:::NO Perm:::


Well-Known Member
I dont really want to do perms anymore but I also dont want to go au naturel. What are some alternatives?
I dont want to perm, because of the damage it does, although I could change my mind in a couple of weeks because of the MSM I am taking inwhich softens my hair which would allow me to go longer periods without perming.

Any thoughts?
Should I just stick with the MSM and oerm less often? I perm about every 4-5 weeks, maybe even 3
I tend to think it's not healthy for the hair to relax more often than every 2 months but that's just my opinion...

Why don't you try going past your 5 week period and see how you feel then? If that goes ok, try to get to 2 months. Maybe by increasing the time in between relaxers, you can improve your hair health. I'm sure some of the other ladies here have some good information regarding stretching relaxers!

Good luck to you with whatever decision you make!
yes, i do my relaxer every 6 mos and i am gonna try to go longer this time i wanna wait 2 mos....i am gonna try to strtch it out as long as i can , the less chemicals the better..imo