No Shampoo/No Water?

I must be odd because i really do not like washing or wetting my hair.its a source of frustration and eats up time not matter what.the longer i can go without washing the better. LOL "Dirty" hair in its natural state is usualy easier to style and handle imo although i draw the line at obvious odors and hair that becomes "untouchable".

Also everyones body chemistry is different so to say one should have an odor or feel "dirty" in X amount of time cannot really be said. I used to have a friend whos scalp smelled rancid just a day or so after washing while another can go weeks on end with no issue.
Yeah, sorry OP. It's Ellepixie's fault. :angel:

@EllePixie, watch... you gonn' confuse folks into thinking one gets such an awesome huge afro from not washing their hair. :giggle: Or in a few months, someone will write, well, Elle doesn't wash her hair for 6 months and she has such beautiful hair. I remember when she posted the afro she gets from this regimen in a post on this topic. :lachen:

LOL. So true :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I read about this on the other website. Personally, I didn't like that ladies approach as she seemed to be saying" why do we wash our hair. she was set upon people seeing her reasoning for not washing her hair or her son's hair ( in over 1 year) My thoughts.... if i can wash my hair down in my private area daily I can at least wash the hair on my head with water on a weekly basis. Water should be our best friend not our enemy. Screw hair growth.... my scalp needs some water! Water is the ultimate cleanser. On a side note this is perhaps why my husband doesn't eat other's people cooking. He says that "people are nasty... not everyone bathes or have good hygiene practices. PersonallyI wouldn't eat someones cooking who never washes their hair at least with water knowingly.

I read on another forum that a woman hadn't washed her hair (natural) in six months and that it was in the best condition ever! She states her hair grows faster and the texture has changed (did not specify how). Not only does she not wash her hair, she doesn't use water on it either.

I have never heard of this. I did google and found an article where a woman didn't wash her hair in 11 years with great results. I also found other articles which discuss this stating shampoo strips the sebum from the hair and all you have to do is brush/comb massage the sebun down the length of your hair for healthy results.

I know that somewhere and at some time this was discussed on LHCF but I have not been able to find a thread.

Has anyone tried this? What were your results? Thoughts?
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I read about this on the other website. Personally, I didn't like that ladies approach as she seemed to be saying" why do we wash our hair. My reply was this.... if i can was my hair down in my private area daily I can at least wash the hair on my head with water. Water should be our best friend not our enemy. Screw hair growth.... my scalp needs some water!

I didn't like her approach either. The woman was very defensive. She should have known that people would take issue with never washing hair and only using Luster's No Drip or whatever she used for moisture. It kills me when people expect tolerance for their position but are totally intolerant of anyone elses.

I did enjoy the discussion though because I had never heard of water only washing or not washing hair at all. I try to remain open to at least learn about different approaches to hair care even if I wouldn't try it myself.
I couldn't go weeks without washing parts of my body, including the hair.
That's a bit yucky to me.
I can't imagine how much it would itch!!