NO REALLY: how LONG does it take to KNOW if he is THE ONE?


Well-Known Member
how much time do you give a relationship before you end it? how long do you give yourself to stay with someone -- this is for the ladies that are looking/dating to find their SO?

this is not about back and forth craziness many of us have been through.
i don't do that anymore. off and on off and on. :nono:
i don't like to waste my time.

when i meet a guy (WORTHY OF DATING, i.e. not cause he has a nice job and a benz) and date him i give myself 3-6 months to see where it's going.
unless it's super magnetic, i give it 3 mos to go exclusive - i like to date slow and take my time.
at the 6 mo mark -- i either stay or go and this is based upon a few vital questions:

do i want to marry/partner with this man?
would i want this man to be the father of any child i bear?
is he the kind of man that i would have wanted for a father?
is he responsible? (encompassing all aspects of responsibility)
do i trust him? (encompassing all aspects of trust)
do i want to spend the rest of my life with him?

i'm 1000000% honest with myself in these answers. if the answer is no to any of the above or i hesitate, i take the time to reflect on the question at hand, give myself a few weeks to sort it out and if i still come up with no or any doubts, i bounce. god gives us intuition for a reason.

it's like a stock, if it's doing bad, i pull out. good, i invest more money and purchase more shares. no need to go broke when you have control over the situation.

in most cases, it does not take a year or years and years to decide if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone. and yeah, there are always exceptions to the rules of course.

but don't tell my cousin that who's been trying to get married for the last 20 to a woman that won't marry him. he's a nut for that.

and tell that to my sis who married happily after a year or so and is 17 yrs strong.

so how long do you give a relationship before you end it (if need be)?

and for those that found their SO, how soon did it hit you that he was the one for you?
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Good thread.

And my timeline is pretty much the same where every 3 month mark is mental timepoint. It's usually at 6 months where I've made a decision on who is going to be in my life. If we keep going up to 12 months, I'll bounce if it doesn't look like we're going to get married.

But yeah, on-again-off-again relationships? :nono::nono: I don't do them b/c somebody is stringing somebody along. I don't know how to string anybody and I dont' like to get strung. :nono:
This is a very insightful thread... I imagine I could learn a lot from the answers here. I was in an on again off again relationship for four years and it never once occurred to me that if after six months I'm still not sure about him, I should have left.

Could have saved myself a lot of time and heartache!
I don't have a timeline per se, I feel it out. It doesn't take long for me to figure if it's worth my time or not but it's not the same amount of time for every relationship. Bottom line is, I'm out at the first sign of trouble and when doubt starts to rear it's ugly head.
I think a lot of women like the comfort of having a man around. They may answer no to all of the important questions but having any man is better than being alone. Being the one to walk away is a hard thing for women to do.

Currently I am single and I haven't been on many dates during the past couple of years. I am ready to get married so at this point I wouldn't even waste my time dating a guy unless he meets certain criteria that I consider important for my future hubby to exhibit.
1-2 months tops. The first month is the "facade" they say what you want, do what you want, do everything they are supposed to do, etc...
The 2nd and/or 3rd month is usually when the true colors start coming out.
I think a lot of women like the comfort of having a man around. They may answer no to all of the important questions but having any man is better than being alone. Being the one to walk away is a hard thing for women to do.

Currently I am single and I haven't been on many dates during the past couple of years. I am ready to get married so at this point I wouldn't even waste my time dating a guy unless he meets certain criteria that I consider important for my future hubby to exhibit.

yess!! they let him string her along all the while in the back of her mind she knows she can do better because there are a lot better men out there.

why would you settle for czs when you know you can get a diamond???

as long as it took for me to realize that i was the one for him. it's not about testing him, but testing myself - how do i feel, how do i act, how does he move me, how comfortable is my spirit?
once i knew i was cool, he was cool.
it's impossible to put a time limit on that.
IMHO it is all about how the two people really and turly connect with one another. You can be with a man 4 years and 2 years into to it can start going crazy. then you can Meet another and all the signs are there for both people involved. IMHO it has to do with timing and the attraction between the two. It just all depends on the person and what they are projecting. MHO
By month 2.5 I knew he wasn't sh!t.

By month 3 I could prove it.

I'm a Christian yall but sometimes the going gets rough. :perplexed
1-2 months tops. The first month is the "facade" they say what you want, do what you want, do everything they are supposed to do, etc...
The 2nd and/or 3rd month is usually when the true colors start coming out.
i knew with my fiancé from the first month. we were on the same page with soooo many things
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It takes me a long time to truely say that this one is the "ONE". I think I have been so disappointed in my last 2 relationships (one was 7 years and the most recent was 3 years) that I can't give my current SO the benefit of the doubt. I've know him since 8/04 and we just became exclusive 10/07. Because I took so long to fully commit, he was about to give up on me! Then I realized that if this man can put up with my pessimism about love, my lack of trust, my insecurities, my doubts about my worth, then I should at least give him the love he so fully deserves. I do not trust easily. I hate that about myself. I always go into relationships with the notion "he will *** up soon, so keep yourself guarded, prepare and watch out". This one is teaching me to love fully and honestly. I am still not sure if he is the one, but I am enjoying most of our time. So for me, I think I need to fully let go and let GOD........
some guys aren't the "one"....but you learn a great deal from being with them and can have a great experience regardless......if pulling out all the positives from different relationships that help make you a better you, help you figure out what you do and don't want, how to love and how not to love, whats real and whats not then every relationship doesn't have to be about

is he the one....

he is the one who can help elevate you to a better you, if he isn't the one u spend the rest of your life with

even some of the worst people u have experienced with when looked at in a positive light something pertinent to self evolution can be pulled from it and built upon until you are that total woman ready for that for real "one"
I felt like DH was the "one" after two months:blush:

I wasn't ready to get married though because I felt too young. We got married after 6 years. It was the best decision of my life so far!