the harsh shampoo with the Amino Laurel Sulfates.


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My hair definitely seems more moisturized since I stopped using shampoo to wash my hair.
poo' washes???? LOVE 'EM. /images/graemlins/wink.gif I don't think I'd had enough of a breakage to even mention it since starting them. Oh yeaahhhhh. *breakdancing*
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I do a modified version of it. I am a daily washer b/c of how I wear my hair so I wash with shampoo about 1-2 times a week and then the other days I just rinse with conditioner.

I find that I have to wash w/ shampoo in order to get all the product buildup out of my hair. Conditioner alone didn't cut it for me.

This method works very well for a lot of ladies hopefully they can post it here.

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Actually the conditioner washes recommended by Lorraine Massey suggest adding a bit of lemon or Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother to a light rinse out conditioner. This should be adequate for removing build up on your hair. Plus you never have to deal with that two days or so of dryness you get after shampoo.

I have been trying it on my mother's relaxed hair and she seems to have great results also. Her hair is appearing less limp after washing and she says that their are almost no hairs in her comb anymore.
I have been doing no poo for a year now. I will prolly wash my hair with a shampoo bar once every three weeks.
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Actually the conditioner washes recommended by Lorraine Massey suggest adding a bit of lemon or Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother to a light rinse out conditioner. This should be adequate for removing build up on your hair

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Girl...I have tried almost every recipe in the book!

I also use a lot of gel on a daily basis. The ACV or lemon rinses just dont get all of it out. (on my hair anyway)

My curls were indeed looking good for a while but my scalp ended up with a white gooey residue on it afer a while and then my hair started looking flat and dull and it felt coated. YUCK!!!

I needed some shampoo to get that mess out.

She also suggests using products with no silicones and only using two products leave-in and clear light gel. But once again that only worked for a while and I had to go back to my old routine.

Your right about the dryness after I shampoo, I do notice it but its not too bad. But I would rather deal with that than the buildup
i always thought the dryness from shampooing was from the harsh ingredients in some shampoos. but if you get a gentle shampoo wouldnt it be okay to wash with it? i guess it is engraved in my brain about the use of shampoo and conditioner and though i like the idea of a condition wash once a week and then regular shampoo and conditioner the idea of throwing out shampoo completely just doesnt sit right with me. the shampoos i use make my hair feel clean and soft and moisturized after use and then after a conditioner it feels like velvet. i think there is never a one size fits all method that works for everyone. also sometimes you have to do what you feel good about as well. /images/graemlins/smile.gif God bless you all.
azul i agree milder and gentler, moisutrising shampoos are now on the market. you only have to find which works for you and you can even use it each day. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I perform conditioner washes about 4 times a week. Sometimes I just let the water hit my hair and then add my VO5 moisturizing conditioner. Then sometimes I actually do a conditioner wash w/ baking soda added to it to clean any buildup. I only shampoo when I perform a hot oil treatment. My hair loves the moisture /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I've been doing conditioner only washes now for approx 4 days a week every evening. I'm doing this after exercising to get rid of the sweat etc on my hair and since I"m doing it daily, I'd rather omit shampoo. Sometimes though I'll go a whole week without doing a shampoo/conditioner rollar set but on average, I'll do c/o washes for 4 days ish and then switch to a shampoo/conditioner rollarset for the remaining days.

I've found the combination of air drying, using conditioner only and leaving my hair alone has helped it alot /images/graemlins/smile.gif Breakage is minimal, less split ends and moisturized hair (particularly when using s-curl activator on wet hair, it makes the hair retain all the moisture big time!)
I can't do conditioner only washes. I hate them. What ever product touches my hair shaft, seems to remain stubborn and doesn't budge. I have like 3 moisturising shampoos that I use on a regular basis and have no problem with dryness or anything like that.

I get a dull look and feel to my hair if I do a CO wash.
There are many shampoo's that are natural w/o the sulfates you mentioned and are gentle for everyday use. To do "conditioner" washes imo is not beneficial. Shampoo is inteneded to Cleanse, Conditioner is to soften. So you are not cleaning you hair but adding polymers on top of polymers.

I don't know where the idea orginiated, but it really does'nt seem to be common sense or beneficial. Can somebody explain to me the benefits of it???
i did my first condition only wash last night and this morning my hair is so much more shinier, soft, and most importantly i experienced less breakage! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I do a lot of running and have to get the sweat out of my hair. While I shampoo my hair 2x per week, the other days are just a rinse, followed by conditioner.
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Mindymouse said:
There are many shampoo's that are natural w/o the sulfates you mentioned and are gentle for everyday use. To do "conditioner" washes imo is not beneficial. Shampoo is inteneded to Cleanse, Conditioner is to soften. So you are not cleaning you hair but adding polymers on top of polymers.

I don't know where the idea orginiated, but it really does'nt seem to be common sense or beneficial. Can somebody explain to me the benefits of it???

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Here is Lorraine Mastey's theory according to the curly girl book.

First the book is intended for women who wear their hair in it's naturally curly state. This is just important to mention because if you want to enhance your curls without having to use a ton of product the no shampoo routine provides this MAJOR benefit. So for type 4's like myself I've noticed my curls are more defined.

So the major thing in her book is keeping curly hair CURLY and doing so without all the frizz, having more well defined curls that are soft to the touch. Of course the frizz factor depends on the nature of your hair, if you are a 3 you'll have less frizz than say a 4 but it still works great for both.

My hair is definatly softer /images/graemlins/smile.gif and has more elasticity, which means less breakage for me, and more growth retained.

The second thing to keep in mind is that this book is also intended for daily washers it seems. I follow the CG routine because since I work out daily, I have to rinse/wash my hair every single day. I can't do that with shampoo, no matter how gentle it is. I've tried Mastey it left my hair hard. Jason's left me cracklin' dry, and Aubrey shampoo seem to leave my hair feeling rough and tangled. I've tried a multitude of other "moisturizing" shampoo's plus bottles of curl activator to come out with dry hair.

If you don't shampoo your hair daily, it probably makes more sense to use shampoo because you may have more product buildup than someone who washes daily.

The third thing about her theory is that friction + water gets the dirt out of your hair. It makes sense. If I scrubbed my body hard enough with just a wash cloth and rinsed, I'm sure I'd loosen the dead skin cells and remove dirt as well (don't worry, I use soap on my body LOL!)

She does mention that if you DO shampoo try to look for shampoo's without the harsh detergents OR to water the shampoo down.

The other thing she mentions is that most conditioners contain some type of cleansing agent in them (I forgot the name of one of them but I looked it up) anyway, which is why conditioners also "bubble up". I noticed that when I am scrubbing my scalp, sure enough my conditioner does provide a slight bubbly lather.

So far with this rountine my hair is not dirty, my scalp has no build up, my hair does not smell.....well, I take that back, it smells like conditioner but it doesn't stink.

The benefits for me have been:

1. No more brushfire waiting to happen on my head (from dry hair)

2. More defined coils, curls and waves

3. Softer and more moisturized hair

4. Less breakage and more elasticity

I don't use grease or any heavy styling products on my hair or scalp so this could be another reason why I don't experience build up.

As for build up with the conditioner, for my daily "wash" I don't use conditioners that contain a bunch of ingredients and I don't use conditioners that contain silicones, except on my deep conditioning days. So no problem with "over conditioning" so far. My hair isn't limp or anything.

Also since conditioners are temporary, by the next wash, it's out of the hair. I'm sure I'm not explaining that part correctly so if anyone else knows what I mean and can say it all means /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif The only thing that really bonds to hair is another protein, and even still you have to do protein conditioners every so often to refill the "missing pieces".

Anyway, this is the way I see it.... It's by far the CHEAPEST experiment I've ever tried. I mean I already HAD conditioner in the house, so there was nothing to run out and purchase. I decided that if I didn't like it, then the worse thing that could happen is (gasp!) I'd just have to shampoo.

But again, it works for ME, and works for ME may not be for everyone. Like shampoo for my hair leaves it looking dry, and hard until about the third day, but by then it's time for another shampoo.... but for others it works. The benefits for me have been listed above and I hope clarify why "I" do it. I can't speak to the benefits others have had.

So all in all, whateva works for YOU is what you should stick with.

Tara /images/graemlins/grin.gif
i have a question. are you just wetting your hair and then applying conditioner and rinsing or are you using a cheap conditioner like suave as a shampoo and another conditioner like elucene as a regular or deep conditioner? do you also use a leave in conditioner in your hair or is there no need? God bless you all.
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Armyqt said:
I do a lot of running and have to get the sweat out of my hair. While I shampoo my hair 2x per week, the other days are just a rinse, followed by conditioner.

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I do the same thing...sometimes I coat my hair with conditioner then lightly shampoo my scalp only...
Thanks Tara for explaining that, I never understood.
I'm not sure I do now fully, but if it benefits you.

Again, Thank you that was very thorough... /images/graemlins/smile.gif
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Just wanted to say excellent post and awesome summary of Lorraine Massey's book and her method!!!!


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Thanks girl! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

The only BAD thing I have noticed about the CG method is........

It seems to have stopped my PJ'ism!! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
For real! Everytime anyone would post about the new "holy grail" for dry hair, I'd run out and buy it.

Now I the only thing I buy are conditioners (when I'm out) and of course my Curl Activator, and occasionally a gel for my rare occasions when I do "style" my hair.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Mindymouse said:
Thanks Tara for explaining that, I never understood.
I'm not sure I do now fully, but if it benefits you.

Again, Thank you that was very thorough... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif Hey well I tried!! LOL!

and girl, I'm nothing if not thorough, I do try to keep it short, maybe it's a Pisces thing /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

And if you are still curious the book is called Curly Girl The Hand book- A celebration of Curls: How to cut them, care for them, love them, and set them free

By Lorraine Massey

I read half the book in Barnes and Nobles before I decided to purchase it. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
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I read half the book in Barnes and Nobles before I decided to purchase it

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/images/graemlins/grin.gif I'm AM not the only one... /images/graemlins/grin.gif
/images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I did one this past Saturday. My hair came out hard, but I know that is because I was using protein conditioners like every week. No worries.

I can't wait to get home so I can do another conditioner wash tonight! /images/graemlins/blush.gif
Ahh, thank you very much. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I must admit that her constant jumping and falling is making me dizzy. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif

Thanks for that excellent indepth post about co washing /images/graemlins/wink.gif

It is a case I believe, like everything else, of what works for one may not for another too.
Hi, Jazz!
Let me tell you about how I felt about the no-poo wash. Today I went to the store and bought some VO5 Strawberries and Cream conditioner for my wash. I've used it and left my hair feeling soft and tangle free. And I agree from the other posts here. No cones were added and my hair is a lot better than those harsh shampoos that I still have.

I'll be doing this from now on. I'll use the ACV rinse afterwards. 'Cause here in Indiana, we have hard water and I don't want my hair to be loaded with all of that "junk" to dry my hair out.

Do you have hard water in your area and used ACV rinse to remove deposits in your hair?
More hair, Grow hair


BabyCurls, I love Alberto VO5 also but I also love the Suave conditioners as well.

Tara thanks for explaining more about the conditioning washes. Like you, shampoo of any kind leaves my hair dry. Adding a teaspoon of lemon to my Suave conditoner give me squeeky clean hair without that staw feeling for days later.
I did one last night, and my hair came out decent this time. Last week when I did it, my hair was hard, but I know it was due to my overuse of protein conditioners. It is softening up again.

But can anyone tell me, it seems that my curls aren't as defined anymore. The newgrowth is, but not the ends which used to be the curliest. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif