No Products....


New Member
/images/graemlins/newbie.gif Hello,
New member here. I was just wondered if anyone else has done this? Gone no products?! I'm a natural 4B/C hair no coils or s patterns, just wave and straight bits.

I just went no products about a 3-4 weeks ago. And I have no problems. I first started out 1 product, which was shampoo, dumped that and went 2 product which was conditioner, which doubled as 1 and 1/2. Now I've dumped that and just use water and some home made stuff like coconut milk once every two weeks. But no pomade, no shampoo.

I have to admit I did sort of go product crazy just by the, great reviews from some other hair sites. (The two above and some (2 more) which I didn't open since I decided to go no product.) But I discovered I don't have hair like theirs /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif and some of these products weren't working my way, not only that I'm no Rockefellar. And with all the product changes, which wasn't alot, I was doing...I don't know what or if there was any long term damage. And I've noticed that I'm prone to allergic reactions to some products, even if natural. But I did try gel and my leave in they reacted with the henna I use on a periodic basis. So I was sort of forced into no product.

And I must say my hair is great. It's not soft, like 'run your fingers through', but it's not dry. I prefer it this way since I've come to terms that oils, including Olive have no affect on my hair besides just sitting on it. I really wanted it to work too, since I've gotten recommendation that can last me a lifetime on the wonders for black hair, which I have, it did nothing at all for me. But my hair seems healthy and strong. I just use some bottled or pre-boiled water when hennaing and pre-conditioning with my coconut recipe and that's it every 2 weeks (I'm planning), if I'm not lazy. /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif /images/graemlins/rofl.gif

So really no products, unless their products, but since their natural home grown ingredients with no additives or preservatives that I know of, I just classed it as that. I'm babbling now.. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Just wondering if anyone else went that mode or thinking of it? Oh and if your wondering I have about 1 inch growth in a month. And I haven't started taking vitamins yet. /images/graemlins/Flahssssss.gif /images/graemlins/kiss2.gif

P.S. I love these graemlins. Oh, no my addiction is gonna come back......
Welcome to the board Ace9. /images/graemlins/clap.gifThat's great that you get all that growth each and eevery month?

what is your current length ? And what is your ultimate hair goal, or are you just opting for hair health as opposed to lenght?

I personally cannot do the no product thing. The climate just doesn't aloow it for me. If I lived on a tropical island with beautiful climate and soft natural water maybe things would be different. Also my hair is chemically processed so it nees LOTS of moisture.
Hi Ace9,

Welcome to the board! /images/graemlins/party2.gif
I'm relaxed also and wouldn't be able to do the no products.
Good luck on your healthy hair journey. /images/graemlins/wave.gif
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LondonDiva said:
Welcome to the board Ace9. /images/graemlins/clap.gifThat's great that you get all that growth each and eevery month?

what is your current length ? And what is your ultimate hair goal, or are you just opting for hair health as opposed to lenght?

I personally cannot do the no product thing. The climate just doesn't aloow it for me. If I lived on a tropical island with beautiful climate and soft natural water maybe things would be different. Also my hair is chemically processed so it nees LOTS of moisture.

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Hey, thanks for the welcome.
Hey London Diva. Well really added chemical to my hair about 2 or 3 times, far between so I tend to forget. Now I'm back to natural. And when I had clipped my hair which I did myself. I had about 2 1/2 or 3 inches of hair. Now I'm about 4 inches and a little over.

I myself never noticed that my hair grew that long. My sister who eats shite, her diet is horrible, her hair grows about 5 inches in a month. It's life have you seen East Asians when they cut their hair and it's like the next day their hair is back to that length. That's how my sister's hair is. But one of my mates, a male at that actually noticed and we compared. I was impressed myself and absolutely no diet now.

And so now I have 4 inches hair length but I'm wanting about 25 inches in future. I put myself at about 6 inches a year, just following hte basic 1/2 inch a month quota that's set out. And I'm clipping my hair ever six months. So I was thinking maybe 25 in 5 years. But seeing my hair growth it could be cut down to 2 or 3 years. From there I'll see if I'll maintain it or if I'll cut it.

I had it close to that long before and It was heavy on my head and made me hot.

As for dryness none yet and I understand about chemical treatment and dryness. But I live in London, which is perpetually cold and dreary. Or cold and sunny. Or just windy. So I know that. but I put my hair in hats. And I'm come into yarning my hair, which is putting braids or two strand twists but with yarn instead. So my hair seems fine.
I just don't want to spend the money or the time on using tons of products. Most of the ones I've read seem to be 30 minutes on doing their stuff, and me it's about 5 minutes applying a pre condiitioner and I could do whatever I want while it does it's thing. And another 10 to rinse out with filtered or boiled water. No shower water. Hard water drys out my hair.

And as for hair health. I'm feeling the lack of products will promote hair health. Alot of shampoos and conditioners and gels and all that like leave-in's have added stuff in it. I'm really moving away from that. So my hair is becomign I feel healthy and dependent on itself rather than on products. And I've avoided dying my hair like the plague, because of the chemicals that are involved. I pretty much want nothing not natural touching my hair. So I've dumped shampoo out. And I've moved away from oils. I notice they just sit on my hair. It's like my hair is stiff and teh olive oil can be wiped off. So my hair isn't softened by it. But I do add a small capful in my henna and preconditoner. But it's pretty much the coconut creme and milk that I depend on.

So overall I feel I'm maintain lengthh and health at the same time. Killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.

Again thanks for welcoming me.

I'm really loving this board. It's very accepting of everyone not discriminatory to hair type or condition. It doesn't matter if you natural, texturized, curly or straight, chemical, this is beautiful. Just loving the hair for what it is..Just hair!!! Cut or grow it long...Or try rad. Even short haired people can be hair just for hair tips. Oh man I love it here. Which I find great, all it's about is getting long hair. Which is rad...I don't mind long or short, but I want to see how far it could grow.

Thanks again. Londondiva and pebbles this site is great and I'm already loving you guys. Man it's so cool here.
A9 /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/up.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/angeldevil.gif
Hey Ace9..I definitely could never do no products as I'm a relaxed girl myslef--and then I wouldn't have an excuse to hang out in beauty supply stores.

I just came in to say WELCOME and SAK PASÈ!
Am I hearing my brethren. /images/graemlins/weird.gif /images/graemlins/wave.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/alcoholics.gif I was just born there. But hey. Yeah, I don't think alot of people could, even the naturals love. Some of them dye their hair, so I would see that as impossible to go no products.

I'm happy with it. No problems so far, and my hair is growing. And I have more money to spend on food. Yay me!!! /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/wink.gif /images/graemlins/king.gif /images/graemlins/rofl.gif /images/graemlins/kiss2.gif

daer ace 9

what do you do with the coconut milk exactly? I do have 4a hair, and i remember using it once for a preconditioning before using jason's aloe conditioner.

I feel you about the products discussed on this board though. I would like to try them out, but living in the uk shipping prices are crippling, and the products here (apart from the west indian markets) tend to be geared towards whites or asians. Even one or two biracials i know do find the product selections daunting.

Like you, i am gearing towards paring down my product selection. Right now i am trying to make my own pomade (can't stand mineral oil or petroleum) for twists, and to lay down the hairs. And just making my own products.

So, if you could, tell me how u use the coconut milk again?

thanks in advance

ta-ra for now

Hey Ace9...I just want to say welcome. You are such an inspiration! Reading your post makes me realize what I always thought...less is best. I've scaled back the products I use(which is saving me money) in my hair. I have my 'favorite' products I stick to now and only those. You prove that where there's a will there's a way. Again... WELCOME! /images/graemlins/bouncy.gif
I think if your hair is taking to the no products method then I would stick with it. I'm not a product junkie but I have been convinced by Phillip Kingsley (trichologist to the rich and famous) that natural products are not more effective or less effective than manufactured products. We all tend to think of natural products as better for our hair when they are not necessarily. Many manufactured products are based on nature and contain some synthetic versions of the exact same chemicals you find in natural products.

My hair needs it's conditioner and needs it moisturisers. I could do the no product method, but all that mixing and research is too much for my lazy behind. I prefer to buy it in a jar. I also get the flexibility of trying new ones and finding what is best for my hair.

This is not to put you off your method. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!

I like this guy, no relevance to the post /images/graemlins/whip.gif /images/graemlins/whip.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Ace9 said:

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Again thanks for welcoming me.

I'm really loving this board. It's very accepting of everyone not discriminatory to hair type or condition. It doesn't matter if you natural, texturized, curly or straight, chemical, this is beautiful. Just loving the hair for what it is..Just hair!!! Cut or grow it long...Or try rad

Thanks again. Londondiva and pebbles this site is great and I'm already loving you guys. Man it's so cool here.
A9 /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/up.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/angeldevil.gif

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I totally agree with you, it's a nice vibe here. Nice to see a fellow Londoner. I don't feel so alone now that there are more on here /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
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Hey Jazz or Canuck!! /images/graemlins/weird.gif /images/graemlins/wave.gif I think I know you from other hair sites...but I can't be sure since I left and loved this site. It's so welcoming. Never found another site like it. /images/graemlins/kissing4.gif /images/graemlins/kiss2.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/barf.gif

I'm natural as well. I just use it as a preconditioner. And it's pretty basic, I take some coconut milk which you can get anywhere and I just found coconut creme which I might add to this. And add some olive oil and an egg. As for the OO onlly a capful maybe two. Olive oil, doesn't do much for my hair, just lays there when my hair is dry. And I stir it together and sort of rub it through my hair and let it sit for 30 minutes, my head is in a plastic bag or shower cap. Or i sometimes fall asleep with it, my pillow is of course covered.

And rinsing it out in the morning. My bedroom is very hot. Because I don't like hair dryers or heating caps, I have my body produce it's own heat to heat up my hair. I usually put on both my heaters and kind of get that sauna feel, your hair heats up and so it becomes a hot oil treatment.

Once I rinse my hair. I then use my henna recipe or I don't, laziness, it's so hard to maintain. Now I've started adding yarn braids, that I do myself, sloppy /images/graemlins/lick.gif /images/graemlins/look.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/rofl.gif and thick, I like the raggedy Ann look /images/graemlins/antlers.gif. And that holds. then I start again.

My hair is pretty short at the moment so I'm letting it grow out. i would do twist outs, I'm 4b/c hair with only waves and alot of straight parts, and I've noticed that I don't hold twist outs well, because of the straight parts and my waves also straighten when stretched.

So it's a pretty light recipe. No pomade, no nothing. And my hair is very soft when wet, and as I said before, when dry it's not soft but it's not dry. Oh I used boiled or filtered or bottled water, I don't do shower water anymore. And never hot. Only cool or lukewarm.

By the way it's something I got from my Zimbabwean friend. She's like that's what all her friends use who are natural and their is very long and healthy. They've of course used it for years. So far I like it. no like anything radical, but I'm sure with continuous use, it will be grand. Most things take time. And since this for me is for the health rather than luster or shine for my hair. The nutrients enter my scalp through the pores. i would use essential oils, but unlike many women from other hair sites I've noticed, I'm wary. There are alot of things you have to keep in mind when using essential oils, which seem to be neglected. So I get the vitamins and nutrients I need, tons of protein, which is necessary to promote healthy hair. Or so I've read.

A9 /images/graemlins/flyingwitch.gif /images/graemlins/crystalball.gif /images/graemlins/spank.gif /images/graemlins/Flahssssss.gif
This is to sweet cocoa...
Thanks. I just couldn't be bothered with the whole hair thing. I have enough stress in life to consider my hair not just hair. I mean there are many women who are like their hair is their person. But come on.....

In real life I feel that hair is the most insignificant thing and shouldn't be my stressor. Try a few things to promote health. But then I just get tired of it. So I was like let's do this the all natural way. To take up the idea of someone else on this board. What would you do if you were stuck on a desert island...and living like Swiss Family Robinson or Robinson Crusoe?! Anything can happen. So I try to be convenient.

I'll give you an example of what I mean. I remember I was doing a math problem and I took out my calculator. Now keep in mind that I loved maths, and don't even need to do on calculator paper and pen and a little imagination is enough. But my dad said these words? What if there wasn't a calculator...what would you do? Let's just say it made me think and I was like, I'd use my head. So I started to depend on the things I can get a hold of and make work if I was in a really bad situation. Sadly I haven't figured out a thing as to what to use to shave... /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif /images/graemlins/rofl.gif /images/graemlins/king.gif /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif

And this is to Londongirl3 I think....

Hey I completely agree with you to an extent. I was a former student of the subject, got bored. I think I know enough about natures ambiguity, had it drilled in my brain. /images/graemlins/hammer.gif (close as I can get /images/graemlins/drunk.gif)

I find it silly if someone things natural way is the complete and only way to go in terms of better health. It is in this day and age that we see a popularity in such drugs or treatment. Thing is, there have been no long and serious formal tests, to prove the functionality of these drugs. Let me further explain that. Natural drugs tend to change due to the persons health, the persons diet, the individual make-up, the age and weight, oh and nature of the disease. All of these play a factor in what are the results in natural medicine. In the case of medical science, sure you can have side affects which are carefully moderated..there is something else. The drug has a complete goal and focus, what is the determining factor is the funciton on the liver mainly in their case. So as for natural medicines or natural products I am in agreement of beign wary.

Now there only two natural products I would I use. Coconut milk and henna. I know from experience henna is working. As for the milk, it's something that was passed on and I find I quite like. It was just a test, but it works so I'm following it. I try to buy the container with the least amount of preservatives and I mix and use. At first it was just henna. Now I've just added this. And this because I'm lazy. No big search on my part. It came up during conversation and thought the recipe was interesting.

And anyway I said I was going natural, I decided to go the whole thing. Some of those products give me allergic reactions anyway as I mentioned.

A9 /images/graemlins/spank.gif /images/graemlins/antlers.gif /images/graemlins/huh.gif /images/graemlins/assimilate.gif