
New Member
Hey ladies,
reading serenity breezes post a couple of days ago got me to thinking. I texturized my hair 3 days ago with designer touch texturing relaxer. I did not get the neutralizing shampooe with b/c I already had neutralizing shampoo at home that my mom had left from her visit. I am new to this whole relaxer thing, I was natural for almost two years. so, when I whased my hair and no pink showed up I didn't think anything about it. does every neutralizing shampoo show up pink:confused: , is there some that do other things:perplexed , do I need to go and get another shampoo:look: ,Is my hair going to fall out:eek: !!! What do you guys think?
thanks for responding honeydew the one I used was texture and tones so hopefully that is one of those that is not color coded! thanks
I also have Textures and Tones and it does not have a color alarm. I use it along with Isoplus (which does have a pink color alarm :up:) because it suds up really well- and helps stretch out the amount neutralizing poo I use. I can go through a whole bottle in a couple of sudsings so . . . :lol:
thank you sistaslicks! I can totaly relax now I washed it twice with the texture and tones so that should be good.Don't know if I'm going to do the whole texturizing thing again. It kinda freak me out after two years of being natural.If i do I'll probably have someone else do it:look: Anyway ladies thanks for your help!!
Sistaslick said:
I also have Textures and Tones and it does not have a color alarm. I use it along with Isoplus (which does have a pink color alarm :up:) because it suds up really well- and helps stretch out the amount neutralizing poo I use. I can go through a whole bottle in a couple of sudsings so . . . :lol:

Sounds like me. You should see how much shampoo they give you in a little pouch in the ORS no-lye kits. :eek:

I drive myself crazy if I don't neutralize, neutralize, neutralize!!! And I like the color coding, too. (which ORS is not:look: )

How did you like the Design Touch texturizer?

Just curious as to if this would be better than texturizing with say Affirm or Mizani or some other relaxer
HoneyDew said:
Sounds like me. You should see how much shampoo they give you in a little pouch in the ORS no-lye kits. :eek:

I drive myself crazy if I don't neutralize, neutralize, neutralize!!! And I like the color coding, too. (which ORS is not:look: )

YEAH! The Dark in Lovely kit is like that too. Heck, I think all the no-lye kits have that eensy weensy bottle of neutralizer in them. :mad: I drain bottles man! Even after the suds come out white, I gently scrub my scalp as a last step and guess what! All kinds of hot pink, magenta, and FUSHCIA suds all over again. Guess the base on the scalp catches the relaxer and/or the relaxer kinda settles into it before you wash it all out.:ohwell: I'm almost scared to think of what my scalp would endure if I hadn't based it. :eek:
When I self relaxed last weekend, I followed up my inital rinsing with Wella ph Normalizing Lotion for 2 min. It halts the relaxing process and conditions. I saturated my hair and scalp with it. Then I rinsed and lathered and rinsed 2x with the Proclaim Neutralizing poo, then I lathered again and let the lather sit for 5 min. Then I rinsed and lathered and rinsed 2 additional times and I didn't see pink. Plus the first wash post touch up I never smelled that chemical relaxer smell. I think the Wella ph normalizing lotion really stopped the relaxer in its tracks. :scratchch I highly recommend it. :up:
bklynwildheart said:

Does anyone know if Mizani's Phormula-7 has color alarm?? :confused:

Nope, not from my knowledge. This is the neutr. poo that I use and I can't see a darn thing turning pink.
Remember ladies, it's the RINSING that stops the relaxer from processing. RINSE your hair for at LEAST 5 minutes prior to putting anything else on it. If the water itself didn't stop the processing, then Affirm/Fiberguard would NOT have the protein reconstructor step as the step right after the relaxer. If you PROPERLY RINSE your hair, no matter if you have a green/purple/pink color-coded neutralizing shampoo - it should be WHITE on the first shampoo. If it's not white on the first go-round, you're not RINSING properly. You'll know at your next relaxer that you need to RINSE longer than you did if you got pink on the first round.