No product routine


New Member
I found out about this routine on another site and taught it was interesting...yet strange. It basically consists of using Minimal hair products and washing your hair with water only! Would you ever try this? If you've tried it how did it work for you?:)
Brownshugaz said:
just water?? um no!

I agree! I taught it was strange but alot of these ladies are claiming how wonderful their hair feels, moisturized soft...yada yada. But my thing is, how would get rid of build up?
This is just plain old nastiness. wash your hair with water only. YUKE! no products, Hell no. half this forum is full of PJ and don't think anyone would survive a week on this challenge.

I hope i didn't offend in anyway. i know you just wanted to share.

I've heard of the no product routine, but the ladies were washing their hair normally. But I guess if you aren't using products there is no chance for product build, so they can wash their hair with water only & get away with it.
I wouldn't try it, although I am a minimalist.
Exactly. It doesn't sound that stupid to me.
Your sebum is the 'good oil' for your hair, and many of the ladies are trying to put oil *back* into their scalps, using jojoba, etc, and similar oils that emulate our natural sebum.

If one was just washing their hair with water, and they weren't using products to create buildup, doesn't sound like any harm would be done. and actually... any dirt particules would come out with a good water rinse...

Shampoo and conditioner aren't magical dirt magnet attrators that automatically rid your hair of every impurity...

Whatever. just my little rant. I wouldn't do it, because I use too many products on a daily basis.

But. if anyone does try it, i'd like to see what their experience is...
This really isn't so crazy. Your hair will be cleaner more often if you rinse it every day than if you wait a week or longer to shampoo it, provided you aren't using products on it after rinsing. Nothing gets a chance to build up on your hair to begin with.
I tried this for a few days while I was trying out a low product (poo & con, nothing else) routine in the summer, and I think the main concern would be if you have hard water. I couldn't go more than a few days with rinsing only because my water is really hard and my hair felt dry, almost like it was too clean actually. I have to at least use conditioner. I would give the no product thing another go if I had a water filter or something.
Believe it or not last weekend I was having conditioner issues (tanlging my hair) so I had to jump in the shower 2x to deal with the tangles the leave in conditioner was causing. In the end I ended up blowdrying with NOTHING in my hair and it was GREAT. My hair was soft and it blowdried effortlessly and quickly. I dont think I would do it again without at LEAST a heat protectant but for that day and the issues at hand it was amazing.
Well my first guess is that this would work extremely well for caucasian women. (i'm speaking theoretically) Or for women who haven't permenantly damaged their hair with a chemical of any sort. The reason being is that their hair isn't damaged, it's in it's natural state, it's healthy and is properly oiled. So rinsing the hair daily of impurities such as dust, lint, excessive oil, or smoke would work. However, if your hair is chemically treated, which means the cuticle has been degraded to some degree....i'd highly advise to continue to use at least a conditioner to keep your hair's cuticle sealed, to temporarily add protein to strenthen, and also to moisturize and lubricate your hair. This is important to retaining your hair strands. Like i said...if u ain't got chemical damage, then rinsing probably would be good enough to remove dirt. Our hair actually dries so very quickly if it doesn't have any products in it. (I tried it a few months ago and was pleasantly surprised) It dries so fast that your hair doesn't have the time to 'frizz up' your hair dries straight(er). surprise, surprise.... I guess it makes sense cause a moisturizer is supposed to help retain moisture in your hair ....
I 've heard of it before and I don't think it sounds that strange. If you are rinsing reguralarly and using minimal products then I don't see where their would be a problem. I use products now and don't have build up or dirty hair, I condition wash and avoid shampoo as much as possible. I think this would work best on non-chemically treated hair though because all of the extra products won't be needed to keep it in good condition.
I've heard of no product routine, but by that, they usually mean no product between washing routine. The person still uses shampoo or co-washes. I think it might work for some people.

But, washing hair with water only?

I dunno. This begs the question, If I use minimal or no makeup, can I wash my face and body with water only?